Flatlogic’s New Direction: AI-Powered Business Software Over Web Templates

Flatlogic was founded in 2013 with a clear vision: to simplify the process of web and mobile application development. Initially, they focused on creating and selling web templates, particularly those using popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Bootstrap. Their templates were designed to help developers quickly build admin dashboards and other essential components of web applications, reducing the time and effort required to create functional and aesthetically pleasing user interfaces.

Key aspects of their early offerings included:

  • React, Angular, and Bootstrap templates: Easy-to-use, customizable templates for various projects.
  • Admin dashboards: Pre-built components to streamline the creation of backend interfaces.
  • Versatile design: Templates that could be adapted to fit different project needs.

The early success of these templates allowed Flatlogic to establish a strong presence in the market. Developers appreciated the quality and versatility of their templates, which could be easily customized to fit various project needs. This solid foundation enabled them to build a loyal customer base, including notable companies like Samsung, Apple, and UNICEF. As the demand for more sophisticated solutions grew, Flatlogic recognized the need to evolve and expand their offerings to stay ahead in the rapidly changing tech landscape.

Chapter NEW: What Flatlogic Team is Devising Nowadays

In 2022, Flatlogic embarked on a strategic shift to transform from a template provider to a comprehensive business software solutions company. They recognized that businesses needed more than just templates—they needed fully functional, customizable applications that could address complex business needs. This realization led to the development of the Flatlogic Generator, a groundbreaking platform that leverages AI to simplify the creation of advanced business applications.

The Flatlogic Generator enables users to build custom ERPs, CRMs, SAAS platforms, and more with ease and speed. By selecting their preferred technology stack (React, Vue, Angular, Node.js, Laravel) and defining their database schema using AI, users can create sophisticated applications tailored to their specific requirements. The platform generates the front-end, back-end, and database structures, ensuring everything is fully connected and ready to use.

Key offerings of the Flatlogic Generator include:

  • Rapid Development: Develop web apps in minutes instead of months. Their platform generates front-end, back-end, and database structures, fully connected and ready to use.
  • Customization: Full ownership of the source code allows for deep customizations and scalability without typical platform limitations.
  • AI-Driven Development: Their AI capabilities guide users through development, making it as simple as texting. Post-launch, AI continues to optimize and evolve the app.
  • Seamless Deployment: Applications created with Flatlogic are hosted securely on the cloud, with CI/CD processes, ensuring quick and reliable deployments.
  • Comprehensive Features: Built-in authentication, role-based access control, data analytics, and more ensure robust and secure applications.

Today, Flatlogic is focused on delivering advanced business solutions like CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), and SAAS (Software as a Service) applications. These solutions are designed to:

  • Enhance Customer Engagement: Tailored CRM solutions offering contact and lead management, sales automation, and insightful analytics.
  • Integrate Deeply with Business Processes: Fully customized ERP systems tailored to enterprise needs.
  • Enable Rapid Iteration and Deployment: Efficiently develop and deploy scalable SAAS applications, maintaining full control over the code.

By continuing to innovate and evolve, Flatlogic remains committed to empowering businesses worldwide with cutting-edge software solutions.

Instrument your Nodejs Applications with Open Source Tools – Part 2

As we mentioned in the previous article, at NodeSource, we are dedicated to observability in our day-to-day, and we know that a great way to extend our reach and interoperability is to include the Opentelemetry framework as a standard in our development flows; because in the end our vision is to achieve high-performance software, and it is what we want to accompany the journey of developers in their Node.js base applications.

With this, we know that understanding the bases was very important to know the standard and its scope, but that it is necessary to put it into practice. How to integrate Opentelemetry in our application?; and although NodeSource has direct integration into its product in addition to more than 10 key functionalities in N|Solid, that extend the offer of a traditional APM, as you know, we are great contributors to the Open Source project, we also support the binary distributions of the Node.js project, our DNA is always helping the community and showing you how through Open Source tools you can still increase the visibility. So through this article, we want to share how to set up OpenTelemetry with Open Source tools.

In this article, you will find __How to Apply the OpenTelemetry OS framework in your Node.js Application__, which includes:

Step 1: Export data to the backend

Step 2: Set up the Open Telemetry SDK
__Step 3__: Inspect Prometheus to review we’re receiving data

Step 4: Inspect Jaeger to review we’re receiving data

Step 5: Getting deeper at Jaeger 👀

Note: This article is an extension of our talk at NodeConf.EU, where we had the opportunity to share the talk:

__Dot, line, Plane Trace!__
__Instrument your Node.js applications with Open Source Software__
Get insights into the current state of your running applications/services through OpenTelemetry. It has never been as easy as now to collect data with Open Source SDKs and tools that will help you extract metrics, generate logs and traces and export this data in a standardized format to be analyzed using the best practices. In this talk, We’ll show how easy it is to integrate OpenTelemetry in your Node.js applications and how to get the most out of it using Open Source tools.

To see the talks from this incredible conference, you can watch all sessions through live-stream links below 👇
– Day 1️⃣ – https://youtu.be/1WvHT7FgrAo
– Day 2️⃣ – https://youtu.be/R2RMGQhWyCk
– Day 3️⃣ – https://youtu.be/enklsLqkVdk

Now we are ready to start 💪 📖 👇

Apply the OpenTelemetry OS framework in your Node.js Application

So, going back to the distributed example we described in our previous article, here we can see what the architecture looks like this after adding observability.

Every service will collect signals by using the OpenTelemetry Node.js SDK and export the data to specific backends so we can analyze it.

We are going to use the following:

JAEGER for Traces and Logs.

Prometheus to visualize the metrics.

_Note: _Jaeger and Prometheus are probably the most popular open-source tools in space.

Step 1: Export data to the backend

How the data is exported to the backends differs:
To send data to _JAEGER__, we will use OTLP over HTTP, whereas for _Prometheus__, the data will be pulled from the services using HTTP.

First, we will show you how easy it is to set up the OpenTelemetry SDK to add observability to our applications.

### Step 2: Set up the OpenTelemetry SDK

First, we have the providers in charge of collecting the signals, in our case __NodeTracerProvider__ for traces and __MeterProvider__ for metrics.
Then the exporters send the collected data to the specific backends.
The Resource contains attributes describing the current process, in our case, __ServiceName__ and __Container. Id’s__. The name of these attributes is well defined by the spec (it’s in the __semantic_conventions module__) and will allow us to differentiate where a specific signal comes from.

So to set up traces and metrics, the process is basically the same: we create the provider passing the Resource, then register the specific exporter.

We also register instrumentations of specific modules (either core modules or popular userspace modules), which provide automatic Span creation of those modules.

Finally, the only important thing to remember is that we need to initialize OpenTelemetry before our actual code; the reason is these instrumentation modules (in our case for __http__ and fastify) __monkeypatch__ the module they’re instrumenting.

Also, we create the __meter instruments__ because we will use them on every service: an __HTTP request counter__ and a couple of observable gauges for __CPU usage__ and __ELU usage__.

So let’s spin the application now and send a request to the API. It returns a 401 Not Authorized. Before trying to figure out what’s going on, let’s see if Prometheus and jaeger are actually receiving data.

Step 3: Inspect Prometheus to review we’re receiving data

Let’s look at Prometheus first:
Looking at the HTTP requests counter, we can see there are 2 data points: one for the __API service__ and another one for the __AUTH service__. Notice that the data we had in the Resource is __service_name__ and __container_id__. We also can see the process_cpu is collecting data for the 4 services. The same is true for __thread_elu__.

Step 4: Inspect Jaeger to review we’re receiving data

Let’s look at Jaeger now:
We can see that one trace corresponding to the __HTTP request__ has been generated.

Also, look at this chart where the points represent traces, the X-axis is the timestamp, and the Y-axis is the duration. If we inspect the trace, we can see it consists of 3 spans, where every span represents an __HTTP transaction__, and it has been automatically generated by the instrumentation-HTTP modules:

The 1st span is an HTTP server transaction in the API service (the incoming HTTP request).
The 2nd span represents a POST request to AUTH from API.
The 3rd one represents the incoming HTTP POST in AUTH. If we inspect a bit this last span, apart from the typical attributes associated with the request (HTTP method, request_url, status_code…).

We can see there’s a Log associated with the Span this makes it very useful as we can know exactly which request caused the error. By inspecting it, we found out that the reason for the failure was missing the auth token.

This piece of information wasn’t generated automatically, though, but it’s very easy to do. So in the verify route from the service, in case there’s an error verifying the token, we retrieve the active span from the current context and just call __recordException()__ with the error. As simple as that.

Well, so far, so good. Knowing what the problem is, let’s add the auth token and check if everything works:

curl http://localhost:9000/ -H “Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiIiLCJpYXQiOjE2NjIxMTQyMjAsImV4cCI6MTY5MzY1MDIyMCwiYXVkIjoid3d3LmV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwic3ViIjoiIiwibGljZW5zZUtleSI6ImZmZmZmLWZmZmZmLWZmZmZmLWZmZmZmLWZmZmZmIiwiZW1haWwiOiJqcm9ja2V0QGV4YW1wbGUuY29tIn0.PYQoR-62ba9R6HCxxumajVWZYyvUWNnFSUEoJBj5t9I”

Ok, now it succeeded. Let’s look at Jaeger now. We can see the new trace here, and we can see that it contains 7 spans, and no error was generated.

Now, it’s time to show one very nice feature of Jaeger. We can compare both traces, and we can see in grey the Spans that are equal, whereas we can see in Green the Spans that are new. So just by looking at this overview, we can see that if we’re correctly Authorized, the API sends a GET request to SERVICE1, which then performs a couple of operations against POSTGRES. If we inspect one of the POSTGRES spans (the query), we can see useful information there, such as the actual QUERY. This is possible because we have registered the instrumentation-pg module in SERVICE1.

And finally, let’s do a more interesting experiment. We will inject load to the application for 20 seconds with autocannon…

If we look at the latency chart, we see some interesting data: up until at least the 90th percentile, the latency is basically below 300ms, whereas starting at least from 97.5%, the latency goes up a lot. More than 3secs. This is Unacceptable 🧐. Let’s see if we can figure out what’s going on 💪.

Step 5: Getting deeper at Jaeger 👀

Looking at Jaeger and limiting this to like 500 spans, we can see that the graph here depicts what the latency char showed. Most of the requests are fast, whereas there are some significant outliers.

Let’s compare one of the fast vs. slow traces. In addition to querying the database, we can see the slow trace in that SERVICE1 sends a request to SERVICE2. That’s useful info for sure. Let’s take a look more closely at the slow trace.

In the __Trace Graph view__, every node represents a Span, and on the left-hand side, we can see the percentage of time with respect to the total trace duration that the subgraph that has this node as root takes. So by inspecting this, we can see that the branch representing the HTTP GET from SERVICE1 to SERVICE2 takes most of the time of the span. So it seems the main suspect is SERVICE2. Let’s take a look at the Metrics now. They might give us more information. If we look at the thread.elu, we can see that for SERVICE2, it went 100% for some seconds. This would explain the observed behavior.

So now, going to the SERVICE2 code route, we can easily spot the issue. We were performing a __Fibonacci operation__. Of course, this was easy to spot as this is a demo, but in real scenarios, this would not be so simple, and we would need some other methods, such as CPU Profiling, but regardless, the info we collected would help us narrow down the issue quite significantly.

So, that’s it for the demo. We’ve created a repo where you can access the full code, so go play with it! 😎

Main Takeaways

Finally, we just want to share the main takeaways about implementing observability with Open Software Tools:

Setting up observability in our Node.js apps is actually not that hard.
It allows us to observe requests as they propagate through a distributed system, giving us a clear picture of what might be happening.
It helps identify points of failure and causes of poor performance. (for some cases, some other tools might also be needed: CPU profiling, heap snapshots).
Adding observability to our code, especially tracing, comes with a cost. So Be cautious! ☠️But we are not going to go deeper into this, as it could be a topic for another article.

Before you go

If you’re looking to implement observability in your project professionally, you might want to check out N|Solid, and our ’10 key functionalities’. We invited you to follow us on Twitter and keep the conversation!

Looking at both 2022 and 2023

#​620 — January 6, 2023

Read on the Web

We’re back for 2023 😀 As is our tradition, we’re taking a quick look back at the past year – this time led by a few choice retrospectives, then followed by the most popular articles and tools included in JavaScript Weekly in 2022. There’s sure to be some things you missed or want to revisit – enjoy!
Peter Cooper and the Cooperpress team

JavaScript Weekly

🌟 The 2022 JavaScript Rising Stars — For the seventh time, Michael Rambeau kicks off our year with a roundup of ‘trending projects’ in the JavaScript space. Bun takes the top spot for 2022, but we’ll leave the rest for you to check out. A few guest authors also share their opinions on the ecosystem.

Michael Rambeau et al.

Evan You Looks at 2022 and 2023 — You’ll know Evan for Vue.js and Vite and here he recaps what happened in the Vue world in 2022 (like Vue 3.x becoming the new default version) and what we can expect in 2023, including the mysteriously named Vapor Mode.. We’re also warned Vue 2.x has one year before it reaches EOL.

Evan You

🧈 Retire your Legacy CMS with ButterCMS — ButterCMS is your new content backend. We’re SaaS so we host, maintain, and scale the CMS. Enable your marketing team to update website + app content without needing you. Try the #1 rated SaaS Headless CMS for your JS app today. Free for 30 days.

🧈 ButterCMS sponsor

Six JavaScript Projects to Watch in 2023 — A reasonable selection, focused on newer, more cutting edge, but also very promising projects (including the aforementioned Bun).



Michael Shilman writes about the future for Storybook in 2023.

Ryan Carniato ponders where JS frameworks are headed in 2023.

📅 ▶️ 10 JavaScript conferences to consider attending this year.

Some other 2022 roundups and reflections: Cassidy Williams, Igalia Web Platform Team, Dave Rupert, Stéphanie Walter, Pawel Grzybek, Stephanie Eckles, Michelle Barker, Rachel Andrew, Remy Sharp, Ahmad Shadeed, the HTTP protocol 😆


Spacetime 7.4 – Lightweight timezone library.

Lerna 6.4 – JS monorepo build tool.

TestCafe 2.2 – End-to-end Web testing.

Vuetify 3.1 – Vue component framework.

📒 Top Articles & Tutorials of 2022

As determined by their popularity in JavaScript Weekly.

1. Douglas Crockford: “The best thing we can do today to JavaScript is to retire it.” — The most popular link of the year was to an interview with the author of JavaScript: The Good Parts (and discoverer-of-sorts of JSON) where he explained the benefits of code reading, why we need better languages, and how he won’t “write about JavaScript again.”


2. Ecma International Approved ECMAScript 2022 — The second most popular item of the year was a bit more positive, with Ecma making ECMAScript 2022 a standard. Dr. Axel brought us up to speed with what this meant at a practical level. You’ll already be using some of these features – this move just tied up the formalities.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

▶  Whiskey Web and Whatnot: Your New Favorite JavaScript Podcast — A fireside chat with your favorite devs. Guests include Wes Bos, Charlie Gerard, Chris Coyier, and Kelly Vaughn.

Whiskey Web and Whatnot sponsorpodcast

3. JS Function Composition: What’s The Big Deal? — James’ articles on JavaScript fundamentals are always popular and last year we got a fresh one focusing on a common activity: function composition. “What’s the big deal?” he asks.

James Sinclair

4. AbortController is Your FriendAbortController provides a way to abort web requests at any point without waiting for a response but it’s possible to twist it into other use cases, as we saw here.

Sam Thorogood

5. Ten Common JavaScript Issues Developers Face — A good old-fashioned list. If you’ve been working with JavaScript for many years, these are potholes you (probably) know to avoid but there’s enough to chew on here otherwise.

Ryan J. Peterson

6. A Pipe Operator for JS: Introduction and Use Cases — Many developers feel a pipe operator is missing from JavaScript. Luckily there’s a pipeline operator proposal at stage 2 in TC39. Dr. Axel explains why you’d want this and how it could work.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

7. Patterns.dev: Modern Web App Design Patterns — A free book you can download in PDF format or enjoy on the Web. Learn about lots of fundamentals, from how different styles of rendering or importing resources work to performance optimizations and case studies.

Lydia Hallie, Addy Osmani, and Others

8. Decorators for ES6 Proposal Reached Stage 3 at TC39 — It’s a few years in the making, but a decorators proposal conditionally made it to stage 3 and people were very excited. Fingers crossed we see more from this in 2023.

Ecma TC39

🛠 Top Code & Tools of 2022

As determined by their popularity in JavaScript Weekly.

1. Rome Formatter: Super Fast JavaScript Formatting — I liked the image for this enough to want to include it again 😉 As of 2023, Rome (now at version 11) remains an ambitious project that sets out to replace a lot of JS tools in one hit with the initial focus being on Prettier-esque code formatting, as well as linting. Compiling, bundling, and testing features are scheduled to appear throughout 2023.

Rome Team

2. TypeScript 4.6 Released — Not a lot to say here, as TypeScript is always popular, and it’s now up to version 4.9, but with v4.6 it took a step forward by being able to detect more syntax errors in plain old JavaScript, a benefit for all JavaScript-developing VS Code users, at least.

Daniel Rosenwasser

Dynaboard: The Pro-Code Web App Builder Made for Developers — Build high performance public and private web apps in a collaborative — code forward — WYSIWYG environment.

Dynaboard sponsor

3. Vite 4.0 Released — This was only a month ago, too. From the same creator as Vue.js, Vite is an exciting piece of frontend tooling offering lots of goodies out of the box. We look forward to more Vite news in 2023.

Evan You and Vite Contributors

4. Lexical: An Extensible Text Editor Library — Out of Meta came a new text editor framework putting accessibility, performance, and reliability at its heart. At only 22KB gzipped and with React 18+ support (but vanilla is also OK), it reminded us of Draft.js but they say it’s the “next generation” and Meta is already replacing Draft.js with Lexical in their internal apps.

Meta / Facebook

5. Bun: A (Still) Interesting New JavaScript Runtime — Bun appeared in summer 2022 as a new JavaScript runtime built not around V8 (like Node.js or Deno are) but WebKit/Apple’s JavaScriptCore. It includes its own bundler, transpiler, task runner, and npm client, but most significantly boasts huge performance improvements over existing options and supported a lot of Node and Web APIs out of the box.

Jarred Sumner

6. JSON Crack: Visualize JSON Data in Graph Form — Got JSON, want to view it? This is a neat tool for working with and displaying JSON data structures. You can play with it online, embed the graphs into your site, or download them for further use.

Aykut Saraç

Stuck on Node 10? Need to Upgrade but Don’t Have Time? Contact Us 🚀

UpgradeJS.com | Node and JavaScript Upgrade Services sponsor

7. Shader Park: Create Interactive 2D and 3D Shaders with JavaScript — An open source Web-based platform, community, and library for simplifying the mystifying world of shaders and GPUs by letting you create them procedurally with JavaScript. Note: This site is heavy on the browser given its use of WebGL, so may not be suitable for every device.

Blankensmith and Whidden

8. Axios 1.0: The Popular HTTP Client Library/API — With 98k GitHub stars and a presence in numerous thousands of package.json files, Axios remains very popular and it’s amazing it only hit 1.0 in 2022. The Fetch API has taken much of Axios’ thunder but, like jQuery, Axios still wraps up a lot of functionality into a broadly liked API. (Official homepage.)

Axios Project

💻 Jobs

Developer Relations Manager — Join the CKEditor team to build community around an Open Source project used by millions of users around the world 🚀


Backend Engineer, TypeScript (Berlin / Remote) — Thousands of people love our product (see Trustpilot for yourself). Join the team behind it and help us scale. 🚀


Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.


We’re back to normal service as of next week! If you’ve got anything you’d like to submit for our consideration, hit reply and let us know.

11 Features in Node.js 18 you need to try

Node.js 18 LTS is now available. What’s new?

Node.js 18 was released on the 19th of April this year. You can read more in the official blog post release or in the OpenJS Blog announcement. The community couldn’t be more excited!

Here at NodeSource,releases are a big deal. As a team of experts, enthusiasts, and core contributors to the open-source project, we love seeing the progress of Node! We are also one of the primary distributors of the runtime and have been since version 0.x (2014).

Developers download and use our binaries worldwide for their production environments (over 100m a year and growing!). We are incredibly proud to support this important piece of the Node ecosystem in addition to building and supporting customers on our Node.js platform – N|Solid.

“If you use Linux, we recommend using a NodeSource installer.” – From the NPM Documentation

If you want to lend a hand, we welcome your ideas or solutions contact us, or if you would like to help us continue supporting open source, you can contribute with an issue here.

Overall, the community is looking forward to this release with many new features and other benefits in addition to the official release earlier this year that included:

Security: Upgrading to OpenSSL 3.0

APIs: Fetch API is Promise based, providing a cleaner and more concise syntax.

If you are interested in thinking about the future of Node, we recommend checking out The next-10 group. They are doing some great work thinking about the strategic direction for the next 10 years of Node.js. Their technical priorities are:

Modern HTTP, WebAssembly, and Types.
ECMAScript modules and Observability

_OpenJS Collaborator Summit 2022

But now I’m sure you want to get into the changes in v18. What has improved, and what are the new features? That’s what you’re here for 😉. So let us explain 👇

Hydrogen. What is it?

The codename for this release is ‘Hydrogen’. Support for Node.js 18 will last until April 2025. The name comes from the periodic table, and they have been used in alphabetical order (Argon, Boron, Carbon, Dubnium, Erbium…) 🤓 Read more in StackOverflow.


According to the Node.js blog, the “LTS version guarantees that the critical bugs will be fixed for a total of 30 months and Production applications should only use Active LTS, or Maintenance LTS releases”. – https://nodejs.dev/en/about/releases/

In short, it focuses on stability and being a more reliable application after allowing a reasonable time to receive feedback from the community and testing its implementation at any scale.

_Nodejs Releases Screenshot 2022

How do I know what version of Node and LTS I have?

You can easily do it by typing in your console:

$ node –version

Run the following to retrieve the name of the LTS release you are using:

$ node -p process.release.lts

_Note: _ The previous property only exists if the release is an LTS. Otherwise, it returns nothing.

If you want to be aware of the release planning in the Node.js community, you can check here: Node.js Release Schedule.

What’s new in Node.js 18?

Contributors are constantly working to improve the runtime, introduce more features, and improve developer experience and usability. Today as the worldwide community uses JS for developing API-driven web applications and serverless cloud development, the changes in this new LTS version are important to understand.

In honor of the number 11 (__#funfact__ Undici means ‘eleven’ in Italian), we decided to make our top 11 Node.js 18 features:

Fetch API
🧪- – watch
🧪 OpenSSL 3 Support
🧪 node:test module
Prefix-only core Modules
🧪 Web Streams API
Other Global APIs: Blob and BrodcastChannel.
V8 Version 10.1
Toolchain and Compiler Upgrades
HTTP Timeouts
Undici Library

The idea of this blog post is to relevel the functionalities one by one, so let’s start:

Feature 1: Native Fetch API in Node.js 18

Finally, v18 provides native fetch functionality in Node.js. This is a standardized web API for conducting HTTP or other types of network requests. Previously Node.js did not support it by default. Because JavaScript is utilized in so many areas, this is fantastic news for the entire ecosystem.


Feature 2:–watch

Using –watch, your application will automatically restart when an imported file is changed. Just like nodemon. And you can use –watch-path to specify which path should be observed.

Also, these flags cannot be combined with –check, –eval, –interactive, or when used in REPL (read–eval–print loop) mode. It just won’t work.

You can now use Node Watch index on your file name to start watching your files without having to install anything.

Feature 3: OpenSSL 3 Support

OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of, among other things, SSL and TLS protocols for securing communication.

One key feature of OpenSSL 3.0 is the new FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) module. FIPS is a set of US government requirements for governing cryptographic usage in the public sector.

More information is available in the OpenSSL3 blog post.

Feature 4: The Experimental node:test

The node:test module facilitates the creation of JavaScript tests that report results in TAP (Test Anything Protocol) format. The TAP output is extensively used and makes the output easier to consume.

import test from node:test

This module is only available under the node:scheme.
Read more in Node.js Docs

This test runner is still in development and is not meant to replace other complete alternatives such as Jest or Mocha, but it provides a quick way to execute a test suite without additional third-party libraries. The test runner supports features like subtests, test skipping, callback tests, etc.

node:test and –test


The following is an example of how to use the new test runner.

More information may be found in the Node.js API docs.

Feature 5: Prefix-only core Modules

A new way to ‘import’ modules that leverages a ‘node:’ prefix, which makes it immediately evident that the modules are from Node.js core

To learn more about this functionality, we invite you to read Colin Ihrig‘s article Node.js 18 Introduces Prefix-Only Core Modules.

Feature 6: Experimental Web Streams API

A Web Streams API is a set of streams API. Also experimental, it allows JavaScript to access streams of data received over the network programmatically and process them as desired. This means Stream APIs are now available on the global scope. This would help send the data packets in readable and writable streams.

Methods available are as follows,


















Feature 7: Other Global APIs

The following APIs in the Node v18 upgrade are exposed on the global scope: Blob and BroadcastChannel.

Feature 8: V8 Version 10.1

Node.js runs with the V8 engine from the Chromium open-source browser. This engine has been upgraded to version 10.1, which is part of the recent update in Chromium 101.

New array methods for finding the last element and index of an array. Array methods findLast and findLastIndex are now available.
Internationalization support: Intl.Locale and the Intl.supportedValuesOf functions.
Improving the performance of class fields and private class methods.
The data format of the v8.serialize function has changed (No compatible with earlier versions of Node.js.)

Keep an eye out here.

Feature 9: Toolchain and Compiler Upgrades

Node.js always provides pre-built binaries for various platforms. For every latest release, toolchains are evaluated and elevated whenever required. Node.js provides pre-built binaries for several different platforms. For each major release, the minimum toolchains are assessed and raised where appropriate.

Pre-built binaries for Linux are now built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 and are compatible with Linux distributions based on Glibc 2.28 or later, for example, Debian 10, RHEL 8, Ubuntu 20.04.
Pre-built binaries for macOS now require macOS 10.15 or later.
For AIX, the minimum supported architecture has been raised from Power 7 to Power 8.

Note: Build-time user-land snapshot(Experimental)

Users can build a Node.js binary with a custom V8 startup using the
–-node-snapshot-main flag of the configure script.

Feature 10: HTTP Timeouts

The http.server timeouts have changed:

headersTimeout (the time allowed for an HTTP request header to be parsed) is set to 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds).

requestTimeout (the timeout used for an HTTP request) is set to 300000 milliseconds (5 minutes) by default.

Feature 11: Undici Library in Node.js

Undici is an official Node team library, although it’s more like an HTTP 1.1 full-fledged client designed from the ground up in Node.js.

Keep alive by default.
LIFO scheduling
No pipelining
Unlimited connections
Can follow redirected (opt-in)

Of note, we support and love Lizz‘s work, so we recommend you check out her fantastic talk in Nodeconf.EU about New and Exciting features in Node.js to understand more about this feature.

Other Features/Changes:

The project undoubtedly has some great challenges in the near future to continue growing and maintaining its leading position in the ecosystem. These are some of the upcoming features. Most of them are experimental; without being the only ones to discuss, there is much work and proposals from an active community such as the Node.js Community.

Default DNS resolution
ECMAScript modules improvements
Improved support for AbortController and AbortSignal
Updated Platform Support
Async Hooks
Direct Network Imports
Build-time user-land snapshot
Support for JSON Import Assertions
Unflagging of JSON modules (experimental)
Support for HTTPS and HTTP imports
Diagnostic Channel
Trace Events

You can check the full changelog here.

Final Remarks

Node.js 12 will go End-of-Life in April 2022.
Node.js 14 (LTS) or Node.js 16 (LTS) or Later Node.js 18 will be LTS.
Node.js 18 will be promoted to Long-term Support (LTS) in October 2022 (NOW).
After being promoted to LTS, Node.js 18 will be supported until April 2025.

Upgrade Now!

Moving to the LTS version is the best decision for you to include the following improvements in your development workflow:

FetchAPI and Web Streams
V8: New advanced features, array methods, improvements, and enhancements.
Test runner without the need for third-party packages.
Deprecated APIs: Check the list here

Enhancement in Intl.Locale API.
Performance improvement in both class fields and private class methods.


To migrate your version of Node, follow these steps:

For Linux and Mac users, follow these commands to upgrade to the latest version of Node. The module n makes version management easy:

npm install n -g

For the latest stable version:

n stable

For the latest version:

n latest

Windows Users
Visit the Node.js download page to install the new version of Node.js.

Special Thanks

With 99 contributors and 1348 commits Node.js 18 LTS came to life 🎉. Special thanks to @_rafaelgss @BethGriggs_ @_richard_lau_ To make this release happen 💚

$ nvm install 18.12.0

And thank you to all of Node.js project contributors. Our complete admiration and support for such incredible work 💪.

NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions

NodeSource, from the beginning, was created with a great commitment to the developers’ community, which is why it has provided documentation for using the NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions via .rpm, .deb as well as their setup and support scripts.

If you are looking for NodeSource’s Enterprise-grade Node.js platform, N|Solid, please visit https://downloads.nodesource.com/, and for detailed information on installing and using N|Solid, please refer to the N|Solid User Guide.

We are also aware that as a start-up, you want ‘Enterprise-grade’ at a startup price, this is why we extend our product to small and medium-sized companies, startups, and non-profit organizations with N|Solid SaaS.

Useful Links / References

You can upgrade to NodeJS v18 using the official download link

New Node.js features bring a global fetch API & test runner. Check out the Node version 16-18 report

Welcome Node.js 18 by RedHat
Announcing a new –experimental-modules

Java-Script Jarre

#​621 — January 13, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

The State of JS 2022The State of JS is one of the JavaScript ecosystem’s most popular surveys and this time 39,471 folks took part giving us a snapshot of the tools, technologies, and language features people are using (or not using!) There’s a lot to go through, but here are some key points:

top-level await is the most newly adopted feature recently.
The JavaScript / TypeScript balance shows a majority of developers using TypeScript over JS.
Express remains by far the most popular backend framework with Nest, Fastify, Strapi, and Koa following somewhat behind.
Other interesting results can be found in JS pain points, what is currently missing from JS, and the ‘Awards’ for stand out items (complete with snazzy visual effects).


🧈 Retire your Legacy CMS with ButterCMS — ButterCMS is your new content backend. We’re SaaS so we host, maintain, and scale the CMS. Enable your marketing team to update website + app content without needing you. Try the #1 rated SaaS Headless CMS for your JS app today. Free for 30 days.

🧈 ButterCMS sponsor

🗣 Is TypeScript Worth It? — Time saver or waste of time? The relationship between TypeScript and JavaScript remains a complex one. An extensive discussion took place on Hacker News this week and, notably, TypeScript PM Daniel Rosenwasser popped up to respond to some of the concerns.

Hacker News


You’ll be aware of JavaScript’s strict mode but one developer thinks we need a stricter mode to fix several other syntax issues.

Publint is an online tool for ‘linting’ live npm packages to see if they are packaged correctly, as a way to ensure maximum compatibility across environments.


Node v19.4.0 and v18.13.0 (LTS)

Commander.js 9.5
↳ Node.js command-line interface toolkit.

Angular 15.1

Pixi.js 7.1 – Fast 2D on WebGL engine.

📒 Articles & Tutorials

The Gotcha of Unhandled Promise Rejections — A rough edge with promises that can sneak up on you. Jake looks at a ‘gotcha’ around unhandled promise rejections and how to work around it.

Jake Archibald

HTML with Superpowers: The Guidebook — A free resource introducing Web Components, what they are, and what problems they’re trying to solve. You can see the Guidebook directly here.

Dave Rupert

With Retool You Ship Apps Fast with 100+ Perfectly Crafted UI Components — The fast way for devs to build and share internal tools. Teams at companies like Amazon, DoorDash & NBC collaborate around custom-built Retool apps to solve internal workflows.

Retool sponsor

Everything About React’s ‘Concurrent Mode’ Features — An in-depth, example-led exploration of Concurrent Mode (now more a set of features integrated into React 18 than a distinct ‘mode’).

Henrique Yuji

Using GitHub Copilot for Unit Testing? — Even if you find the idea of a AI tool like Copilot writing production code distasteful, it may have a place in speeding up writing tests.

Ianis Triandafilov

How to Destructure Props in Vue (Composition API) — How to correctly destructure props object in a Vue component while maintaining the reactivity.

Dmitri Pavlutin

Using Inline JavaScript Modules to Prevent CSS Blockage

Stoyan Stefanov

How to Build a GraphQL Server with Deno

Andy Jiang

🛠 Code & Tools

Gluon: Framework for Creating Desktop Apps from Sites — A new approach for building desktop apps on Windows and Linux from Web sites using Node (or Deno) and already installed browsers (Chromium or Firefox). Initial macOS support has just been added too.


Structura.js: Lightweight Library for Immutable State Management” It is based on the idea of structural sharing. The library is very similar to Immer.js, but it has some advantages over it.”

Giuseppe Raso

Tuple, a Lightning-Fast Pairing Tool Built for Remote Developers — High-resolution, crystal-clear screen sharing, low-latency remote control, and less CPU usage than you’d think possible.

Tuple sponsor

Bay.js: A Lightweight Library for Web Components — Makes it easy to create web components that can be reused across projects. It also boasts performant state changes and secure event binding.

Ian Dunkerley

Twify: Scaffold a Tailwind CSS Project with a Single Command — You can use your preferred package manager and it supports creating projects with Next.js, Nuxt 2/3, SvelteKit, Remix, Angular, and more.

Kazi Ahmed

Lazy Brush 2.0: A Library for Smooth Pointer Drawing — Allow your users to draw smooth curves and straight lines with your mouse, finger or any pointing device. This long standing library has just migrated to TypeScript and gained a new ‘friction’ option to customize the feel. GitHub repo.

Jan Hug

 Mafs: React Components for Interactive Math — Build interactive, animated visualizations using declarative code with illustrative demos like bezier curves. The documentation is fantastic – check out how easy it is to make plots. Or just head to the GitHub repo.

Steven Petryk

Are You Looking for a New Observability Tool?

TelemetryHub by Scout sponsor

Hyphenopoly 5.0: A Polyfill for Client-Side Hyphenation — An interesting use of WebAssembly here.

Mathias Nater

visx 3.0
↳ D3-powered visualization React components.

Atrament 3.0
↳ Library for drawing and handwriting on a canvas element.

HLS.js 1.3
↳ Library to play HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) in browsers, with MSE support.

💻 Jobs

Developer Relations Manager — Join the CKEditor team to build community around an Open Source project used by millions of users around the world 🚀


Backend Engineer, TypeScript (Berlin / Remote) — Thousands of people love our product (see Trustpilot for yourself). Join the team behind it and help us scale. 🚀


Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.


🎶 Écoute la musique..

Oxygene Pt 4, as Performed by JavaScript — This is fun. Dittytoy is a simple, JavaScript-powered online generative music tool and someone has put together a surprisingly faithful rendition of perhaps one of the best known instrumental synth songs ever, all the way from 1976.


Nodesource Node.js Binary Distributions 2021 & 2022

NodeSource Node.js binary downloads keep increasing monthly, providing millions of users worldwide with the power of Node.js. This blog post gives us important insights into using Node.js across Linux environments and the Node.js community in general.

Nodesource has been packaging and distributing Node.js for Linux environments for 9 years. Every major and minor release, as well as security updates. We’ve seen a massive increase in downloads every year. While we don’t distribute every version of Node.js, most of the downloads in Linux environments are provided by us.

Have you ever wondered how many people still use Node.js version?
Which countries consume Node.js the most?
What versions and distributions are the most popular?
What are the downloads of Node.js month by month?
Are they increasing, or are people moving away toward other technologies?

Let’s find out!

Get the awesome infographic here!
Node.js Binary Downloads

Note: If you want to compare, you can read Node by Numbers 2020 here.

In this article, you can find interesting data about the consumption of Node.js worldwide. the trends, spikes, and odds of the usage of the popular runtime that powers millions of applications.

These are the points to be discussed in this article:

A bit of History
Process: How is a new release created?
How does the distribution process work?
Recent distributions supported
Traffic Peaks
Getting Involved


First, let’s start with the basics:

_What is a binary distribution?

A binary distribution is a software package containing executables, binaries, or programs ready to be executed. In this case, it will be Node and NPM compiled executables.

_In what consists of the ‘Nodesource Node.js Binary Distributions’

Maintains availability and allows the usage of Node.js in production for the Linux community.
If you are installing Node.js in production on a Linux platform, there is a big chance that you are using NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions.

why is this important?

Well, NodeSource Node.js binary distributions was downloaded over 90 million times worldwide last year. There are 90 million times people have been able to use, learn, and interact with Node.js thanks to this project.

Last month, it was downloaded +11 million times, and millions of applications and web pages are using it. Because of its availability, it has proven over the years to be the best source of installation and extensive use of Node.js packages in Linux, allowing the expansion of its use in the market.

_What kind of distributions are supported?

So right, as you can see, we support major Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, CentOS, and Fedora releases and many different distributions based on those. As you can see, the list can’t go long, but we are always trying to add more there.

Also, if you are using code as infrastructure, the major recipes, formulas, or plugins that include Node.js installation usually work using Binaries distributions.

So if you’re using:

__Ansible__: https://galaxy.ansible.com/

__Chef__: https://supermarket.chef.io/

__Puppet__: https://forge.puppet.com/modules/puppet

__Salt__: https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/node-formula

You are already using binary distributions, and it is recommended to use the Node.js installer. That’s what the NPM documentation and the NodeJS official documentation say. So it’s proven to be the best source of installing these sectors.

A bit of History of Node.js Binary Distributions

_How NodeSource get involved in this project?

So, here are some essential milestones for the project:

It started with Chris Leajoining NodeSource in 2014.

Initially supporting Debian and Ubuntu with Node.js V12.

Added support for RHEL, Centos, Fedora, Oracle Linux, and Amazon Linux.

A script was created to ease the setup process. Later we created a script to make the installation process more manageable because you have to add the PPA manually. Now everything is automated!

Io.js was born and immediately supported.

In 2018 we started delivering Node.js in snap packages. A compatible format with multiple Linux distributions that you can use.

Since then, we have expanded support for many compatible Linux Distributions.

We support OpenJS Foundation and the Node.js project doing the same with every LTS and stable release the Node.js project has released.

Now let’s talk about how a new release is created.

Process – How is a new release in Node.js created

There are two processes involved when releasing a new version of Node.

The first comes from the node project itself.
The second is from the nodes or Node.js binaries distributions for the Linux operating system.

So it’s helpful to understand how the release lines work. All the releases are scheduled and planned. There are three stages on a Node version: Current, LTS, and the end of life.

Current NodeJS release line in the graph is colored green, as we can see here. And this space lasts for six months, from April to October.

LTS is an acronym for long-term support and is applied to release lines that will be supported and maintained by the Node.js project for an extensive period. LTS divides into two active and maintenance; Active is the blue, as we can see here. Maintenance is gray. Active is the one that lasts for 18 months. Maintenance is a release line that is the end of life. That means it will no longer be maintained and will not be patched with any known security vulnerability. When the version reaches the end of its life, it is very affectable to upgrade. The whole process lasts for three years.

Also, there are three types of releases:

Major release that is for incompatible API changes from version to version. A major release can also include changes that would normally be included in minor or patch releases.

Minor releases there include backward-compatible functionality changes.

Patch releases include nonbreaking bug fixes and security patches.

So every new LTS is a major release. This is the process for delivering a new version of Node.js.

How the release happens inside NodeSource

We already understand how a version is created. So, every time a new version is released, everything starts from Nodesource Slack. We already have an integration that notifies in a unique channel that a new version is available, so we have to get to work and update to a recent version. We also have some automation that makes our life easier: We have a bot, or infrastructure bot, called __Control Tower__. It’s something we use internally for all everything in our infrastructure.

Control Tower allows us to run a single command to generate a new version that will communicate with different pipelines we have in AWS called pipelines. And that will use AWS code build to build the package and all the packaging, generating all the different binaries we need to distribute Debian, rpm, and other formats.

After building those, it will push to Amazon’s S3 bucket, and from there, we will have an origin server that will serve all these packages for everybody in the world. That’s how it works.

It’s a semi-automated process with a lot of automation involved! Now, let’s see some fascinating statistics involved in this project.

Node by Numbers 2021 & 2022

NodeSource NodeJS binary execution was downloaded over 98,420,550 million times worldwide last year (2021), and the total download from this year from January to October is 80,442,890 million (2022).

This graph is a monthly download in terabytes 1TB. This year it was 2,135 TB of binaries distributions from January to October.

There is a noticeable increase in the tendency of downloads, and this year the downloads are even more remarkable. In just one year, the increase was about 4,7% in downloads.

2021 – 2,088.73 TB

2022 – 2,135.98 TB

Again, this is a lot of data, and we expect these numbers to keep increasing as the Node project expands.

Now we are going to analyze the numbers by version. This is very important. Let’s take a look.

As you can see, people are still getting old versions like V6, which was deprecated. Then we have V8 and V10 with a few people; others are using V12 and V14, and some are using V15 and V16. Now let’s go to analyze the current status.

So this is 2022, and as you can see, many people still use V12. But the good news is that most people are using V14 and v16. We can expect V18 to start growing, as it became LTS at the end of October, and it’s the latest LTS we support.

If you want to try these things on production, it’s really good to use stable versions; we always recommend using in production the latest LTS. Please read this article to understand why it is important and useful to try Node.js V18 LTS.

Now let’s see where those downloads are happening worldwide and where people consume Node.js most.

The top five countries consuming Node.js binary distributions between 2021 and 2022 were the US, Germany, France, the UK, Ireland, and the Netherlands.

In 2022 the top five countries were:
– United States 60.9%
– Germany 9.3%
– France 3.6%
– United Kingdom & Ireland 3.3%
– Netherlands 2.0%

Many South American countries consume binaries, including Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and Colombia. The only African country on the list is South Africa. Let’s hope more countries keep using the amazing Node.js project! 💪

Traffic Peaks

As we can see in this image, at the end of October of this year, 2022, there was a release, reaching Oct 25 with Node 18 12,185 downloads, and every time there’s a new release in Node.js, there is a peak in downloads of binaries distributions.

October 18th – Node V19

October 25th – Node V18 LTS

For Node V19 we started having downloads on October 19 with 1,594 downloads that day.

__Note__: If you want to be aware of the important dates of the project, here you can consult the: Node.js Project Calendar

Recent distributions supported by NodeSource

Two types of deprecations could happen in our channels:

__When a Node version reaches the End Of Life__, which means you will not receive any security updates or book patches in the future. We always recommend that you stay in the currently supported version. One important thing to note is that we do not remove the old packages. Even if you use a pre-owned node version, you can still use NodeSource binaries distribution.

__When Linux Distribution goes End Of Life__, be aware that this is not a good practice because your Linux distribution, your operating system, is no longer receiving any security updates or support. So we always recommend keeping a proper maintenance version of your operating system (We do not remove the old packages).

Note: Check the ‘End-of-Life Releases’ HERE.

Please update your Node.js, or you will see this thing when you’re installing the Node.js version that you are trying to install. We always present this Deprecation warning, and we make you wait 20 seconds so you can read the message and realize that maybe you should be updating your Node.js version.

Today, many people are using no longer supported versions. About 46% of downloads of Node.js versions were no longer supported. We want to launch a campaign encouraging developers to upgrade their node version. #UpgradeYourNodeVersion

Behind the Data

There is still a surprising amount of downloads of outdated versions in 2021 (39%) and in 2022 (46%) – People should upgrade!

The downloads are focused mostly in the Americas and Europe (86,9%) in 2021 and were the same in 2022, and some regions are severely underrepresented, for example, Africa. The Middle East in 2022 is increasing the downloads.

The most downloaded versions in 2022 were version 14 for rpm and for deb (32% of Downloads). Followed by V12 with 26% of the downloads. Node V16 was downloaded 20%.

deb distributions are more consumed than rpm, as is expected.

In 2022, an exciting milestone was an increase of 13,6% in downloads of NodeSource Node.js Binaries Distributions. We expect continued growth in 2023.

Getting Involved

So, how can you get involved in this project? There are many ways to contribute.

First, you can go to this link: https://github.com/nodesource/distributions

In that link is the repository where the project is hosted, and you can submit an issue, comment, or pull request. And it’s related chiefly to supporting new distributions to upgrade a distribution or to create an update script to download a particular distribution.

Another way is to keep updated documentation. If a new version over distribution changes, it should also be updated on the docs. When you submit an issue or a pull request, suggestions could be made to keep it compatible with the rest of the distribution, and submissions are always working.

If you collaborate with this project for a few months, you can ask and be included in this repo as a collaborator 💪.


Using NodeSource Node.js distributions is the best and most recommended way to install Node.js in Linux for production environments.

NodeSource has delivered Node.js fresh to your Linux system via your package manager within hours, minutes, days, or weeks. For NodeSource, sustaining the community is essential because we want to support more people using Linux to have Node.js in production.

Also, we are looking for more community involvement in the project. So most of our scripts are open source, and as you can see, there’s a lot of activity in the report that we just mentioned in this article. Help will be appreciated! So if you have ideas or solutions or want to help us continue supporting open source, you can contribute to this GitHub Repo.

Please join us and be part of this magnificent project. Also, here are our channels to follow us and continue the conversation:


As always, the best place to contact us is via our website or [email protected]

_Ready for more? _

If you are looking for NodeSource’s Enterprise-grade Node.js platform, N|Solid, please visit https://downloads.nodesource.com/, and for detailed information on installing and using N|Solid, please refer to the N|Solid User Guide.

We We also know that as a start-up, you want ‘Enterprise-grade’ at a startup price, this is why we extend our product to small and medium-sized companies, startups, and non-profit organizations with N|Solid SaaS.

Please help us to reach more people and support use cases in Node.js. We care about the Node.js community! 💚You’re welcome to explore, read, and participate in this project.

Useful Links / References

Octoverse 2022
2022 Developer Survey Stack Overflow

NODE.JS Retro 2022

Node.js was the top technology used by professional developers in 2022

Stack Overflow’s annual Developer Survey confirmed our experience; Node.js continues to grow its use across the globe due to its scalability and performance as well as its ability to integrate seamlessly with a wide range of technologies and databases make it an ideal technology for businesses of all sizes.

The Node.js open-source project, a cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, allows developers to use JavaScript to create web applications and serve data quickly, securely, and reliably. That’s why professional developers have adopted it broadly; it helps them in many web-development tasks like API development, streaming, and web and mobile applications as it is fully compatible with existing JavaScript libraries (the Top Language according to Github’s Octoverse Report, it can be used to create highly scalable and dynamic web or mobile applications.

Img 1: Stackoverflow 2022 survey

NodeJS on an Enterprise Level

Node.js excels at simplifying the development process for enterprises. It requires less code to execute tasks, allowing developers to focus on creating high-quality code rather than endless lines of coding. By utilizing asynchronous I/O and non-blocking event-driven input/output makes it lightweight and efficient for building real-time applications.

Img: Node.js Org Use Survey

Node.js is designed to handle high amounts of requests quickly and efficiently. Its architecture is based on a single-threaded, event-driven model that makes it very efficient at handling concurrent requests. This event-driven design allows Node to handle requests without the need for multiple threads. This makes Node.js applications highly scalable, as multiple requests can be served without additional resources or server hardware.

Additionally, Node.js supports streaming and event-based programming, which allows developers to build asynchronous applications. Asynchronous programming will enable applications to respond quickly to multiple requests without waiting for each request to finish before responding.

Therefore the performance of Node.js applications depends mainly on how well they are coded and optimized. Careful planning and optimizing the application code are essential to achieve high performance. Additionally, Node.js applications benefit from caching, clustering, and other optimization techniques. These techniques can help improve the performance and scalability of Node.js applications.

The number one request we get at NodeSource is to help developers and organizations improve the performance of their Node.js applications. It’s a key reason we built our product N|Solid, to provide the visibility and insights to help identify and resolve issues fast without adding overhead like other APMs (NodeSource Benchmark Tool). And why we offer Professional Services from our Node Experts to go a step further with Performance Audits and Training and Node.js Support.

Optimization techniques in Node.js

In our experience, the most common optimization techniques in Node.js are caching, minification, bundling, optimizing database queries, code splitting, using async functions, and using the Node.js cluster module. Here is a quick overview of each.:


Caching in Node.js helps improve performance by storing data in memory to be accessed quickly when needed. This helps reduce the time it takes to retrieve data from the server and helps reduce the number of requests needed to be made to the server. Caching also allows data to be stored more efficiently, which is helpful for applications with large amounts of data.


In Node.js reduces the size of code files and other resources by removing unnecessary characters, such as spaces, new lines, and comments, without altering the code’s functionality. Minifying code can help to enhance the performance of your Node.js applications by reducing download time and improving browser rendering speed.


Is the process of combining multiple files or resources into one bundle, which typically has a smaller file size than when all files are separate. Bundling can reduce network latency as fewer requests are needed to retrieve data. It also helps improve application performance as the browser can cache a single large file instead of multiple small ones.

Optimizing database queries

In Node.js involves utilizing techniques such as indexing, query optimization, and caching to ensure that database queries are more efficient and run more quickly. Proper indexing can contribute to faster query times. In contrast, query optimization can reduce the time needed to process a query by ensuring that only the data required is requested from the database.

Code splitting

Is a technique to reduce the amount of code sent to the client when a web page is requested. Code splitting efficiently divides code into smaller bundles and only sends the necessary code to the user when needed. This helps improve web application performance, as the user only needs to download the relevant code for the requested page.

Async functions

In Node.js allow code to be run asynchronously, meaning that the code is not executed sequentially. Instead, asynchronous operations can be executed in parallel and execute operations concurrently. This allows the code to execute faster and in a more efficient way. Additionally, asynchronous functions provide better error-handling capabilities and allow greater control over the flow.

Use of the Node.js Cluster Module

The Node.js cluster module allows you to create a group of child processes (workers) that all share the same server port, making it easy to scale your application across multiple CPU cores. It also provides a powerful way to handle requests in a distributed manner and makes it easier to manage and monitor the performance of your application. The cluster also provides an API for sending messages between workers, allowing them to coordinate their activities.

In addition to these optimization techniques in Node.js, it is important to consider the best development practices in Node.js.

The best development practices in Node.js.for 2023

Img: https://xkcd.com/292/

The list includes, but is not less:

Utilizing the latest version of Node.js and ensuring it is regularly updated. For your production binaries, we recommend using our distribution packages (best maintained, documented, and most used production binaries -NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions

Implementing modern patterns and techniques such as asynchronous programming and proper error handling.

Leveraging dependency management to reduce code complexity and ensure packages are up-to-date.

Adopting modular development practices to create easily reused and scaled components across projects.

Investing in automated testing to ensure quality and stability in the codebase.

Use security libraries to prevent common vulnerabilities and protect against data breaches.

Optimizing memory and resource usage to keep operating costs low.

And to comply with one or several of these good practices, it is essential to use an APM.

Using an Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Using an Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tool to monitor your Node.js application lets you gain insights into application performance and identify issues quickly. Some popular APM tools for Node.js include New Relic, AppDynamics, Datadog and N|Solid. Each tool offers performance monitoring, error tracking, and real-time analytics features.

Note: Last year, we released for the community an open-source tool to compare the main APMs in Node.js; we invite you to contribute or use it in your work.

Selecting the right APM for Node.js will depend on the specific needs of your project. However (yes, we are biased 🙂), we believe N|Solid is the best APM for Node.js is the best APM for Node.js; because it provides developers with deeper insights and key integrations and adds security features no other APM can.


Node.js is quickly becoming a popular choice for enterprise-level applications. With its lightweight architecture, scalability, and flexibility,
Node.js is an ideal language for businesses that need applications that can handle high traffic and complex data.
Node.js allows organizations to develop highly-customizable web applications that are secure, reliable, and perform well at scale.
Node.js also has a vibrant open-source community, allowing developers to easily find and use existing libraries and frameworks.

Are you creating a Node.js application?

Follow these simple steps:

Start by selecting a framework. Node.js has many available frameworks, such as Fastify, Hapi, or Koa. Choose the one that best fits the needs of your application.

Set up a package.json file to better manage your project’s dependencies.
Create a folder structure to organize the components of your application.
Structure your code into separate files as your application grows.
Write automated tests for your application.
Implement error handling for any unexpected issues.
Validate user input before handing it off to your application.
Utilize caching to improve performance.
Consider deploying
Use an APM and follow our diagnostic blog-post series (Remember that for Node.js, N|Solid is the recommended option 😉 ).

Good programming could help create a project exactly how you want. In NodeJS, there are so many open-source projects to take inspiration from.

— Wait for our list of projects and technologies in Node.js to keep an eye on in 2023 —

With services from a NodeJS expert company such as NodeSource, you could make the most of the technology’s robust features to achieve your web development goals. We will be happy to support you in your node.js journey!

Here are our channels to follow us and continue the conversation:
As always, the best place to contact us is via our website or [email protected].

About N|Solid

N|Solid is an augmented version of Node.js that includes additional features such as security, performance monitoring, and enhanced debugging tools. It’s an excellent option for projects that require robust debugging and performance capabilities.

N|Solid v4.8.3 is now available

NodeSource is excited to announce N|Solid v4.8.3 which contains the following changes:

Node.js v18.12.0 (LTS): Rebase of N|Solid on Node.js v18.12.0 (LTS)(see details below).

For detailed information on installing and using N|Solid, please refer to the N|Solid User Guide..


NodeSource is excited to announce N|Solid v4.8.3 which contains the following changes:

Rebase of N|Solid on Node.js v18.12.0 (LTS). This version of Node.js contains the following changes (see here for more details).

There are three available LTS Node.js versions for you to use with N|Solid, Node.js 16 Gallium, Node.js 14 Fermium and Node.js 18 Hydrogen.

N|Solid v4.8.3 Fermium ships with Node.js v14.20.1.

N|Solid v4.8.3 Gallium ships with Node.js v16.18.0.

N|Solid v4.8.3 Hydrogen ships with Node.js v18.12.0.

The Node.js 14 Fermium LTS release line will continue to be supported until April 30, 2023.

The Node.js 16 Gallium LTS release line will continue to be supported until September 11, 2023.

The Node.js 18 Hydrogen LTS release line will continue to be supported until April 30, 2025.

Supported Operating Systems for N|Solid Runtime and N|Solid Console

Please note that The N|Solid Runtime is supported on the following operating systems:


Windows 10
Microsoft Windows Server 1909 Core
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2008

macOS 10.11 and newer

RPM based 64-bit Linux distributions (x86_64):

Amazon Linux AMI release 2015.09 and newer
RHEL7 / CentOS 7 and newer
Fedora 32 and newer

DEB based 64-bit Linux distributions (x86_64, arm64 and armhf):

Ubuntu 16.04 and newer
Debian 9 (stretch) and newer

Alpine 3.3 and newer

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You can download the latest version of N|Solid via http://accounts.nodesource.com or visit https://downloads.nodesource.com/directly.

New to N|Solid?

If you’ve never tried N|Solid, this is a great time to do so. N|Solid is a fully compatible Node.js runtime that has been enhanced to address the needs of the Enterprise. N|Solid provides meaningful insights into the runtime process and the underlying systems. Click here to start!

As always, we’re happy to hear your thoughts – feel free to get in touch with our team or reach out to us on Twitter at @nodesource.

2023 N|Solid Awards: The Top 10 Best Node.js Open Source Projects to Watch

NodeSource has been a part of the Node.js ecosystem since 2014, contributing to the open-source project, distributing binaries (over 100m annually!), providing expert Node Services, and building tooling (N|Solid) to support developers to make the best software leveraging Node.js. Every year, we look at the open-source projects we believe are the most interesting and will impact the ecosystem. This year we decided to recognize each of these projects with an award, so welcome to the first installment of the N|Solid Awards!

As the technology has become more ubiquitous in recent years, the list of Node.js projects and technologies to keep an eye on in 2023 is growing longer. As champions of Node, we are excited to see the creativity of the developers using Node.js and the positive impact the technology has in the world.

Node.js, a JavaScript open-source runtime environment, has become one of the most popular platforms for developing applications. With the rapid rise of Node.js usage, developers are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with the platform. As a result, many open-source Node.js projects are available for everyone to tinker around with.

“JavaScript is everywhere, including in 98% of the world’s websites. Representing this enormous developer ecosystem is a humbling and awesome responsibility. The work of our maintainers matters, as they keep lavaScript safe and modern for those who depend on it.” – OpenJS Foundation

Before we get to the award winners, here. A quick list of the pros and cons of Node.js:

Pros and Cons of Node.js

The pros of Node.js include the following:

Flexibility – Node.js is designed to be used with many different types of applications;
Speed – Node.js is faster than other server-side languages;
Scalability – Node.js makes it easy to scale applications;
Great ecosystems – Node.js has a large and vibrant community of developers constantly building new libraries and tools;
Async I/O – Node.js is built on the concept of asynchronous I/O, which makes it great for handling multiple requests simultaneously.
Cost savings – Node.js can reduce hosting and maintenance costs.

The cons of Node.js include the following:

Single threading – Node.js is single-threaded, which can limit performance;
Compatibility issues – As Node.js is updated, older versions may not be compatible with newer libraries and frameworks;
Lack of debugging

Skilled professionals like experienced Node.js developers require tools to get their jobs done quickly and effectively. However, it can be challenging to make the right choice from the range of options available. Node.js is known for its strong community that offers many tools. Such additions have been instrumental in contributing to the success of modern apps. To help you narrow down your choices, here are some of the top open-source projects you should keep an eye on.

The Winners of the N|Solid Award for 2023!

Selected for the project’s importance and value and the team’s outstanding effort, here are 10 of the best open-source projects (in no particular order) worth keeping an eye on…



Fastify-Vite is a minimalistic web framework designed to build modern web applications quickly. It supports React and Vue at the moment, which means you can use the same familiar components, lifecycle hooks, and other patterns. With its lightning-fast performance, developers can quickly develop, test, and deploy web applications.

Note: And if you ask, Why is fastify-vite but no vite itself? Because according to our lead engineers, it “is a game-changer in SSR” (And if we wanted to present the top 10, well, we couldn’t go on, to be honest, 😅🤷‍♀️); however, we are fans of the great work done by this project, so here: Vite itself has a special mention in our list.

And if we talk about Vite, then we cannot leave the Fastify ecosystem aside.


Fastify is an open-source web framework for Node.js that enables developers to create modern and efficient web applications quickly. It provides a great foundation to build the application logic while abstracting away much of the complexity associated with web development. Fastify has an extensive ecosystem of modules, plug-ins, and tools that can be used to improve the development process. These include web servers, logging, validation, authentication, security, routing, and more. With such a wide range of features, Fastify makes it easy to create secure, reliable, and performant web applications.


Mercurius is a Node. a js-based project focusing on bringing IoT to the edge. It is designed for distributed IoT devices and provides tools for connecting them to cloud services such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. It also supports real-time streaming, analytics, machine learning, and more. Mercurius provides an easy-to-use API that allows developers to quickly and easily interact with their devices. Furthermore, Mercurius is open-source and free to use, making it an ideal choice for developers who want to create innovative IoT solutions.


Platformatic project in Node.js is a powerful and scalable platform that enables businesses to quickly create, deploy, and manage sophisticated customer experiences using the power of AI. Node.js is used to incorporate custom logic into Platformatic’s interactive environment, allowing for a more tailored user experience for customers. Node.js is also used to provide faster performance and improved scalability across the platform, which is essential for powering high-volume customer interactions. With Node.js at its core, Platformatic project in Node.js delivers an efficient, robust, and secure customer experience.


Next.js is an open-source project used to build server-side rendered React applications. It is based on the React framework and is a popular choice for developing single-page applications. It is easy to start with Next.js, as it handles the configuration and provides built-in features such as server-side rendering, static site generation, routing, code splitting, and much more. It also enables developers to start building apps quickly and efficiently while providing a range of customization options.


Prisma is an open-source project that provides an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) for Node.js applications. It is designed to make it simpler and easier to interact with databases, reduce complexity and pain points in the development process, and help developers quickly build and deploy robust applications. Prisma provides automatic schema management, powerful data modeling, scalability, and high-performance querying.


Redwood is a full-stack JavaScript framework for building web, mobile, and desktop applications. It allows you to rapidly use modern technologies like React, Node.js, GraphQL, and TypeScript to create powerful applications with an opinionated yet extensible architecture rapidly. With Redwood, you get the best of both worlds: the robustness and scalability of a full-stack framework and the flexibility and efficiency of a modern JavaScript stack.


Nuxt is an open-source project built on Vue.js and Node.js that provides an easy-to-setup framework for server-side-rendered (Universal) or Single Page Applications (SPA). It supports Vue components and allows developers to create custom projects from scratch or pre-made templates. Nuxt comes with integrated routing, code-splitting, and hot module reloading out of the box and also provides features such as custom layouts, meta tags management, and server middleware.


Strapi is an open-source Node.js project that allows developers to create and manage their own API’s with ease. It provides a RESTful API structure and a customizable admin panel that will enable users to manage content and users easily. Additionally, it supports multiple databases and can be easily extended with plug-ins. Strapi provides an intuitive user experience and allows for rapid development of web applications.


Herbs.js is a Node.js project that helps developers streamline the development process by allowing them to quickly and easily create Node.js applications with the help of various pre-defined tools, libraries, and modules. It provides a wide range of features, such as code syntax highlighting, modular components, integrated debugging and testing, and a streamlined build process. It also offers a convenient command-line interface for creating and managing a Node.js project.


PNPM is an advanced package manager for node.js. It is optimized for performance and focuses on being a minimal footprint and making dependency resolution faster by creating a hard link, symlink, or cloning the dependencies into the local project. It also features an automated garbage collection system that detects and removes unnecessary packages. PNPM is designed to create reproducible and reliable builds. It utilizes a deterministic package-lock file to ensure that the same version of all required packages is installed on each machine.

Congratulations to the projects and their teams, you are doing truly incredible work, and we are excited to see what you do throughout the year! If you would like to nominate a project for the N|Solid Award, reach out to our community team at [email protected] and tell us why!

Why Choose N|Solid on top of Node.js?

Companies and developers looking for an enterprise-grade Node.js platform should consider N|Solid due to its superior performance and scalability. N|Solid delivers up to 10x better performance than most other Node.js production platforms and offers a range of tools to help developers scale their applications quickly and easily.

Additionally, N|Solid solves the problem of missing debugging capabilities, offering advanced insights, profiling capabilities, and real-time monitoring with built-in alerting, so developers can quickly identify and fix issues. It also includes a range of additional features, such as progressive deployments, automated patching, secure log data transmission, and more. Read about the top ten features in N|Solid here!


Node.js is a powerful platform that can help you create the project of your dreams. With plenty of open-source projects available, you can find solutions to develop exceptional applications. From the top ten NodeJS open-source projects, you have the opportunity to try out something new or contribute actively.

It is possible to get overwhelmed by all the options, but this is a fantastic opportunity to build and experiment with the tools you need.

Please help us to reach more people and support use cases in Node.js. We care about the Node.js community! Happy to connect with you on




You’re welcome to explore, read, and participate in the Node.js Project.
We proudly support Node.js Binary Distributions since 2014. 💚

Vite 4.0 released

#​618 — December 9, 2022

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Vite 4.0 Released — From the same creator as Vue.js, Vite is an exciting piece of frontend tooling offering lots of goodies out of the box: fast hot module replacement, instant server starts, optimized builds with Rollup, TypeScript and JSX support (more on why to use Vite here). You can even give it a quick spin online via vite.new.

Evan You and Vite Contributors

Anjana Vakil on the JavaScript Fundamentals — This video course covers the core skills needed to become a professional JavaScript programmer, including writing reusable code with functions, conditionals, fetching data from APIs, and more. It’s everything you need to continue your journey to become effective at JavaScript.

Frontend Masters sponsor

npm Gains New Security Features — GitHub continues its work in making the npm ecosystem safer. Two new things: granular access tokens so package owners can better control access to publishing workflows, and a new code explorer to look directly at the contents of packages from the official npm site.

Monish Mohan (GitHub)

Console Ninja: console.log Output Right Next to Your Code — A VS Code extension that displays console.log output and runtime errors next to your code. Jack Herrington recorded ▶️ a neat 6 minute intro showing it off recently.

Wallaby.js Team


There’s a React documentary in production – ▶️ here’s the trailer.

AWS has unveiled Step Functions Distributed Map, a way you can run hugely parallel (up to 10,000 simultaneous executions) operations (written in JavaScript, perhaps) over data and documents stored on S3.

A quick look back 27 years to the launch of JavaScript in 1995.

📊 D3 7.7, the latest version of the popular data visualization framework, is out and I wanted to recommend looking at co-creator Mike Bostock’s notebooks if you want inspiration on using D3, a look at new features, etc. He posts interesting stuff.

The JS debugger in the latest VS Code release now supports console.profile for CPU profiling code, as well as nested sourcemaps.


Rome 11Linter in urbe novissima sunt.

Storybook 7.0 beta 0

Rollup 3.7 – ES module bundler.

xv 2.0 – Zero-config Node test runner.

Nx 15.3 (A huge news update post.)

Ember 4.9

Bun 0.3 – The challenger JS runtime.

📒 Articles & Tutorials

Sandboxing with PartytownPartytown provides a way to run third party scripts within a Web Worker rather than on the main thread. Could this be used for sandboxing? Weston tried it out and concluded it’s not quite there.

Weston Ruter

Build a Mobile-Responsive Telehealth Pager App Using Stream’s Chat API — Build a responsive chat app with emojis/reactions, built-in GIF support, ability to edit/delete messages, direct & group chat, and more.

Stream sponsor

Is Prisma Better Than Your ‘Traditional’ ORM?Prisma has become a very popular ORM option in the Node space in recent years. The creator of the Practica Node starter app considers if Prisma makes sense as a universal ‘go to’ ORM. No, but..

Yoni Goldberg

When to Use gRPC vs GraphQL — A balanced comparison of two popular API protocols to see where each works best.

Loren Sands-Ramshaw

Breakpoints and console.log is the Past, Time Travel is the Future — 15x faster JavaScript debugging than with breakpoints and console.log, now with support for Vitest.

Wallaby.js sponsor

▶  A Discussion on Optimizing Your JavaScript with Rust — A chat with Vercel’s Lee Robinson at the recent Next.js conference.

Ben Popper podcast

🛠 Code & Tools

Codux: A Visual IDE for React — One of the co-founders of Wix introduces a new standalone tool to accelerate the React development process. It currently only supports Chromium-based browsers but you can take it for a test drive or learn more from its homepage.

Nadav Abrahami (Wix)

Harlem 3.0: Simple Extensible State Management for Vue 3 — Provides a simple functional API for creating, reading, and mutating state.

Andrew Courtice

Open Source Firebase Alternative for Web, Mobile, and Flutter Devs

Appwrite sponsor

JS Image Carver: Content-Aware Image Resizer and Object Remover — Uses the seam carving approach (if you’ve used ‘Content Aware Scale’ in Photoshop, you’ve seen it). The live demo on this one is fun to watch.

Oleksii Trekhleb

Civet: The CoffeeScript of TypeScript? — If you liked CoffeeScript back in the day, here’s the same idea in a modern TypeScript-oriented form.

Daniel Moore

Maska 2.1: Zero-Dependency Input Mask — Happy in vanilla situations, but can also integrate with Vue 2/3. GitHub repo.

Alexander Shabunevich

node-calls-python: Call Python from Node — One use case the author mentions is plugging into Python’s rich ecosystem of machine learning tools.

Menyhért Hegedűs

reduced.to: Open Source URL Shortening App Built with Qwik — The app itself is live at reduced.to but you might find it interesting as an example of a frontend built using the Qwik framework.

Ori Granot

📺 Yesterday, This Dot Media published Qwik’s creator Misko Hevery giving ▶️ a live coding introduction to Qwik – a useful way to get up to speed.

💻 Jobs

Software EngineerStimulus is a social platform started by Sticker Mule to show what’s possible if your mission is to increase human happiness. Join our engineering team.


Senior UI Dev — Join us and innovate with MicroFrontends, custom Node tools, build systems (Webpack/Github Actions), TypeScript, React, and more with a11y and DX in mind.

Vertex Inc

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.


Spacetime 7.3
↳ Lightweight JavaScript timezone library.

Partytown 0.7.3
↳ Run intensive third-party scripts in a worker.

Splitter 1.4
↳ React component for split views.

reveal-md 5.4
↳ Reveal.js presentations from Markdown files.

Mongoose 6.8
↳ MongoDB object modeling library.

React Tooltip 5.0