What’s new for us in ECMAScript 2024

#​698 — July 25, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly Astro 4.12: Say Hello to Server Islands — The flexible Astro framework for building modern content-based sites continues to go from strength to strength. v4.12 includes a new concept of server islands, a way to integrate static HTML and server-side generated components together. Erika and …

Exploring JavaScript (ES2024 Edition)

#​697 — July 18, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly Exploring JS: JavaScript Books for Programmers — You’ll know Dr. Axel from his fantastic blog posts over the years, or his once tenure as JavaScript Weekly’s editor, but he also has an impressive array of no-nonsense books that you can mostly read for free …

OpenTelemetry in N|Solid

Introduction N|Solid Runtime, the OSS runtime that powers N|Solid Pro, is an innovative, lightweight runtime for Node.js applications. It offers real-time insights into performance, memory usage, and CPU consumption, giving developers unparalleled visibility into their code without requiring any modifications. In today’s software landscape, understanding your application’s production behavior is crucial. With cloud-native architectures, microservices, …

The biggest TypeScript release in years?

#​692 — June 13, 2024 Read on the Web 📝 I’ve recently encountered readers who’ve been surprised to learn this isn’t our only JavaScript newsletter. We have Node Weekly and React Status too – check them out if you’re a Node.js or React developer, as we focus more closely on them there! 🙂__Your editor, Peter Cooper …

The appealing simplicity of htmx

#​691 — June 6, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly Promises from the Ground Up — Josh notes that in order to truly understand promises, a fundamental part of modern JS development, we need “a surprisingly deep understanding of how JavaScript works and what its limitations are”. Luckily, this tutorial covers all the critical …

A variety of JS hacks and creative coding

#​690 — May 30, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly How 1Password Used esbuild to Cut Browser Extension Build Times — 1Password is a popular password management tool that relies upon a browser extension to fill out passwords on the Web. At over a minute for a single build, things were starting to drag …