SolidJS is off to a solid start

#​689 — May 23, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly Creating Realistic Handwriting with p5.js — Amy wanted to programatically bring her (cursive) handwriting into some diagrams she was making and figured out how to make it happen with p5.js. Here’s how. Amy Goodchild SolidStart 1.0: The Shape of Frameworks to Come? — SolidJS is …

Flatlogic’s New Direction: AI-Powered Business Software Over Web Templates

Flatlogic was founded in 2013 with a clear vision: to simplify the process of web and mobile application development. Initially, they focused on creating and selling web templates, particularly those using popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Bootstrap. Their templates were designed to help developers quickly build admin dashboards and other essential components of web …

Remix + React Router == React Router?

#​688 — May 16, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly 📄  How to Document Your JavaScript Package — You’ve written some useful code, you want to distribute it.. what next? Useful docs! The Deno team demonstrates the value of JSDoc and writing documentation alongside your usual source code. The Deno Team Digging Into the Promise.withResolvers() …

Solving Memory Leaks in Node.js has Never Been Easier, Introducing the Latest Version of N|Solid

We are thrilled to announce the release of a new feature in N|Solid that includes sample heap profiling and heap objects observability for main processes and worker threads. N|Solid is known for its Node.js performance and security observability and diagnostic tools and best-in-class low overhead has completed a new innovation to hunt memory leaks in …

JSR isn’t another tool, it’s a fundamental shift

#​685 — April 25, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly JSR is Not Another Package Manager — When Ryan created Node, JavaScript had no packages or standard module system. npm and CommonJS took off, and tools like Yarn or pnpm extended npm in certain areas, but in today’s ES modules era, it’s time for …

An easy way to experiment with signals

#​683 — April 11, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly Frontend Development Beyond React: Svelte — A surprisingly thorough article going deep into one developer’s research into using Svelte to build modern front-end apps. If you’ve never experimented with Svelte, this is a good primer to the key concepts, tradeoffs, and techniques involved. Héla Ben …