Big news for both Next.js and Remix

#​661 — November 2, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Next.js 14 Released — Unveiled at last week’s Next.js Conf, v14 caused a lot of community discussion (not least on Hacker News), largely surrounding Server Actions being declared stable and the ‘backend-meets-frontend’ opportunities this opens up. A new partial prerendering feature is also in preview, allowing for dynamic responses but with the speed of an initial static response.

Lee Robinson and Tim Neutkens

💡 The New Stack has an overview of the release, and Focus Reactive has a (highly visual) recap of Next.js Conf itself – recommended if you didn’t watch the stream.

SDKs & OpenAPI Specs in Minutes Using Zod, tsoa, or Fastify — Using popular TS tooling to build your API? Our guides show you how to go from code to best in class OpenAPI specs & SDKs.

Speakeasy sponsor

Remix ❤️ Vite: Remix 2.2 Introduces Vite SupportRemix is a popular full-stack JavaScript framework that began as a paid product, but has been open source for two years now. If you found Remix’s compilation approach opaque before, we have great news: “With Vite, Remix is no longer a compiler. Remix itself is just a Vite plugin.” This post tells the full story.

Cattori and Dalgleish (Remix)

🗳 The folks behind the State of JavaScript survey have unveiled a new State of React survey to take. As with their other surveys, you get to test your knowledge as well as provide useful insights.

🔁 Shadow is a new, experimental browser engine built in JavaScript itself. It renders its output in your usual browser using an HTML canvas. Source code.

🔐 GitHub is scanning all public npm packages for leaked secrets. Note that if secrets are found, the provider associated with those secrets is notified.

❄️ WinterJS is a new JS Service Workers server, powered by Rust & SpiderMonkey.

🐥 Uh-oh, it’s Flappy Bird implemented in TypeScript types.


Astro 3.4 – The Web framework gains page partials, a new experimental dev overlay, and more.

Visual Studio Code October 2023 – A couple of minor enhancements to the JS debugger, and Copilot Chat (if you have GitHub Copilot) can now provide better answers because it’s sent implementation details behind the symbols you mention.

jQuery 4.0 is 100% feature complete but it’s not released just yet.. but we know you can’t wait. Ditto for Angular 17 – more on that soon.

Rollup 4.2, Cypress 13.4, Ember.js 5.4, Stencil 4.7

📒 Articles & Tutorials

Speeding Up the JavaScript Ecosystem: Tailwind CSS — Marvin’s ongoing journey to improve our ecosystem by finding low-hanging performance-bearing fruit continues with a look at how the architecture of Tailwind CSS could be tuned.

Marvin Hagemeist

A New Way to Bring Garbage Collected Languages Efficiently to WebAssembly — WasmGC is a new and promising way to implement GC languages in WebAssembly and it’s now enabled by default in Chrome.

Alon Zakai (V8)

Generally Awesome UI Components For Project Management and Scheduling — Level up your UX with advanced data grids, calendars, schedulers, and Gantt charts.

Bryntum sponsor

▶  Your Website Does Not Need JavaScript — An hour long talk in which Amy builds a completely static website — using a collection of HTML and CSS files with no tracking, no scripting, no servers, and no third-party resources.

Amy Kapernick

Building a Generic RSS Parser Service with Cloudflare Workers — Ray walks through various iterations and improvements in trying to build an RSS parser that can work in the Workers environment.

Raymond Camden

Can Next.js Handle 5000 Pages? — Christian set out to push both Next.js and AWS Amplify hard. A good read.

Christian Nwamba

🗣 Is Express Still the ‘De-Facto’ Choice for Building Node.js Webapps?

Hacker News

🛠 Code & Tools

Svelte Flow: Node-Based UI for Svelte — From the creators of React Flow comes a Svelte version in the shape of a customizable Svelte component for building node-based editors and interactive diagrams. Check out the examples.

webkid GmbH

Docusaurus 3.0: Meta’s Static Site GeneratorDocusaurus is a popular React-powered tool aimed at building documentation sites, though it handles more general sites too. v3 features an upgrade to MDX v3, React 18, Mermaid v10, and essentially updates everything.

Sébastien Lorber

Get Logged Values Right Where You Need Them: In Your Editor — Simply start your editor, and your development server/test runner in watch mode, and see values next to your code. No setup required.

Wallaby Team sponsor

Hotkey 2.2: Declarative Keyboard Shortcuts for HTML — Set a data-hotkey attribute on your elements to quickly add keyboard shortcuts. v2.2 improves Mac alt/option support.


Is Text or Binary? 7.0 — This library first tries to determine from a filename if the contents of the associated file are likely to be binary or text. Failing that, it can then look at the actual data to figure it out.


<browser-window>: A Web Component to Create Pretend Browser Windows on the Web — A lightweight themed zero-dependency web component wrapper to emulate a Safari-like browser window within a Web page. The page full of demos might give you some ideas for its use.

Zach Leatherman

Add Authorization, MFA, Biometrics to Your JavaScript App in Minutes

FusionAuth sponsor

lossless-json: Parse JSON Without Losing Numeric Information — JSON.parse can trip over when it comes to large numbers, so this library parses numeric values not as regular numbers but in a lightweight lossless way keeping the value as a string.

Jos de Jong

Vueform: An Open Source Form Framework for Vue.js — This has been around for a while but is now MIT licensed. Its ancillary form builder app stays commercial, but isn’t mandatory for using the library. GitHub repo.


sweetalert2 v11.9 – Customizable, accessible replacement for alert()

YouTube.js 7.0 – Wrapper around YouTube’s internal API.

eslint-plugin-unicorn 49 – Over 100 useful ESLint rules.


“If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter how fast it doesn’t work.”

Mich Ravera

💛 And something else we love

Val Town 3.0: A Social Way to Write and Deploy TypeScript“If GitHub Gists Could Run, and AWS Lambda Were Fun” is a fantastic description for this online platform where you write tiny bite size functions (‘val’s) to be run in V8 isolates. You can connect them together, schedule them, serve them up over HTTP, and more. Version 3 is a big jump for the platform, adding JSX support, more standardized JavaScript approaches to solving problems, and the ability to edit and run your ‘vals’ locally.

Steve Krouse

NODE.JS Retro 2022

Node.js was the top technology used by professional developers in 2022

Stack Overflow’s annual Developer Survey confirmed our experience; Node.js continues to grow its use across the globe due to its scalability and performance as well as its ability to integrate seamlessly with a wide range of technologies and databases make it an ideal technology for businesses of all sizes.

The Node.js open-source project, a cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, allows developers to use JavaScript to create web applications and serve data quickly, securely, and reliably. That’s why professional developers have adopted it broadly; it helps them in many web-development tasks like API development, streaming, and web and mobile applications as it is fully compatible with existing JavaScript libraries (the Top Language according to Github’s Octoverse Report, it can be used to create highly scalable and dynamic web or mobile applications.

Img 1: Stackoverflow 2022 survey

NodeJS on an Enterprise Level

Node.js excels at simplifying the development process for enterprises. It requires less code to execute tasks, allowing developers to focus on creating high-quality code rather than endless lines of coding. By utilizing asynchronous I/O and non-blocking event-driven input/output makes it lightweight and efficient for building real-time applications.

Img: Node.js Org Use Survey

Node.js is designed to handle high amounts of requests quickly and efficiently. Its architecture is based on a single-threaded, event-driven model that makes it very efficient at handling concurrent requests. This event-driven design allows Node to handle requests without the need for multiple threads. This makes Node.js applications highly scalable, as multiple requests can be served without additional resources or server hardware.

Additionally, Node.js supports streaming and event-based programming, which allows developers to build asynchronous applications. Asynchronous programming will enable applications to respond quickly to multiple requests without waiting for each request to finish before responding.

Therefore the performance of Node.js applications depends mainly on how well they are coded and optimized. Careful planning and optimizing the application code are essential to achieve high performance. Additionally, Node.js applications benefit from caching, clustering, and other optimization techniques. These techniques can help improve the performance and scalability of Node.js applications.

The number one request we get at NodeSource is to help developers and organizations improve the performance of their Node.js applications. It’s a key reason we built our product N|Solid, to provide the visibility and insights to help identify and resolve issues fast without adding overhead like other APMs (NodeSource Benchmark Tool). And why we offer Professional Services from our Node Experts to go a step further with Performance Audits and Training and Node.js Support.

Optimization techniques in Node.js

In our experience, the most common optimization techniques in Node.js are caching, minification, bundling, optimizing database queries, code splitting, using async functions, and using the Node.js cluster module. Here is a quick overview of each.:


Caching in Node.js helps improve performance by storing data in memory to be accessed quickly when needed. This helps reduce the time it takes to retrieve data from the server and helps reduce the number of requests needed to be made to the server. Caching also allows data to be stored more efficiently, which is helpful for applications with large amounts of data.


In Node.js reduces the size of code files and other resources by removing unnecessary characters, such as spaces, new lines, and comments, without altering the code’s functionality. Minifying code can help to enhance the performance of your Node.js applications by reducing download time and improving browser rendering speed.


Is the process of combining multiple files or resources into one bundle, which typically has a smaller file size than when all files are separate. Bundling can reduce network latency as fewer requests are needed to retrieve data. It also helps improve application performance as the browser can cache a single large file instead of multiple small ones.

Optimizing database queries

In Node.js involves utilizing techniques such as indexing, query optimization, and caching to ensure that database queries are more efficient and run more quickly. Proper indexing can contribute to faster query times. In contrast, query optimization can reduce the time needed to process a query by ensuring that only the data required is requested from the database.

Code splitting

Is a technique to reduce the amount of code sent to the client when a web page is requested. Code splitting efficiently divides code into smaller bundles and only sends the necessary code to the user when needed. This helps improve web application performance, as the user only needs to download the relevant code for the requested page.

Async functions

In Node.js allow code to be run asynchronously, meaning that the code is not executed sequentially. Instead, asynchronous operations can be executed in parallel and execute operations concurrently. This allows the code to execute faster and in a more efficient way. Additionally, asynchronous functions provide better error-handling capabilities and allow greater control over the flow.

Use of the Node.js Cluster Module

The Node.js cluster module allows you to create a group of child processes (workers) that all share the same server port, making it easy to scale your application across multiple CPU cores. It also provides a powerful way to handle requests in a distributed manner and makes it easier to manage and monitor the performance of your application. The cluster also provides an API for sending messages between workers, allowing them to coordinate their activities.

In addition to these optimization techniques in Node.js, it is important to consider the best development practices in Node.js.

The best development practices in Node.js.for 2023


The list includes, but is not less:

Utilizing the latest version of Node.js and ensuring it is regularly updated. For your production binaries, we recommend using our distribution packages (best maintained, documented, and most used production binaries -NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions

Implementing modern patterns and techniques such as asynchronous programming and proper error handling.

Leveraging dependency management to reduce code complexity and ensure packages are up-to-date.

Adopting modular development practices to create easily reused and scaled components across projects.

Investing in automated testing to ensure quality and stability in the codebase.

Use security libraries to prevent common vulnerabilities and protect against data breaches.

Optimizing memory and resource usage to keep operating costs low.

And to comply with one or several of these good practices, it is essential to use an APM.

Using an Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Using an Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tool to monitor your Node.js application lets you gain insights into application performance and identify issues quickly. Some popular APM tools for Node.js include New Relic, AppDynamics, Datadog and N|Solid. Each tool offers performance monitoring, error tracking, and real-time analytics features.

Note: Last year, we released for the community an open-source tool to compare the main APMs in Node.js; we invite you to contribute or use it in your work.

Selecting the right APM for Node.js will depend on the specific needs of your project. However (yes, we are biased 🙂), we believe N|Solid is the best APM for Node.js is the best APM for Node.js; because it provides developers with deeper insights and key integrations and adds security features no other APM can.


Node.js is quickly becoming a popular choice for enterprise-level applications. With its lightweight architecture, scalability, and flexibility,
Node.js is an ideal language for businesses that need applications that can handle high traffic and complex data.
Node.js allows organizations to develop highly-customizable web applications that are secure, reliable, and perform well at scale.
Node.js also has a vibrant open-source community, allowing developers to easily find and use existing libraries and frameworks.

Are you creating a Node.js application?

Follow these simple steps:

Start by selecting a framework. Node.js has many available frameworks, such as Fastify, Hapi, or Koa. Choose the one that best fits the needs of your application.

Set up a package.json file to better manage your project’s dependencies.
Create a folder structure to organize the components of your application.
Structure your code into separate files as your application grows.
Write automated tests for your application.
Implement error handling for any unexpected issues.
Validate user input before handing it off to your application.
Utilize caching to improve performance.
Consider deploying
Use an APM and follow our diagnostic blog-post series (Remember that for Node.js, N|Solid is the recommended option 😉 ).

Good programming could help create a project exactly how you want. In NodeJS, there are so many open-source projects to take inspiration from.

— Wait for our list of projects and technologies in Node.js to keep an eye on in 2023 —

With services from a NodeJS expert company such as NodeSource, you could make the most of the technology’s robust features to achieve your web development goals. We will be happy to support you in your node.js journey!

Here are our channels to follow us and continue the conversation:
As always, the best place to contact us is via our website or [email protected].

About N|Solid

N|Solid is an augmented version of Node.js that includes additional features such as security, performance monitoring, and enhanced debugging tools. It’s an excellent option for projects that require robust debugging and performance capabilities.