Why Svelte is converting TypeScript to JSDoc

#​638 — May 11, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

The JavaScript Ecosystem is Delightfully Weird — There are plenty of examples of how JavaScript is weird but Sam focuses on the why. If you’ve been a JS developer for many years you’ll have seen it go through many phases and morph to fit its environment. Sam paints the big picture, concluding with a talk Dan Abramov gave yesterday called “React from Another Dimension.”

Sam Ruby

The New JS Features Coming in ECMAScript 2023 — The next JavaScript update brings smaller additions familiar from other languages, but there are more significant developments waiting in the wings. 

Mary Branscombe (The New Stack)

Full Stack for Front-End Engineers with Jem Young (Netflix) — Learn what it means to become a well-rounded full-stack engineer with this hands-on video course. You’ll dive into servers, work with the command line, understand networking and security, set up continuous integration and deployment, manage databases, build containers, and more.

Frontend Masters sponsor

Vue 3.3 ‘Rurouni Kenshin’ Released — Named after a popular manga series, the latest release of Vue is focused on developer experience improvements, particular for those using TypeScript.

Evan You

John Komarnicki says ▶️ Vue 3.3’s defineModel macro will change the way you write your components.

Next.js 13.4 Released — Despite the minor version bump, this is a big release for the popular React framework. The new app router and its improved approach to filesystem based routing is now offered as a stable feature, with a new concept of server actions being introduced in alpha as a way to mutate data on the server without needing to create an in-between API layer.

Tim Neutkens and Sebastian Markbåge


???? Svelte is converting from TypeScript to JSDoc (example).. sort of. Rich Harris popped up on Hacker News to provide some all important context but the ultimate result will be smaller package sizes and a better experience for Svelte’s maintainers.

React now has official ‘canary’ releases if you want to use newer features than in the stable releases but still be on an officially supported channel.

Newly released Firefox 113 lets you override JS files in its debugger.

No stranger to controversy, Ruby on Rails’s David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH) tweeted: ???? “TypeScript sucked out much of the joy I had writing JavaScript.”


Glint 1.0 – TypeScript powered tooling for Glimmer / Ember templates.

Elementary 2.0 – JS/C++ library for building audio apps.

???? Articles & Tutorials

ES2023’s New Array Copying Methods — The newest ECMAScript spec introduces some new methods on Array that you’ll eventually find useful in your own programs. Phil gives us the tour.

Phil Nash

Private Class Fields Considered Harmful“As a library author, I’ve decided to avoid private class fields from now on and gradually refactor them out of my existing libraries.” Why? Well, that’s the interesting part..

Lea Verou

▶  I’m Done with React — Going from least-to-most important, the reasons this developer isn’t choosing React for future projects make for interesting watching, particularly if you too are overwhelmed by upheaval in the React world. Solid is one of the alternatives he has warmed to.

Adam Elmore

Constraining Language Runtimes with Deterministic Execution — Explore various challenges encountered while using different language runtimes to execute workflow code deterministically.

Temporal Technologies sponsor

Running JavaScript in Rust with Deno — Deno’s use of Rust makes it a natural choice if you’re building a Rust app and want to integrate a JavaScript engine.

Austin Poor

Regular Expressions in JavaScript — Powerful but often misunderstood, many will benefit from this roundup of the potential regexes offer to JavaScript developers.

Adebayo Adams

How to Measure Page Loading Time with the Performance API — The Performance API is a group of standards used to measure the performance of webapps supported in most modern browsers.

Silvestar Bistrović

How to Build a JS VST or Audio Unit Plugin on macOS — VSTs and Audio Units are both types of audio plugins for audio editing software and they’re usually built in C or C++. This tutorial doesn’t dig into the audio side of things, but more the practicalities of packaging things up to get started.

Chris Mendez

An Introduction to the Bun Runtime — If you’ve not yet played with the newest entrant into the JS runtime space, this is a high level overview.

Craig Buckler

2023 State of the Java Ecosystem

New Relic sponsor

Configuring ESLint, Prettier, and TypeScript Together

Josh Goldberg

DestroyRef: Your New Angular 16 Friend

Ion Prodan

Why Astro is My Favorite Framework

Ryan Trimble

???? Code & Tools

file-type 18.4: Detect the File Type of a Buffer, Uint8Array or ArrayBuffer — For example, give it the raw data from a PNG file, and it’ll tell you it’s a PNG file. Uses magic numbers so is targeted solely at non text-based formats.

Sindre Sorhus

Learn How the Rising Trend of Malicious Packages Can Affect Your Apps — Keep your applications secure with Snyk’s article on the increasing number of malicious OS packages and ways to mitigate these risks.

Snyk sponsor

Livefir: Build Reactive HTML Apps with Go and Alpine.js — Go isn’t a language that often pops up in the context of the frontend, but this is a neat integration between Go on the backend and Alpine.js up front.

Adnaan Badr

JZZ.js: A Developer Friendly MIDI library — For both browsers and Node, JZZ.js provides an abstraction over working with MIDI related concepts. There are many examples, but the easter egg in the top left is our favorite.

Sema / Jazz-Soft

htmlparser2 9.0: A ‘Fast and Forgiving’ HTML and XML Parser — Consumes documents and calls callbacks, but it can generate a DOM as well. Works in both Node and browser.

Felix Böhm

cRonstrue: Library to Convert cron Expressions into Human-Readable Form — Given something like */5 * * * *, it’ll return “Every 5 minutes”. No dependencies.

Brady Holt

Knip: Find Unused Files, Dependencies and Exports in TypeScript Projects — Being Dutch for “snip” is appropriate as Knip can trim away things that aren’t being used in your project.

Lars Kappert

jsPlumb 6.1
↳ Visual connectivity for webapps.

gridstack.js 8.1
↳ Build interactive dashboards quickly.

???? Jobs

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


Team Lead Web Development — Experienced with Node, React, and TS? Join us and lead a motivated team of devs and help grow and shape the future of our web app focused on helping millions explore the outdoors.


????‍???? Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.

???? Don’t tell Satya Nadella..

Fake Windows 11 in Svelte — This is a cute little side project, and the code is available too. The most common complaint I’ve seen is that it’s actually more responsive than the real Windows.. ???? Be sure to check out both ‘VS Code’ and ‘Microsoft Edge’ in this environment.

Yashash Pugalia

???? Prefer Windows XP? Maybe RebornXP is more for you. Complete with the classic starting up sound!

Import maps go universal

#​632 — March 31, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

JavaScript Import Maps Now Supported Cross-Browser — ES modules provide a modern way to include and reuse JavaScript code in web apps, and import maps provide the bridge between using module names in code and where those modules can actually be loaded from.

Thomas Steiner (Chrome Developers)

???? The import map news comes off the back of the release of Safari 16.4 which introduces a lot of new functionality to the Mac-based browser, from Web Push and import maps to improved Web Component support and lazy-loading support for iframes.

Updates from the 95th TC39 Meeting — Working group meetings might not seem interesting on the surface, but a lot of what TC39 discusses ends up in our day to day code. Of special interest this time are the progression of support for ranges and the async context proposal to stage 2, and awaiting a dictionary of promises and decorators for class constructors/methods to stage 1.

Hemanth HM

React Authentication, Simplified — In this article, we lay out a new approach to authentication (plus access control & SSO) in React applications.

Userfront sponsor

React Labs: What React Core Has Been Working On — The latest update from the React core team. The most striking update comes around the progress of React Forget, an optimizing compiler with the goal being able to build fully reactive systems using the JavaScript and React mental models you already have, with the compiler tackling the trickiest parts.

The React Core Team


Over on Twitter, ???? Stefan Judis notes that Firefox Nightly is the first browser shipping support for @media (scripting: none) to detect disabled JavaScript in CSS.

???? Over half of new npm packages are junk. Though that’s an improvement on packages riddled with malware… Could we improve things by using ChatGPT to analyze packages? Maybe, says Socket.

???? Excited about the future of Angular? Next Tuesday, the Angular team is doing a livestream on YouTube about the Angular Signals RFC.

Microsoft has ‘rebuilt Teams from the ground up’ with React replacing AngularJS at the heart of the UI.

Did you know SVG almost got built-in network socket support? ????

The Cloudflare Workers edge serverless platform is based around V8 isolates rather than Node.js but is now gaining support for some Node.js APIs.


Rome 12
↳ Big release for the linter & formatter.

Solid 1.7
↳ Flexible declarative library for UIs.

Visual Studio Code March 2023
↳ Now with improved switch scaffolding for TS/JS.

Ionic 7.0
↳ Powerful cross-platform mobile app toolkit.

Docusaurus 2.4
↳ React-powered docs site generator.

Node.js v16.20.0 (LTS)

???? Articles & Tutorials

Janet for MortalsJanet is a Lisp-like functional dynamic language that can nonetheless be compiled and interact with C libraries. This online book about Janet targets folks who already know JavaScript in particular.

Ian Henry

In Praise of Vite“The single best feature of Vite, as far as I’m concerned, is its simplicity. Compared to the nightmare of configuring WebPack and Babel? Vite is delightfully easy to use.”

Scott Vandehey

???? Robin Wieruch has just published a tutorial on migrating to Vite from Create React App (CRA) if you want to give it a go for yourself.

The Easiest Way to Add Chat to Your Application. Try Stream for Free — Build and ship real-time messaging in less time with our highly reliable chat infrastructure and feature-rich SDKs. Free 30-day trial.

Stream sponsor

Building Framer Motion Animations Inside a Qwik Application — Also touches on Motion One as a bonus, an animation library similar to Framer but lighter and faster to use.

Yoav Ganbar

A Business Case for SvelteKit — A good post covering the experience of migrating from Meteor to SvelteKit, the process this team undertook, and the outcomes from both a performance and UX point of view.

Chris Ellis

How to Enable OpenTelemetry Traces in React Apps — A ten-step approach to enabling OpenTelemetry traces in React apps all the way through to viewing the end results in Jaeger.

Purva Naik (Red Hat)

Build Developer-First Automations with Retool Workflows

Retool sponsor

Understanding module.exports and exports in Node

James Hibbard

???? Code & Tools

NPKILL 0.11.1: Delete node_modules Even Faster — NPKILL (homepage) is a popular tool for listing node_modules folders and how much space they take up, before allowing you to quickly delete them. This new release makes it even faster than before through using worker threads.

Gallardo and Gómez

Inferno 8.1: A Fast, React-a-Like with a Different Approach — React-like, but you might be more intrigued by its differences (which include a different approach to optimizing performance and lifecycle events on functional components).


Breakpoints and console.log Is the Past, Time Travel Is the Future — 15x faster JavaScript debugging than with breakpoints and console.log, supports Vitest, Jest, Karma, Jasmine, and more.

Wallaby.js sponsor

Nano JSX: A Lightweight SSR-First JSX Library — Features include no Virtual DOM, no external dependencies, on-demand hydration, and support for Node and Deno-based server-side rendering situations.

Nano JSX

Concurrent.js: Load Modules into Background Threads — For JS environments including the browser, Node and Deno, this library dynamically imports modules into worker threads (in Node) or Web Workers (in the browser) to run them away from the main thread.


cron-schedule 4.0: Cron Parser and Scheduler — Parse and query cron style expressions in the browser, Node or Deno.

Pascal Sthamer

Bright: A React Server Component for Syntax Highlighting — Customizable and includes all of VS Code’s syntax highlighting themes, some of which are demonstrated on the page.

Code Hike

typescript-json-serializer 6.0 — Deserialize JSON into TypeScript classes and serialize classes into JSON.

Gillian Pérard

???? Jobs

Full Stack JavaScript Engineer @ Emerging Cybersecurity Startup — Small team/big results. Fun + flexible + always interesting. Come build our award-winning, all-in-one cybersecurity platform.


Software Engineer — Join our happy team. Stimulus is a social platform started by Sticker Mule to show what’s possible if your mission is to increase human happiness.


Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


????‍???? Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.


Ink 4.1
↳ Use React to build interactive CLI apps.

Ember Simple Auth 5.0
↳ Authentication and authorization for Ember apps.

Cypress 12.9
↳ Browser-oriented testing framework.

SVGR 7.0
↳ Transform SVGs into React components.

???? JZZ 1.6.1
↳ MIDI library for Node and browsers.

Vue Sonner
↳ The Sonner toast component but for Vue.

np 7.7 – A better npm publish.

Qwik 0.100 – The HTML-first framework.

DOM Testing Library 9.2

React Date Picker 4.11

pnpm 8.1