Bundle-time macros with Bun

#​641 — June 1, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

JavaScript Macros in Bun — Not content with giving the JavaScript world a brand new bundler, Bun’s Jarred has taken it a bit further: ‘macros’ that run at bundle time with the result being directly inlined into your code. They use stage 3 annotated import statements (so may become regular JS eventually) and Jarred shows off some use cases here.

Jarred Sumner

▶  Discussing the Future of React with Two Core Team Members — As part of the celebrations around React’s 10th birthday, Vercel’s Delba de Oliveira interviewed Andrew Clark and Sebastian Markbåge of the React core team on modern topics including server components, Suspense, Actions, and the next steps React will take.

Delba de Oliveira (Vercel)

URL Validation 101 — with Snyk — Keep script injection and server side request forgery out of your JavaScript applications with Snyk.

Snyk sponsor

Aimless.js: The ‘Missing’ JavaScript Randomness Library — If you’ve been itching for functions to give you random characters, numbers from custom distributions, random sequences, random items, weighted random numbers, or more, this is for you.

Christopher Cavalea


???? Two big birthdays in the past week: Node.js turned 14 and React turned 10.

Intel and Google have been working together on the Compute Pressure API which you can use, in origin trial, in Chrome 115. It provides a way to measure the ‘computational strain’ of the system your code is running on to then adjust how your app operates accordingly.

???? Misko Hevery, creator of Angular and now Qwik, was on the Stack Overflow Podcast talking about ▶️ how he’s ‘dehydrating the Web’ in an ongoing quest for higher performance.

‘Deferring Module Evaluation’ is a TC39 proposal for basically being able to lazily load modules which are executed only upon use.

You can now use Node.js built-in modules on Deno Deploy, making it easier to run existing JS apps ‘at the edge’ on their platform.

Tom Preston-Werner, GitHub co-founder and Redwood co-creator, writes about how Redwood is going ‘all in on React Server Components’ and announces the first Redwood conference this September.

SupportsCSS: Feature Detection for Modern CSS — Inspired by Modernizr, this script expands on the capabilities of CSS’s @supports feature by adding classes to your HTML and exposing a results object so you can run custom tests live in the browser.

Stephanie Eckles

????  JSDayIE 2023: The First JavaScript Conference in Ireland Is Back! — Join us on September 26th in Dublin to experience everything the Irish JavaScript community and Ireland have to offer.

JSDayIE sponsor


Electron 25 – Now offering a Chrome-powered net.fetch (as opposed to Node’s flavor of fetch()).

Neutralinojs 4.12 – Desktop app dev framework.

Parcel 2.9

Bootstrap 5.3.0

node-oracledb 6.0

???? Articles & Tutorials

How to Draw Any Regular Shape with Just One JavaScript Function — Mozilla/MDN has a (relatively) new blog — here they share how to use JavaScript to draw any regular shape to a HTML canvas with a single function, and how to modify it to draw multiple shapes.

Ruth John

Sharing WebSocket Connections between Tabs and Windows — If your users open your app in multiple tabs or windows, being able to share a WebSocket connection could be a lot more efficient both at the client and server end. Is it possible? With SharedWorkers (supported by all major browsers, except Chrome on Android), you can.

Szymon Chmal

▶  How React Works Under The Hood: 2023 Edition — Quite a lot of depth for a mere 13-minutes. Covers React broadly, along with the pros and cons of JSX, how the virtual DOM approach works, plus React’s diffing algorithm.


Connected APM and Infrastructure Monitoring at Up to 1/3rd the Cost of Datadog

New Relic sponsor

Why Does a Farmer Emoji Have a Length of 7 in JS? — This is a nicely accessible introduction to a topic that often causes confusion. Get ready to learn a little about grapheme clusters, scalars, and code units.

Evan Hahn

The Evolution of React APIs and Code Reuse — An exploration of common React patterns, from mixins and higher-order components to render props & hooks.

Rem / Frontend Mastery

▶  ‘I Tried 8 Different Postgres ORMs’ — A modern, fast-paced, and slightly irreverent look at working with Postgres from back-end JavaScript runtimes. (9 minutes.)

Beyond Fireship

Automatically Unsubscribe from RxJS Observables in Angular Components

Rob Bell

Deploying Vanilla Node.js Apps on Fly.io

Sam Ruby (Fly)

Asynchronous JavaScript for Beginners

Daniel Agantem

???? Code & Tools

Svelvet: A Svelte Component Library for Interactive Node-Based Diagrams — You can create flow diagrams using pre-built components with seamless zooming and panning, draggable interactivity, customizable edges/nodes, etc.

Svelvet Team

Inkline 4.0: A Customizable Vue.js 3 UI/UX Library — A design system and numerous customizable components designed for mobile-first (but desktop friendly) and built with accessibility in mind.

Alex Grozav

Handsontable: Data Editor for React — There’s a lot of JS data grids out there, but none quite like Handsontable: Excel-like design, keyboard shortcuts, and React support make it the perfect data editor for web apps.

Handsontable Data Grid sponsor

JECS: An Entity Component System (ECS) for JSEntity component systems are common in game development as they provide a lot of flexibility for managing the many objects present in games.


Color Names: A Gigantic List of Handpicked Color Names — At first, I thought this was just going to be a hundred or so obvious choices like the named colors in HTML (???? rebeccapurple) but it’s actually over 30,000 colors with a fantastic array of names and uses, plus JavaScript functions to work with them.

David Aerne

fastgron: High-Performance JSON to GRON Converter‘gron’ is a transpiled form of JSON into individual assignment operations which makes it easier to grep. (fastgron is itself written in C++.)

Adam Ritter

Orama 1.0.3
↳ In-memory, typo-tolerant, text search engine.

Perspective 2.2
↳ WASM-powered high-perf data visualization component.

Javet 2.2 – Java + V8. Embed JS into Java.

OverlayScrollbars 2.2 – JS custom scrollbar plugin.

html-react-parser 4.0 – HTML to React parser.

Vuetify 3.3.2 – Vue component framework.

React Slider 10.2Demos.

???? Jobs

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


????‍???? Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.

????  Live-streaming from JavaScript

JSFiddle: Did You Know You Can Stream on Twitch from JavaScript? — This is an interesting experiment, but I tried it and it worked! Twitch added support for WebRTC ingestion a while ago and this CodePen example ties that together with fewer than 50 lines of JavaScript to send your preferred video source to the popular livestreaming service. It’s hardly OBS, but I imagine someone will rustle up something fancier with this approach in time.

Sean DuBois on JSFiddle

Garbage collector experiments

#​628 — March 3, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Sandworm Audit: A New JS Auditing Tool — A command-line tool to scan a project and dependencies for vulnerabilities, license issues, and related problems. You get JSON reports, visualizations of dependency trees, and a CSV of all dependencies and license information.


Experiments with the JavaScript Garbage Collector — A look at the prevalence of elusive memory leaks and how understanding the garbage collector’s decision-making process can help avoid them. Sheds light on some scenarios related to GC behavior across five examples.

Alexey Lebedev

The Fastest JavaScript Data Grid Component — A solid JS data grid is essential in all business apps. Bryntum’s powerful Grid component lets you sort, group and filter datasets with great performance. Includes a TreeGrid, API docs and demos. Seamless integration with React, Angular & Vue apps.

Bryntum sponsor

‘You Don’t Need a Build Step’ — You need to remember the Deno folks have an alternative JS runtime to promote, but they always make great points. A build step has helped with getting things to run in the browser or to transpile and bundle code elsewhere. But with modern tooling, do we still need a build step? Andy lays out the problem and explains how, unsurprisingly, Deno and Fresh work around it.

Andy Jiang (Deno)

Announcing TypeScript 5.0 RC — Barring any critical bug fixes, this is as good as done. The headline feature in 5.0 is likely to be decorators and Daniel does a rather extensive job of showing them off here. Other tweaks include being able to add const modifiers to type parameter declarations, supporting multiple config files in extends, and all enums are now union enums.

Daniel Rosenwasser

The 2023 JavaScript Site Generator Review — Zach puts Astro, Eleventy, Enhance, Gatsby, Next.js, Nuxt, Remix and SvelteKit through their paces, focusing on quantitative factors like build time, the amount of JavaScript code needed at runtime, and the presence (or not) of telemetry.

Zach Leatherman


Node.js Toolbox is a new site bringing together data-driven comparisons of Node packages in various categories.

The React Flow project shared how it ‘gets paid fairly’ for open source.

You can now add pronouns to your GitHub profile.

RETRO VIBES: Using JavaScript to recreate ANSI art from a screenshot.

James Q Quick floats some ideas for JavaScript trends in 2023.


Deno 1.31 – Now with package.json support.

Preact 10.13 – Fast 3KB React alternative.

zx 7.2 – JS shell scripting approach.

Papa Parse 5.4 – Fast in-browser CSV parser.

???? Articles & Tutorials

Crawling Weather Forecasts with Cypress — Even if you don’t care for the weather, this is a neat code-led demonstration of using the Cypress browser oriented testing tool for performing a variety of productive activities.

Gleb Bahmutov PhD

????  The JavaScript Era Happened Because ‘We Were Fed a Line’ — If you want a spicy (literally) opinion piece, this is your fill for this week. Jared rails against the ebb and flow of things that are considered outdated/bad or not (e.g. HTML-first was in, then out, then in). Unsurprisingly, it provoked an extensive discussion on Hacker News.

Jared White opinion

Need to Upgrade to Node 18? Don’t Have Time? Our Experts Can Help ???? — Stuck in dependency hell? We’ve been there. Hire our team of experts to upgrade dependencies, gradually paying off tech debt.

UpgradeJS.com: JavaScript Upgrade Services sponsor

Using Sourcegraph to Discover Non-NPM JS Projects“If you want to discover package.json files for JavaScript projects that are not NPM libraries, how would you do it?” An interesting walkthrough one approach using the Sourcegraph platform.


Building an Animated SVG Logo with Anime.jsAnime.js is a JS animation library that works with CSS properties, SVG, DOM attributes and JS objects.

Jozef Maxted

Bootstrap Your React Journey with Tic-Tac-Toe — It’s easy to forget that not a day goes by that somebody is taking their first steps on their journey to learn React. Here’s a recently updated way to start, direct from the source.

React Docs

▶  A Deep Dive into the Node.js Event Loop

Tyler Hawkins

What is ref() in Vue?

Dmitri Pavlutin

???? Code & Tools

Text Highlighter: Highlight Search Results in Textareas — Responsively highlight search results within a textarea element without interfering with its operation. There’s a live demo.

Walter Staeblein

Civet: It’s Like CoffeeScript.. for TypeScript! — I’ve gotta admit, I like this. This example alone shows off the power. In a world where build toolchains are the norm, maybe this could take off, but my CoffeeScript experiences of yesteryear restrain me from going ‘all in’ on something like this for now.

Daniel X Moore and contributors

✈️ Get Your Tests Flying with Wallaby.js — Turbocharge your productivity with the 15x faster test runner. Spend more time coding, less time waiting.

Wallaby.js sponsor

Remult: A CRUD Framework for Full-Stack TypeScript — Promises a ‘zero-boilerplate’ CRUD API experience by using your TypeScript entities as a single source of truth for your API, frontend type-safe API client and backend ORM. There are tutorials for using it alongside React, Angular, Vue and Next.js.

Remult Team

React Flow: Create Node-Based UIs — The example on the homepage shows off this powerful React component well.

Webkid GmbH

ts-reset: A ‘CSS Reset’ for TypeScript — CSS isn’t involved but much like a reset stylesheet flattens out browser quirks and differences, ts-reset aims to ‘smooth off’ some hard edges of TypeScript.

Total TypeScript

Full Stack Monitoring Made Affordable

TelemetryHub sponsor

Lenis: A Smooth Scroll Library — Boasts a number of extra features compared to similar libraries that allow you to do scroll animations, parallax, etc. You can try it out here.

Studio Freight Darkroom

iDraw.js: A Web Vector Graphics Drawing Framework — One motivation for this high level abstraction appears to be to power Web-based graphics editing tools like this.GitHub repo.

idrawjs Team

eta (η) 2.0.1
↳ Embedded template engine for Node, Deno & browser.

pnpm 7.28
↳ Alternative, efficient package manager.

???? Jobs

Full Stack JavaScript Engineer @ Emerging Cybersecurity Startup — Small team/big results. Fun + flexible + always interesting. Come build our award-winning, all-in-one cybersecurity platform.


Software Engineer (Frontend) — Join our “kick ass” team. Our software team operates from 17 countries and we’re always looking for more exceptional engineers.

Sticker Mule

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


????‍???? Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.

???? Experimental Projects..

Ezno: A (Now Open Source) Experimental JS Compiler — We first mentioned Ezno (explained here) last year but this week it has been open-sourced. It’s a parser, partial-executor, optimizer and type checker for JavaScript written in Rust and it continues to get better in 2023.

Ben X

Dak: A Lisp-Like Language That Transpiles to JS“I had an itch to make a lisp like language that was a thin layer on top JavaScript. … It’s brittle, hot off the oven.” We appreciate such honesty. There’s a playground and a language tour if you want to check it out.

Naitik Shah

Interview With Italo José Core committer at @herbsjs

@ItaloJosé is Microsoft MVP in the Node.js category and works at NodeSource as a Software Engineer; He organizes CityJS Brazil.

We are thrilled to be part of developing powerful tools like N|Solid. We are immensely proud of our engineers who have dedicated their time and expertise to support the open-source ecosystem. This is our way of giving voice and visibility to the projects they are passionate about.

We want to recognize Italo José’s work with Herb.js on this occasion. He has been working on the Herbs.js project since 2020, where he developed the initial versions of the CLI, made significant contributions to numerous repositories, and mentored new contributors.

NS: What benefits does Herbs.js provide?

IJ: Different from other frameworks that help you to write a better infrastructure layer, like the API, database layer, documentation, and tests. The Herbs.js want to help you avoid writing it and focus on what matters, the domain’s code. How do we do it? We read your use case and provide you with the infrastructure; this way, you can save more than 50% of the time developing a server-side application.

It’s good for the business and developers that will stop writing boring and repetitive code for every project.

NS: How can I use Herbs.js to improve my development process?

IJ: The first step is writing your entities and use cases using the @herbsjs/herbs library, besides you have a more organized and readable use cases’ code. After that, you can add our glues(other libraries) that will read your use case and provide you the infrastructure code like rest or GraphQL APIs, documentation, repositories layer and more.

NS: What are the most popular features of Herbs.js?

IJ: Our CLI, the herbs2rest libraries.
The CLI, you know, helps you to generate and maintain a project using the Herbs.js. The herbs shelf reads your use cases and provides human documentation (this is my favorite).

The herbs2rest plugin reads your use case and provides a configured express instance containing all endpoints, an error handling layer, and auth layer for you.

These are the three most popular, but we have plugins for GraphQL, databases, tests, and more.

NS: How does Herbs.js simplify the development process?

IJ: Besidesprevents you writing 80% of the infrastructure code; we provide you with and structured way to write the use cases that allow you to maintain your code self-documented and organized in steps; it’s interesting because this way, new developers and non-developers can understand in a fast way what is happening in your code, it allows for example, project owners validate your use case rule for going to production.

Besides, we save time by avoiding writing the “repetitive” infrastructure code in all projects in our lives.

NS: How user-friendly is Herbs.js?

IJ: It’s pretty simple; as I mentioned in question 2, you write your entities and use case using the @herbsjs/herbs, and after that, just pass it for the glues, so the magic happens.

We assume you want to know more about this project. In that case, we invite you to review this amazing keynote that Italo left for the Community at CityJS Conference: Do you really code domain-oriented systems?

Want to contribute to an OS Project?

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If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or on Twitter @nodesource. To get the best out of Node.js, try N|Solid SaaS #KnowYourNode