The unbearable weight of massive JavaScript

#​664 — November 23, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Time to Take the State of JavaScript 2023 — The long standing State of JavaScript survey is back for another run at figuring out what the community is up to and what tools we’re using. The results are always illuminating and we’ll share the tastiest parts once available.


▶  The Unbearable Weight of Massive JavaScript — An extensive talk looking at what can be achieved by simplifying web architecture, chiefly by using new or upcoming Web Platform APIs and getting back to building fast, maintainable, user-friendly frontends. Slidedeck.

Ryan Townsend

Stop Building Auth, Start Building Apps with EdgeDB + Next.js — It’s hard enough to come up with an idea worth trying. See how EdgeDB and our new authentication extension makes it easy to go from idea to working application in record time using Next.js.

EdgeDB sponsor

TypeScript 5.3 Released — The latest edition of the type-enhanced JavaScript superset is here. The headline feature is full support for the import attributes proposal (as it currently stands, at stage 3 in TC39), but there are many enhancements around type narrowing, interactive inlay hints for types in editors, and more. Not the biggest update, but progress nonetheless.

Daniel Rosenwasser (Microsoft)

Vite 5.0 Released — The Vite suite of frontend tooling may have started life in the Vue.js world, but is now used by projects aplenty including SvelteKit, Remix, and Astro. v5 now uses Rollup 4, removes many deprecated features, and requires Node 18+. There’s a migration guide to help with your v4 to v5 progression.

Evan You and Contributors


The Node.js 20.x runtime is now available on AWS Lambda.

🎁 A bumper list of dev-related tools & services running Black Friday deals.

GitHub looks at what’s new in the latest Git release: Git 2.43.

The AWS Amplify team teases ‘Gen 2’ of their fullstack app platform.


⭐️ Transformers.js v2.9 – State of the art ML in JavaScript. v2.9 adds support for depth estimation, zero-shot object detection, and optical document understanding.

Redux Toolkit 2.0 rc.0, Redux 5.0 rc.0, React-Redux 9.0 rc.0 – Initial RCs with better packaging and smaller bundles. Final releases due soon.

Bun 1.0.14 – Introduces a high-perf globbing API for matching files and strings.

Rspack 0.4 including Rsbuild 0.1 – A fast Rust-based web bundler.

Node v21.2.0 (Current) and Node v20.10.0 (LTS)

Starlight 0.13.0 – Beautiful docs sites atop Astro.

📄 Articles & Tutorials

▶  4 Web Devs, 1 App Idea — Salma Alam-Naylor, Scott Tolinski, and Eve Porcello join Jason Lengstorf to kick off a fun new series where several developers all implement the same type of app, show off how they went about it, and react to each other’s approaches. Svelte, Astro, and Next.js each make an appearance.

Learn with Jason

Promises Training — Practice working with promises through a curated collection of interactive challenges. Aimed at developers with at least an intermediate understanding of promises who want to dig deeper.

Henrique Inonhe

JavaScript Error and Performance Monitoring — Track, trace, debug and resolve JavaScript errors across platforms. Are your releases that easy? Join us live.

Sentry sponsor

An Attempted Taxonomy of Web Components — A collection of open-source web components (and lessons learned from using them) that may help you on your journey in this complex, developing space.

Zach Leatherman

Using OpenAI APIs to Analyze Automated Test Failures — A look at how to develop a Nightwatch.js plugin which sends the test failure and associated errors to a service that integrates with OpenAI’s platform to analyze said errors and provide actionable feedback.

Andrei Rusu

🛠 Code & Tools

Bruno: An Open-Source HTTP API Exploration App — There are a lot of ‘API client’ tools like this, commercial and non-commercial, with varying levels of features, but this is an open source one entirely built in JavaScript with a fully-offline ethos some might appreciate. GitHub repo.

Anoop M D, Anusree P S and Contributors

debounce 2.0: Delay Function Calls Until a Set Time Elapses — If you don’t want something to run too often, debouncing is the strategy for you and this library makes it simple. v2 adds types and brings the code up to modern standards.

Sindre Sorhus et al.

Level Up Your UX With Bryntum — Empower your users with advanced widgets like data grids, calendars, schedulers, and Gantt charts.

Bryntum sponsor

H3: A Minimal HTTP Framework for Multiple JS Platforms — Aims to be as universal as possible and works across numerous platforms, including Node, while offering the basic HTTP framework features and a compatibility layer with Express middleware. v1.9 just landed.


request-animation-frames: Use requestAnimationFrame Anywhere — The latest library from the one-man module powerhouse, Sindre Sorhus. The idea this time is to allow you to use requestAnimationFrame in any JavaScript environment. The implementation is delightfully simple.

Sindre Sorhus

Spectral.js: A More ‘Paint-Like’ Color Mixing Library — If you have two colors to transition between, just tweening the RGB values can result in some rather ugly intermediate colors. Spectral.js uses Kubelka–Munk theory which more closely matches how paints work for a visually satisfying result.

Ronald van Wijnen

‘A Node + TypeScript + ts-node + ESM Experience That Works’ — It’s just three files: package.json, tsconfig.json and a utilities file.

Khalid Zoabi

A Non-Cloud Alternative to Google Forms That Has It All

SURVEYJS sponsor

🖼 medium-zoom 1.1: A Library for Medium-Style Image Zooming — Responsive, can load a higher definition version of an image on zoom, and mouse, keyboard and gesture friendly. Now we just need a library that can cover up the bottom half of a page with junk like Medium also does now. Demo.

François Chalifour

gridstack.js 10.0 – Build interactive dashboard panels quickly.

MQTT.js 5.3 – MQTT client for Node and browser.

Piscina 4.2 – Node.js worker thread pool implementation.

(Official) MongoDB Node.js Driver 6.3

SQL Formatter 14.0 – Pretty print SQL queries.

Job Listing

Full Stack TypeScript Software Engineer – [Remote Europe] is a visual bug-reporting tool for the web. Join our dev team and work remotely (Stack: Node.js, Vue.js & MongoDB).


“Programming isn’t about what you know; it’s about what you can figure out.”

Chris Pine (author of Learn to Program)

P.S. Medium is 🗑️. If you don’t want to host your own blog, try Hashnode,, Bear, or even throw Markdown at GitHub Gists – it’ll provide a better reader experience and we’ll be more likely to link to it.

Bringing JavaScript to WebAssembly

#​625 — February 10, 2023

Read on the Web

It looked quiet at first but wow, what an epic week this turned out to be. There’s a lot to chew on here, and we even have a variety of bonus items at the very end of this issue. Enjoy!
Your editor, Peter Cooper

JavaScript Weekly

Speeding Up the JS Ecosystem: It’s ESLint’s Turn — Last year we featured an article from the same author about how he was finding, and fixing, low-hanging performance fruit in popular JavaScript projects. He’s back, and he’s found a lot of potential for savings in ESLint this time.

Marvin Hagemeister

The Future (and the Past) of the Web is Server Side Rendering — It’s fair to say the Deno folks have some skin in this game, but nonetheless this is a neat brief history of server-side rendering and why they feel it’s the right approach for modern web development.

Andy Jiang (Deno)

Monitoring Your NestJS Application with AppSignal — With AppSignal, you can monitor your NestJS app with ease and rely on OpenTelemetry to handle third-party instrumentations. AppSignal even provides helper functions to help you build comprehensive custom instrumentation. A box of 🍪 included!

AppSignal sponsor

Ten Web Development Trends in 2023 — Following the State of JS survey results Robin takes a considered look at new web dev trends that we should be paying attention to this year, and why they matter.

Robin Wieruch

Bringing JavaScript to WebAssembly for Shopify Functions — As much as this is focused on a specific use case at Shopify, this is a fascinating look at how they’re integrating JavaScript and WebAssembly under tight constraints. They also talk about Javy, a JS to WebAssembly toolchain being built at Shopify that lets you run JS code on a WASM-embedded JS runtime.

Surma (Shopify)

Google Touts Web-Based Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js

Richard MacManus (The New Stack)


🎉 Time to celebrate — a recent survey allegedly found that JavaScript applications ‘have fewer flaws’ than Java and .NET ones. So there you go.

Honeypot’s highly anticipated ▶️ React.js documentary drops later today – it’ll probably be out by the time you read this.

Vanilla List is a directory of ‘vanilla’ JavaScript controls and plugins.

▶️ Evan You tells us what to expect in 2023 from Vue.js.

The Scala.js project is celebrating its ten year anniversary – it’s now a mature way to build Web projects using Scala, if you prefer.

📅 Vue.js Live is a JavaScript event taking place both in London and online on May 12 & 15. From the same folks as the also forthcoming JSNation conference.

A history of criticisms levelled at React.


Eleventy / 11ty 2.0
↳ Popular Node.js static site generator.

pnpm 7.27 – The efficient package manager.

RxDB 14.0 – Offline-first, reactive database.

📒 Articles & Tutorials

Design Patterns in TypeScript — OO-inspired patterns aren’t for everyone or every use case, but this is a fantastic catalog of examples, complete with diagrams and explanations, if you need to learn to tell apart factory methods from decorators, facades, or proxies.

Refactoring Guru

Resumable React: How To Use React Inside Qwik — Building React apps without ever loading React in the user’s browser? “Sounds too good to be true? Let’s see how this works.”

Yoav Ganbar

Did You Know That You’re Already a Distributed Systems Developer?

Temporal Technologies sponsor

Build a Hacker News Client using Alpine.jsAlpine.js is a thin and elegant reactivity library that lets you add dynamic functionality to your site directly in markup. This is a short and sweet practical example of what you can quickly do with it.

Salai Vedha Viradhan

▶  TypeScript Speedrun: A Crash Course for Beginners — If you want to pick up TypeScript and would find a video guide useful, this is for you. Matt has become well known recently for his educational TypeScript tweets and videos, and this is another good one that flies through the basics. (23 minutes.)

Matt Pocock

Using Notion as a Headless CMS with Nuxt

Trent Brew

The Options API vs Composition API in Vue.js

Charles Allotey

🛠 Code & Tools

Bookmarklet Editor: Easily Work on JavaScript Bookmarklets — Useful because who can remember the exact syntax for a bookmarklet? 🤔 This also can instantly convert code to and from bookmarklet form and includes some examples in the help section (click the big ? to get all the details).

Marek Gibney

Breakpoints and console.log Is the Past, Time Travel Is the Future — 15x faster JavaScript debugging than with breakpoints and console.log, now with support for Vitest.

Wallaby.js sponsor

Yup 1.0: Super Simple Object Schema Validation — Define a schema, transform a value to match, assert the shape of an existing value, or both. Very extensive docs here.

Jason Quense

Material React Table: A Full-Featured React Table Component — Built upon Material UI 5 and TanStack Table 8. The docs include lots of interactive examples.

Kevin Van Cott

BlockNote: Notion-Style Block-Based Text Editor — Built on top of Prosemirror and Tiptap, this is for you if you like the way the Notion note-taking service’s text editor feels. There’s a live demo.


TresJS: Build 3D Experiences with Vue.js — Create 3D scenes with Vue components and Three.js. Think React-three-fiber but Vue flavored.

Alvaro Sabu

depngn: Find Out if Dependencies Support a Given Node.js Version — A CLI tool that establishes whether or not the dependencies in your package.json will work against a specified version of Node.


Open-Source JS Form Libraries to Automate Your Form Workflow — Self-host SurveyJS to configure and modify multiple forms, convert them to fillable PDF files, and analyze collected data in interactive dashboards.

SurveyJS sponsor

Lawnmower: Build VR Scenes with Custom HTML Tags — A web component library that leans on Three.js and aims “to make building a basic VR website as easy to make as your first HTML site”.

Gareth Marland

Electron 23.0 Released — The popular cross platform JavaScript, HTML + CSS desktop app framework gets bumped up to Node 18.12.1, Chromium 110, and V8 11.0. Windows 7/8/8.1 support has also been dropped, so we might start to see those versions of Windows lose the support of a lot of Electron based apps soon.

Electron Core Team

Run: Run User-Provided Code in a Web Worker

SLASHD Analytics

💻 Jobs

Software Engineer (Backend) — Join our “kick ass” team. Our software team operates from 17 countries and we’re always looking for more exceptional engineers.

Sticker Mule

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.



vue-easytable 2.23
↳ A data table/grid control for Vue.js. (Demo.)

React-Custom-Scroll 5.0
↳ Customize the browser scroll bar. (Demo.)

react-jsonschema-form 5.1
↳ Component to build Web forms from JSON Schema.

AlaSQL.js 3.1
↳ JavaScript-based SQL database.

jest-puppeteer 7.0
↳ Run tests using Jest & Puppeteer.

MDX 2.3
↳ Markdown for the component era.

🎁 The Bonus Round

✈️ Watching someone wrestle with Python and JavaScript to fly (virtual) planes with Microsoft Flight Simulator tickled me a lot.

A beautiful WebGL2-based fluid simulation. It’s even happy on mobile. Pretty!

Go-like channels in 10 lines of JavaTypeScript..?

🐦 Misko Hevery: “useSignal() is the future of web frameworks and is a better abstraction than useState(), which is showing its age.” (source)

Mike Pennisi asks: when is an object property not a property?

Do you use Postgres at all? Check out Postgres Weekly – one of our sister newsletters. So much is going on in the Postgres space lately and it’s a great way to keep up.