N|Solid OSS Release

Origin of N|Solid

In November of 2014, when NodeSource was still a small consulting group, my teammates Dan Shaw, Rod Vagg, and I were having dinner after a customer engagement, discussing how to bring Node.js production deployments to the same level of polish and tooling capability of the other runtimes our customers were already employing. The power and flexibility of Node.js helped it take off like a rocket, but the tooling to make sure that it was behaving properly had (and has) been a lot slower keeping up, or has used jury-rigged tooling designed for completely different runtime paradigms–effectively trying to shove a hexagonal peg into a square hole. There was a general lack of quality information, guidance, or practices around putting Node.js into production at all.

Achieving this sort of parity and filling these holes in the community required solving simultaneous problems: fitting Node.js into modern production infrastructures, having reliable deployments and meaningful success metrics for expanding and internally evangelizing Node.js adoption, and even sometimes simply to just have any idea of what is going on in these Node.js production systems at all.

Between our existing expertise with distributing Node.js builds and internal Node.js expertise itself we realized that if anyone was going to provide something like this for the Node.js Enterprise community, it would have to be us.

We have always believed and seen firsthand that there is a giant number of teams and organizations that could benefit from an augmented set of tooling. Over the years, many of the people working on N|Solid were also core team members to the Node.js project, keeping an eye on industry needs often being deferred by the project. Foremost of these people is Trevor Norris, who has been our expert with his hands deepest in the V8 and Node C++ internals and continues to drive the vision and details of the N|Solid runtime. The broader community shares many of the same values when it comes to performance and the flexibility of Javascript and the power of the community and its resources such as npm–but we wanted to focus our attention and efforts to support the needs of those of us running important, secure, high-throughput, production environments.

So we took it upon ourselves to tailor Node.js a business suit and help it work well with others. Part of what we came up with is what became N|Solid –an instrumented Node.js runtime and a purpose-built inspection console–a tool to both guide teams into a well-structured production environment as well as provide a devtools-like introspection and analysis interface to work with it. We wanted it to provide out-of-the-box compatibility for industry standard monitoring and other infrastructure tooling and harden its security profile, for example by disabling potentially unsafe features. Essentially, we wanted the ability to make decisions about the runtime that might make it less effective for small projects or experimental work in favor of a hardened runtime with guard rails, specifically designed to slot into best-practice production infrastructures.

An example of this was the ability to override core Buffer allocation to zero-fill allocated memory. It took two more Node.js LTS releases after the initial N|Solid release with this feature for Node.js core to come up with an upstream permanent solution to the problem. We were able to provide protection for our clients immediately and seamlessly transition them to the upstream solution when it became available.

The concept of N|Solid originated from our collective experience running Node.js applications in production and helping our customers with theirs. In addition, a good chunk of our business is helping people productionize and stabilize their Node.js environments, so we needed these tools in order to adequately research and analyze these customer issues. Much like any good product, its origin is building tools to solve our own problems first.

The Challenge of Node.js Observability

The fundamental nature of application performance is that everything going on in your code breaks down to CPU instructions and work that must be done. Instrumentation is also work, and the way it’s implemented can be extremely contentious with your own business logic, especially on platforms such as Node.js that have single-threaded bottlenecks such as the V8 event loop. Without a separate agent thread like the N|Solid agent, at some point the event loop must stop doing application work to collect metrics, crunch numbers, and send them over the line to the monitoring endpoint. This is your only option if your instrumentation is written in JavaScript and runs on the same event loop as the application.

N|Solid intentionally sequesters as much of this as possible to its own execution thread that works in parallel to Node.js. The work is still being done, but no longer in a way that is in contention with your own application for its single-threaded resources. This also enables us to detect and interact with a stuck Event Loop in a way that no other tool can.

Every tool you add to your platform to improve observability and capture information adds additional overhead. N|Solid aims to provide a single, low-overhead agent for sharing this across all of your tooling needs in a way that is extremely tightly bound to the specifics of Node.js.

Check out our benchmark tool to see how N|Solid compares when it comes to the cost of observability.

The Technical Details

Node.js is a small engine of amazingness; combining the V8 javascript engine with a core suite of libraries to provide an extremely fast and flexible runtime environment for javascript on the server. Developers generally approach runtime engines like little black boxes–as long as it runs their code the way they expect, what is actually going on doesn’t matter all that much. The reality is that the complexity around the asynchronous model Node.js uses being radically different from most other established platforms often results in confusion about what’s going on.

Considering all of our goals around what data we needed access to for both introspection and hardening and the additional goal of near-zero contention with application performance, we decided the only solution would be to build our own version of the runtime with our additional changes patched in. This also allows users to use N|Solid by simply using the nsolid binary as if it was the node binary–because it is! To your application, N|Solid is an environment change only, and can be tried without changing a single line of your application code.

There’s one small added complexity of doing it this way, though: we need to to make builds of N|Solid for every supported version of Node.js on every platform of node that our customers might require. This meant our changeset needed to be consistently applied across multiple changing upstream branches built on a build farm with every possible supported architecture. Fortunately, NodeSource was and remains the top community resource for making and distributing builds of Node.js – the odds are extremely good that if you’re using Node.js, we built it for you on the same servers we’re building N|Solid.

The rough architecture of N|Solid is a native C++ thread and a matching Javascript module built into Node.js directly that can access internal hooks and has the ability to send the results upstream in a variety of ways, such as OpenTelemetry or StatsD. Foremost among these is the N|Solid Console which provides fully wired access to all of the runtime features by making use of the bi-directional N|Solid Agent API. This bi-directional communication layer with the agent thread is what enables something akin to devtools, allowing limited interaction with a live Node.js process–even one potentially running in production environments.

It is vital that N|Solid retains 100% compatibility with Node.js, including the entire npm ecosystem. The community was and still is still seeing a significant amount of framework churn, we wanted to sit outside of the framework discussions because we understand just how many different frameworks are being used in production right now. We wanted to make sure we can support these frameworks in what they do, but also provide a tool for comparing and selecting between frameworks.

We want N|Solid to play well with others, so we made it aware of community practices and standards, such as package.json and common Node.js environments. As the project adopts new features and standards, N|Solid also adapts.

Our tooling is built around the runtime engine itself, treating each process (and potentially worker thread) as an individual unit, collecting a wide set of metrics and interactive introspection such as CPU profiling or Heap Snapshot collection from live processes without having stop them or start a canary process and hope that it reproduces the observable behavior. We found it essential to provide the ability to identify and inspect a suspect process while it is still alive, enabling you to interrogate the rogue process itself instead of the frustrating process of trying to reproduce the same behavior in a lab environment.

Node applications are often large microservice installations, sharing state across potentially thousands of processes. We wanted the N|Solid Console to be a tool to expose the information to a central repository that could manage and inspect the results and let you do some limited interactive introspection remotely. This central location for your entire production installation lets you see everything at a glance, but still dig into the details of individual processes. This coordination aspect of the N|Solid Console also allows it to compare different processes–read more about anomaly detection and snapshot diffing in our documentation.

N|Solid Features

Robust APIs: Benefit from JavaScript and C++ APIs’ flexibility and power.
Monitoring Data: N|Solid allows for the transmission of a wide array of monitoring data, encompassing system metrics, Event Loop Utilization, worker threads, and numerous specialized Node.js metrics to third-party providers such as Datadog, New Relic, and Dynatrace.
Open Telemetry and Tracing: Send Open Telemetry compatible traces to supported third-party providers, ensuring comprehensive observability.
StatsD Compatibility: Transmit monitoring information using StatsD to any compatible backend.
Environment Variable Utilization: Use all available environment variables at runtime.
Manual Control over CPU Profiles and Heap Snapshots: Gain the ability to manually capture CPU profiles and heap snapshots using the JS or C++ API.

The N|Solid release schedule is tied directly to the Node.js LTS release schedule. Due to how flexible development on what’s called the Current Node.js line, we wait until the release as been solidified into its LTS form prior to creating a N|Solid version. This means that all active LTS lines of Node.js have a corresponding N|Solid Release, and we aim to release new versions of N|Solid within 24 hours of the upstream Node.js LTS release. If you are stuck on a legacy version of Node.js, let our support team help you update to a current LTS version to ensure you are still getting vital security patches.

In summary, the N|Solid Runtime is the Node.js runtime, augmented with additional capabilities to enable what we saw as operational best practices. The N|Solid Console is the coordinated monitoring and introspection tool designed to fully leverage the N|Solid runtime and the combined experience of encountering and solving our own and our customer’s actual problems in production environments.

Why Open Source the N|Solid Runtime?

This is something we’ve considered for many years. We have always been a strong supporter of the community and believe in the immense value and impact of open-source. We have remained committed to the Node.js ecosystem as active contributors and being a leading distributor of the OSS binary packages.

Earlier this year we came to the conclusion that the timing was right, our development roadmap had reached a point where we had something meaningful to provide to the community and we could continue to deliver the value and support our Enterprise and SaaS customers expect from our commercial offering. Further, we envision that the collaboration with the global developer community will create a brighter and more innovative future for N|Solid and set a new standard for enterprise needs.

We think everyone should be running N|Solid on their business platforms where they are using Node.js. Throughout its existence, we’ve focused on compatibility with other production tooling–even those we compete with–because most of these are not tightly coupled to Node.js. Usually they are polyglot and must cater to the lowest commonality between platforms. We want to encourage the proliferation of N|Solid and the advancement of Node-paradigm specific tooling by putting the runtime directly into the hands of the Open Source community. We see an opportunity for developers to build new connectors and integrations with other tools and support the collective creativity of the community. We get the chance to foster even greater collaboration and partnerships with other providers that want to add the value of N|Solid to their own platforms and tools.

We’re open source engineers at heart, we believe in the power of community code and that having the source available creates an environment of trust and empowerment. We feel like we’ve only been able to scratch the surface of what’s possible here and want to bring the community into the project and we hope that we can get you all excited about it too.

Read more about how to get involved in our contribution guidelines!

The Future of N|Solid

We have a lot of plans already for N|Solid and welcome you to participate in their development. These are some of our upcoming initiatives:

Custom Metrics: Capture and transport your own application-specific metrics via the N|Solid API
Heap Profiling: Locate memory leaks by profiling memory allocation over time
Async Stack Traces: Connect stack traces across the libuv boundary
Improved APM Integrations: Allow APM vendors to use the N|Solid agent thread for metrics calculation and transport to move overhead off of the main process
Implement OpenTelemetry standard for metrics
Implement OpenTelemetry standard for logging

These aren’t our only ideas, and we’re interested to see what the community comes up with as well. Expect to hear more about our plans as we continue work through the open source release and documentation process. There are so many potential valuable integrations throughout the development process from IDEs through CI/CD through production tooling–we can’t wait to see where we can take this together!

Backed by the NodeSource Team

N|Solid is backed by the entire NodeSource team, and for those who want a hand in adopting N|Solid or Node.js, we are here to help. From installation and configuration to upgrades, troubleshooting, and performance tuning, our engineers can support your team at every stage in the application development lifecycle.

N|Solid v4.10.1 is now available

NodeSource is excited to announce N|Solid v4.10.1 which contains the following changes:

General stability improvements and bug fixes
Node.js v16.20.2 (LTS): Includes a Node.js security release captured in Node.js v16.20.2 (LTS).
Node.js v18.17.1 (LTS): Includes a Node.js security release captured in Node.js v18.17.1 (LTS).

For detailed information on installing and using N|Solid, please refer to the N|Solid User Guide.


IMPORTANT: This release of N|Solid v4.10.1 contains a Node.js security release!

This release includes patches for these vulnerabilities:

• CVE-2023-32002: Policies can be bypassed via Module._load (High)

• CVE-2023-32006: Policies can be bypassed by module.constructor.createRequire (Medium)
• CVE-2023-32559: Policies can be bypassed via process.binding (Medium)
• OpenSSL Security Releases
OpenSSL security advisory 14th July.
penSSL security advisory 19th July.
OpenSSL security advisory 31st July


There are two available LTS Node.js versions for you to use with N|Solid, Node.js 16 Gallium and Node.js 18 Hydrogen.

N|Solid v4.10.1 Gallium ships with Node.js v16.20.2.

N|Solid v4.10.1 Hydrogen ships with Node.js v18.17.1.


The Node.js 16 Gallium LTS release line will continue to be supported until September 11, 2023.

The Node.js 18 Hydrogen LTS release line will continue to be supported until April 30, 2025.

Supported Operating Systems for N|Solid Runtime and N|Solid Console

Please note that The N|Solid Runtime is supported on the following operating systems:

Windows 10
Microsoft Windows Server 1909 Core
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2008
macOS 10.11 and newer
RPM based 64-bit Linux distributions (x86_64):
Amazon Linux AMI release 2015.09 and newer
RHEL7 / CentOS 7 and newer
Fedora 32 and newer
DEB based 64-bit Linux distributions (x86_64, arm64 and armhf):
Ubuntu 16.04 and newer
Debian 9 (stretch) and newer
Alpine 3.3 and newer

Download the latest version of N|Solid

You can download the latest version of N|Solid via http://accounts.nodesource.com or visit https://downloads.nodesource.com/ directly.

New to N|Solid?

If you’ve never tried N|Solid, this is a great time to do so. N|Solid is a fully compatible Node.js runtime that has been enhanced to address the needs of the Enterprise. N|Solid provides meaningful insights into the runtime process and the underlying systems. Click 👉 [HERE]

Serverless Observability in N|Solid for AWS Lambda

We are excited to release Serverless Observability for N|Solid with support for AWS Lambda. With the growth of organizations leveraging serverless increasing as they realize the performance and cost benefits, we’re excited to provide customers with this new visibility into the health and performance of their Node.js apps utilizing Serverless Functions utilizing serverless architectures.

Img 1. Serverless Cloud Providers

Observability has become a critical part of software development; understanding performance issues and why they occur is incredibly valuable. Leveraging Serverless introduces challenges for observability based on how the technology works due to added complexity and challenges in data collection and analysis. Some key observability issues include:

Cold starts: When a serverless function is first invoked, it takes time for the underlying infrastructure to spin up. This can lead to latency issues, especially for applications that require a high degree of responsiveness. In other words, Lambda must initialize a new container to execute the code, and that initialization takes time.

Debugging: Debugging serverless applications can be challenging due to the event-driven nature of the platform. This is because it can be difficult to track the flow of execution through an application comprising multiple functions invoked in response to events.

Visibility: Serverless providers typically provide limited visibility into the underlying infrastructure. This can make it difficult to troubleshoot performance issues and identify security vulnerabilities.

N|Solid now makes it easy to implement distributed tracing based on __OpenTelemetry__, providing better insights into these microservices-based systems.

What is Serverless?

Serverless computing is a cloud computing model that allows developers to run code without provisioning or managing servers. Instead, developers pay for the resources they use, such as the time their code runs and the amount of data it stores.

Some key benefits of Serverless Computing include:

Accelerated app development,
Reduced costs and improved scalability,
Increased agility

Serverless computing has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering several advantages over traditional server-based architectures. However, serverless computing can also be complex, and observability, monitoring, and debugging can be particularly challenging.

Key concepts to understand the importance of extending observability to serverless architectures:

Observability: The ability to understand the state of a system by collecting and analyzing telemetry data. This data can include logs, metrics, and traces. Traces are a particularly important type of telemetry data, as they can be used to track the flow of requests through a system.

OpenTelemetry: An open-source observability framework that can collect and analyze telemetry data from various sources. It includes support for __Distributed Tracing__, which can be used to track the flow of requests through a serverless environment.

At NodeSource, we have been at the forefront of supporting developers to solve these challenges in their Node.js applications, so we have extended this series of features and content since last year:

Distributed Tracing Support in N|Solid – https://nsrc.io/DistributedTracingNS
Enhance Observability with Opentelemetry Tracing – Part 1 – https://nsrc.io/NodeJS_OTel1
Instrument your Node.js Applications with Open Source Tools – Part 2 – https://nsrc.io/NodeJS_OTel2
AIOps Observability: Going Beyond Traditional APM – https://nsrc.io/AIOpsNSolid

In a serverless environment, applications are typically composed of several different services, each responsible for a specific task. This can make it difficult to track the flow of requests through the system and identify performance problems, but not with N|Solid:

With this release, you can now have traces of when a microservices system calls a serverless function.

Now, with N|Solid, you can:

Track the flow of requests across your microservices architecture, from the Frontend to the Backend.
Identify performance bottlenecks and errors.
Correlate traces across multiple services.
Visualize your traces in a timeline graph.

N|Solid is a lightweight and performance-oriented tracing solution that can be used with any Node.js application. It is easy to install and configure, and it does not require any changes to your code.

Introducing Serverless Support for AWS Lambda

NodeSource has introduced a new observability feature to gather information throughout a request in a serverless environment. The collected information can be used for debugging latency issues, service monitoring, and more. This is valuable for users interested in debugging request latency in a serverless environment.

Img 2. N|Solid Serverless Installation Process

With this announcement, we are enabling the opportunity to connect a process following the indications of our Wizard. You will be able to connect the traces of your Node application through requests or connected functions, by connecting the data, you will be able to find the cause of latency issues, errors, and other problems in serverless environments.

How to apply Serverless Observability through N|Solid:

Key practices include leveraging distributed tracing to understand end-to-end request flows, instrumenting functions with custom metrics, analyzing logs for debugging and troubleshooting, and employing centralized observability platforms for comprehensive visibility.

Img 3. N|Solid Serverless Configuration

To use loading Opentelemetry Instrumentation Modules, first, use the NSOLID_INSTRUMENTATION environment variable to specify and load the Opentelemetry instrumentation modules you want to utilize within your application. To enable instrumentation for specific modules, follow these steps:

For HTTP requests using the http module, set the NSOLID_INSTRUMENTATION environment variable to http.

If you’re also performing PostgreSQL queries using the pg module, include it in the NSOLID_INSTRUMENTATION environment variable like this: http,pg.

List all the relevant instrumentation modules required for your application. This will enable the tracing and monitoring of the specified modules, providing valuable insights into their performance and behavior.

Connect through integration the serverless functions; select and configure the environment variable you require. For more advanced settings, visit our NodeSource documentation.

Img 4. N|Solid Wizard Installation Summary

In our NodeSource documentation, you will find CLI – Implementation and Instructions or directly follow the instructions of our Wizard:

Interactive Shell
Inline Inputs
Interactive Inputs

Benefits of N|Solid Implementing Serverless

Serverless monitoring collects and analyzes serverless application data to identify and fix performance problems. This can be done using a variety of tools and techniques, including:

__Metrics__: Metrics are data points that measure the performance of an application, such as the number of requests per second, the average response time, and the amount of memory used.
__Logs__: Logs are records of events in an application, such as errors, warnings, and informational messages.
__Traces__: Traces are records of a request’s path through an application, including the time it spends in each function.

By collecting and analyzing this data, serverless monitoring tools can identify performance problems, such as:

__Cold starts__: Cold starts is when a serverless function is invoked for the first time. This can cause a delay in the response time.
__Overcrowding__: Overcrowding occurs when too many requests are sent to a serverless function simultaneously. This can cause the function to slow down or crash.
__Bottlenecks__: Bottlenecks occur when a particular part of an application is slow. Some factors, such as inefficient code, a lack of resources, or a bug, can cause this.

Once a performance problem has been identified, serverless monitoring tools can help developers fix the problem. This can be done by:

Tuning the application: Developers can tune the application by changing the code, configuration, or resources used.
Evolving the application: Developers can evolve it by adding new features or changing how it works.
Monitoring the application: Developers can continue monitoring the application to ensure that the problem has been fixed and the application performs as expected.

Benefits of N|Solid Implementing Serverless

Img 5. N|Solid Functions Dashboard

Now, directly in your N|Solid Console, you’ll have the Function Dashboard, which will allow you to review in-depth and detail all the functions you have connected.

By selecting the functions, you can access the __Function Detail View__.

Img 6. N|Solid Function Detail View

In the first content block, you will have the following:

The function’s name and the provider’s icon__.
If you click on the function itself, it will open the function itself in a new tab directly in AWS.

On the other hand, in the central box, you will have:
N|Solid LAYER: (It is versioned, which is what allows us to see the AWS info)
REGIONS: The zone of the function. Where it is running that specific version.
ARCHITECTURE: Lambda can have several Linux architectures. This info comes directly from AWS.

And finally, on the right corner of our console, we will have
Vulnerability Status__, and below this, __Estimated Cost: How much are you spending on this function? For more information, please review our documentation.

About N|Solid Layer

In an __AWS Lambda__, you can have information about hundreds of instances, AWS does it for you, but you don’t have information on each invocation. They show you by default the last 5 minutes through the median, the 99th percentile, etc., but they can’t give us invocation by invocation individually; they simply group them.

There are two types of data we have from AWS Lambda:

Real-Time Metrics or Telemetry API Metrics
Cloudwatch Metrics

The metrics that CloudWatch reports are not real-time. They are extracted from the CloudWatch API by the Lambda Metrics Forwarder and displayed as AWS Lambda delivers them directly. This means there may be a delay of up to a few minutes between recording and displaying a metric.

The __Telemetry API Metrics__, which we extract, through Lambda layers, through modules that we install to your function to be executed.

We distributed this information as a layer,__N|Solid Layer__, injecting code inside. An AWS extension for N|Solid provides information about the life cycle of each Lambda function providing data to the console:

Generate the Timeline Graph
Span: Span Details, Path of the Span, and filter the results by attributes of the Span.
Changing Time Range
Generate SBOM reports

Our method tracks where the function is frozen to optimize Lambda resources within certain limits, allowing access to the information even after the function has been frozen.🤯In real-time, the registration is detected, providing the key information on each invocation in each instance.

In Closing,

We’ve been working on serverless observability for our customers for a while because we believe in the value of leveraging the technology approach. Serverless provides many benefits for developers and teams, but it can be difficult to provide quality observability without adding a lot of expensive overhead.

N|Solid can now help teams develop and maintain better software, resolve issues faster, and provide security for both traditional and serverless Node.js Applications. Try it for free, or connect with us to learn more.

It’s exciting to share this new release, our first in a series of serverless cloud platforms. Look for Azure and GCP to be released soon. Thanks for reading all about it.promising future ahead. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to our exceptional team for their unwavering dedication and hard work in bringing this vision to life.

Related Links

AWS Lambda Documentation – https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/welcome.html
Layer Concept – https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/gettingstarted-concepts.html#gettingstarted-concepts-layer
Cloudwatch Metrics – https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/monitoring-metrics.html#monitoring-metrics-types
Lambda Extensions – https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-extensions.html
CloudFlare Serverless Computing – https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/serverless/what-is-serverless/
IBM – What is serverless? – https://www.ibm.com/topics/serverless
GCP Serverless – https://cloud.google.com/serverless?hl=es-419

Empowering Startups: Building Better, More Secure Apps and Ensuring Exceptional CX with N|Solid

Startups face numerous challenges on their path to success, and two key aspects that significantly impact their growth are code quality and user experience. In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, startups must prioritize these areas to build robust, scalable, and secure applications. This is where N|Solid can be a dynamic solution by providing powerful telemetry, insights, and security alerts for Node.js apps. This post will explore leveraging N|Solid effectively, a game-changer for startups, saving critical time and resources while serving customers with the best experience.

We recently participated in Collision Conf in Toronto, where we met hundreds of startups who shared their bold ideas and solutions with the world. It’s why we wanted to put out this post, as we were asked over and over again about how we could help them save time, solve issues with their apps and level up their security.

Startups are often focused on speed to market, meaning a lot of effort goes into delivering features to match the market needs they seek to meet. Teams can be limited in terms of the level of testing rigor and tooling that focuses on quality vs. completion. It can be a central component of an MVP strategy, but there are risks with this approach, notably with application performance and user experience. We have helped many startups elevate their approach by adding N|Solid into their development workflow.

N|Solid is an AI-enabled APM (monitoring and management platform) and Security platform explicitly designed for Node.js applications. It offers various features that empower startups to optimize code performance, identify and troubleshoot issues, and deliver exceptional user experiences. With real-time insights and actionable data, N|Solid Console equips startups with the tools to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement.

“If you are using Node for anything important for your business, you should take a long, hard look at N|Solid” – Russ Whitman, CEO NodeSource

N|Solid offers powerful debugging capabilities that enable developers to identify and rectify bottlenecks in production. With its built-in CPU profiling and heap snapshots, startups can quickly pinpoint performance hotspots and memory leaks, ensuring their applications run smoothly, even under high loads. By continuously monitoring performance metrics, startups can optimize their codebase, leading to faster and more responsive applications. They can also easily monitor and manage multiple instances of their applications, ensuring efficient load distribution and maximizing system resources.

Understanding the Importance of Code Quality

High-quality code forms the baseline of reliable, scalable, and maintainable applications. Code quality matters significantly, particularly for startups, as it empowers them to have control over critical variables. Code quality also plays a vital role in the success of startups by providing a solid foundation for reliable, scalable, and maintainable applications that their users love.

Poor code quality is very expensive. Performance issues can cost more than frustrated users; they add needless cloud spend and take the dev team away from feature development, trying to solve issues that are sometimes impossible to replicate in a dev or test environment. We have learned that teams often spend weeks, or even months, chasing bugs we could identify in minutes with N|Solid. That cost for a startup can be deadly.

We recommend that all developers and DevOps add monitoring tooling into their development process because we see the positive impact of these solutions daily. There are many options, but if you are using Node.js, N|Ssolid is the tool you should be using. Other APM’s are great at providing a view into a range of technologies, but they can lack the depth of insights needed to pinpoint issues, especially with Node. Other APM’s monitor Node apps through instrumentation, and to gather metrics, they interrupt the event loop (killing performance). N|Solid doesn’t require instrumentation and doesn’t break the event loop. More importantly, it gathers the data other solutions don’t (like visibility into worker threads).

Node is one of the most-loved technologies by developers because it’s easy to wield; you can get up to speed quickly and build applications fast. But it’s also relatively easy to build something in Node.js that has issues, especially the more complex the application is. Our Node experts have been helping developers access and leverage Node.js for nearly a decade – there is simply no better tool for Node.js than N|Solid. If your Startup uses Node, consider trying N|Solid. You can get started with a Free account __HERE__ and be up and running in no time; plus, we have special pricing for startups through September 2023 at half off!.

It’s True! We Love Startups! So Startups Get a 50% Discount!

As noted above, we have created a discount program for Startups! Get the Best Solution to Monitor & Secure Your Node Apps at Special Startup Pricing – FOR HALF OFF. To apply for this benefit, click HERE

Enhancing Security Oversight, Overnight!

Another great opportunity startups have when incorporating N|Solid into their architecture is the control and oversight of their security that they gain by integrating NCM (Node Certified Modules) in N|Solid Console and within our NCM GitHub App as a standard part of the development process. It’s a simple and easy way to immediately add visibility into potential security risks of your Node.js apps.

Node.js (like all open-source projects and software in general) can experience security flaws; there, are new CVE’s popping up all the time. With N|Solid and our GitHub app, Startups can understand security issues from development through production, with key insights to help understand security issues and how to resolve them.

Some of the key benefits that NCM – NodeSource brings are:

Vulnerability Mitigation: By proactively identifying vulnerabilities, developers can quickly apply patches or choose alternative packages, ensuring their applications remain secure.

License Compliance: This feature is particularly important for organizations with strict compliance requirements or who rely heavily on open-source software.

Report Generation: These reports provide valuable insights into the security and compliance status of Node.js applications, helping developers make informed decisions and take necessary actions.

Integration with GitHub: This integration simplifies the management of open-source Node packages within GitHub deployments, providing an additional layer of security and ensuring compliance during the development and deployment processes.

By leveraging the powerful features of GitHub NCM – NodeSource, developers can significantly enhance the security, compliance, and overall reliability of their Node.js applications.

The Future of Software Development, Powered by Telemetry, Security, and AI!

At Collision, the fast-growing tech conference that gathers industry leaders, innovators, and disruptors; we shared a big announcement about the future of Node! We announced our AI Assistant, Adrian, incorporated into N|Solid Console at Collision, revolutionizing intelligent monitoring and optimization for Node.js apps. This is pretty cool; read,on!

Supercharge Your Startup with AI Assistant, Adrian & N|Solid Console

Adrian is an advanced, AI-powered Assistant that provides actionable insights and suggestions, bringing context to your data. Imagine an AI chat assistant that lets you ask questions about the data and gives recommendations about how to solve issues them. It’s like “god mode” for Node. Enabling teams to streamline their Node.js applications, reduce downtime, cut costs, and enhance overall user satisfaction faster than ever.

Our AI Assistant, Adrian, leverages the power of AI to deliver a range of features that empower developers and teams to optimize their Node.js applications effectively. Let’s explore some of the key features of AI Assistant, Adrian:

Automated Metric Collection: AI Assistant, Adrian, automates the collection of essential performance metrics from Node.js applications. It provides real-time insights into critical areas such as event loop delays, CPU utilization, memory usage, and more.

Node Performance Enhancer: AI Assistant, Adrian, suggests optimizations to enhance the performance of Node.js applications.

Intelligent CPU Profiling: AI Assistant, Adrian, helps developers identify and resolve performance hotspots using smart CPU profiling.

Cost Calculator: AI Assistant, Adrian, includes a cost calculator that helps teams estimate the cost implications of their Node.js applications.

Code Advisor: AI Assistant, Adrian, is a knowledgeable advisor, providing recommendations and suggestions to improve code quality, maintainability, and scalability. It assists developers in adhering to coding best practices, ensuring clean and efficient code that is easier to maintain and scale over time.

Sign up HERE to join the private beta list and experience AI Assistant Adrian’s transformative capabilities in optimizing your Node.js applications. The combination of NodeSource’s N|Solid Console’s and the advanced AI capabilities of Adrian Assistant offers developers a powerful toolkit for optimizing their Node.js applications.


With N|Solid Console’s advanced insights and powerful features, startups can elevate their development processes, enhance application performance, and ensure unparalleled user experiences – saving critical time and cost.

The future of N|Solid is powered by AI and our Assistant, Adrian.

Let’s come together, connect, and propel the future of technology forward!

About NodeSource, Inc.

NodeSource, Inc. is a technology company completely focused on Node.js and is dedicated to helping organizations and developers leverage the power of this technology. We offer the leading APM for monitoring and securing Node.js and provide world-class support and consulting services to help organizations navigate their Node.js journey. __#KnowYourNode__.

For more information, Sign Up HERE to try N|Solid Console’s or visit NodeSource.com for more details and follow @NodeSource on Twitter.

Welcome to The Future of Software Development: Powered by Telemetry, Security, and AI

We made some big announcements during our keynote at Collision in Toronto; our AI Assistant, Adrian, and the open sourcing of our Node.js Runtime, N|Solid Runtime. They are a big part of our vision for the future of software development, one that is powered by telemetry, security, and AI – which was the topic of our talk. In this post we will share more about our vision and specifically how NodeSource is enabling that future.

NodeSource began as most great companies do; with smart, passionate people that saw a problem they had to fix: there was simply no good tooling for Node.js. We were Node believers and open-source project contributors on a mission to make Node more accessible for developers & safe for enterprises to adopt. Since our beginning we have provided the ecosystem with our insights, training, and binary distributions of the open-source packages – over 110 million downloads in the last year alone – powering Node applications in production all over the globe.

As a result of countless hours of ideating, coding and customer validation, N|Solid was born – an enterprise grade tool providing the deepest insights with the lowest overhead, all while continuing to keep ode apps secure. Today N|Solid is used by some of the largest organizations and developers globally. The mission that was set all those years ago is now more relevant than ever, over 30 million websites rely on Node.js and it’s one of the most used and loved technologies by developers worldwide. It’s been an amazing journey.

Revolutionizing Software Development: Advancing Telemetry, Security, and Efficiency with AI Innovation

We have continued to innovate, with our Node experts pushing to create the most advanced telemetry and security platform possible while still providing customers with world class support for Node. We have always believed that giving the very foremost data and insights was the best way to produce better software. Making software is continually challenging; the software development life cycle (SDLC) is highly inefficient.

You begin with an idea that you turn into code, then it gets built, tested and released for users to experience. Then you monitor for issues that are identified to triage and solve. Those fixes are added to other features to build, test, and release…and the cycle continues. While significant effort has been applied to make this process more efficient, these have invariably been small improvements. Tweaks really, to the overall process. Until now, fueled by the advancements in AI.

We believe that the future of software is intelligent software engineering, powered by telemetry, security & AI. The SDLC is augmented by applying AI that is trained with the right data to accelerate the production and maintenance of secure, highly performant code. It’s about building a new model – a generative loop based upon the intent of the code and its actual operation in production – bringing data and AI into the process in powerful new ways.

On the front end, AI is redefining the way code is written, from ChatGPT to GitHub’s CoPilot and beyond, Generative AI is creating code, documenting it, and writing test plans. These advancements are set to revolutionize the software development process on their own, replacing the often used copy/paste of code found from Google, StackOverflow, or existing codebases. Developers that leverage these new tools will have dynamically increased velocity of their code while still owning the solution. While significant, this is only a part of the solution of the future.

Unveiling the True Measure of Software: Quality and Performance in Production

The reality is that the quality and performance of software is only realized once it is in production, in use by real users. The telemetry data in this application is a key component for transforming the SDLC. How software performs in production, not how well software did in a test environment, is the true test for quality code. And the depth of that telemetry data is how you identify issues. This has long been our focus, not just to report on general metrics, but to go well beyond. This is why we established the measure of event loop utilization, worker thread monitoring, and more, to enable deep insights into application health and performance.

Application health is directly tied to security, more than ever today quality code is secure code. But, security is not static, there are new vulnerabilities that develop all the time. The visibility to these is critical, especially for production code. It’s why we offer our security tooling, NCM (Node Certified Modules) as a part of our platform. Enabling customers to have visibility to security issues from development and production live code.

It’s the depth of data and security health that unlock the opportunities with AI. It’s the other half of the equation of the future of software, powered by telemetry, security and AI. This is the future NodeSource is enabling.

N|Solid – the future of Node bringing the power of data and AI

With the announcement of our AI Assistant, “Adrian”, we are leveraging our unique and unparalleled data to help developers identify and resolve issues with tremendous speed and efficiency. Adrian will help every Node developer and devops engineer to not just view the telemetry, security, and alerts that matter – but to understand them, know their context and how to solve for them. It’s a game changer. It takes the power of the most advanced observability tool and the specific context of each application combined with our AI to resolve code issues fast.

Furthermore, our AI tools will assess code quality, identify cost optimizations, generate code and more. It’s like ‘god mode’ for Node.

This is the next step in our journey toward the future state of the SDLC. If you want to experience what Adrian can do, sign up HERE for our early access beta list and we will notify you when you can join the software development revolution.

About NodeSource, Inc.

NodeSource, Inc. is a technology company completely focused on Node.js and is dedicated to helping organizations and developers leverage the power of this technology. We offer the leading APM for monitoring and securing Node.js and provide world-class support and consulting services to help organizations navigate their Node.js journey. #KnowYourNode. For more information, visit NodeSource.com and follow @NodeSource on Twitter.

Announcing N|Solid v4.9.5

NodeSource is excited to announce N|Solid v4.9.5 which contains the following changes:

General stability improvements and bug fixes.
Node.js v16.20.1 (LTS): Includes a Rebase of N|Solid on Node.js v16.20.1 (LTS).
Node.js v18.16.1 (LTS): Includes a Rebase of N|Solid on Node.js v18.16.1 (LTS).

For detailed information on installing and using N|Solid, please refer to the N|Solid User Guide.


N|Solid v4.9.5 includes patches for this vulnerability:

CVE-2022-25883: Versions of the package semver before 7.5.2 are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via the function new Range, when untrusted user data is provided as a range.

There are two available LTS Node.js versions for you to use with N|Solid, Node.js 16 Gallium and Node.js 18 Hydrogen.

N|Solid v4.9.5 Gallium ships with Node.js v16.20.1.

N|Solid v4.9.5 Hydrogen ships with Node.js v18.16.1.

The Node.js 16 Gallium LTS release line will continue to be supported until September 11, 2023.

The Node.js 18 Hydrogen LTS release line will continue to be supported until April 30, 2025.

Supported Operating Systems for N|Solid Runtime and N|Solid Console

Please note that The N|Solid Runtime is supported on the following operating systems:

Windows 10
Microsoft Windows Server 1909 Core
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2008
macOS 10.11 and newer
RPM based 64-bit Linux distributions (x86_64):
Amazon Linux AMI release 2015.09 and newer
RHEL7 / CentOS 7 and newer
Fedora 32 and newer
DEB based 64-bit Linux distributions (x86_64, arm64 and armhf):
Ubuntu 16.04 and newer
Debian 9 (stretch) and newer
Alpine 3.3 and newer

Download the latest version of N|Solid

You can download the latest version of N|Solid via http://accounts.nodesource.com or visit https://downloads.nodesource.com/ directly.

New to N|Solid?

If you’ve never tried N|Solid, this is a great time to do so. N|Solid is a fully compatible Node.js runtime that has been enhanced to address the needs of the Enterprise. N|Solid provides meaningful insights into the runtime process and the underlying systems. Click 👉 [HERE]

Strengthening Node.js Security: NodeSource-GitHub Partnership

Strengthening Node.js Security: NodeSource and GitHub Partner to Boost Security for Software Developers

The NodeSource-GitHub partnership is a game-changer for developers seeking to build secure applications directly integrating NCM’s (Node Certified Modules) powerful security features into their GitHub Actions workflow. With our NCM GitHub App developers can easily add NCM to their repositories, configure organization-wide rules for vulnerability scanning and approval processes, and receive real-time reports on vulnerabilities in pull requests and deployment workflows that target a GitHub environment.

NCM is a core feature of N|Solid, providing enhanced security for Node.js applications in production environments. We help organizations & developers use Node to its fullest through __N|Solid__, the world’s best Node.js observability and security tool built on top of the Node.js runtime. It provides a secure environment for running Node.js applications and advanced features such as worker threads monitoring, memory leak detection, and CPU profiling.

This new integration with GitHub Actions Deployment Protection Rules streamlines managing open-source Node packages, ensuring compliance with licensing requirements, and helps developers proactively identify and mitigate security risks before they deploy their Node.js applications using GitHub Actions Workflows. It adds a valuable layer of security to the development and deployment workflows, enabling developers to identify and fix vulnerabilities before they become major security breaches, ultimately safeguarding Node.js applications and protecting critical data.

Simplifying Vulnerability Management for Open-Source Dependencies

Node.js applications and services rely heavily on open-source Node packages for their source code. Unfortunately, many of these packages have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities, often ignored or overlooked by developers. This can leave applications vulnerable to malicious code execution and secret leaks, potentially resulting in significant security breaches.

To mitigate this risk, developers must be vigilant when selecting and using Node packages in their projects and take prompt action when vulnerabilities are discovered. This requires staying informed about potential security issues and planning to address them.

NCM integration with GitHub Actions Deployment Protection Rules simplifies managing open-source Node packages. Users can add the NCM GitHub App to their repositories via the GitHub Marketplace and check NCM results in the Accounts Portal for every action, such as Pull Requests or Deployments.

With this integration, devs can:

Set up repositories to use the NCM GitHub App by searching and adding it via the GitHub Marketplace or using a direct link from the NodeSource Accounts Portal.

Check the NodeSource Accounts Portal for NCM results related to actions such as Pull Requests or Deployments configured in GitHub repositories.

NCM analyzes and approves or rejects every deployment flow based on organization-configured rules, ensuring secure project deployments.

Receive detailed reports attached to every Pull Request and deployment in configured repositories, indicating NCM’s findings with green or red status markers, helping users make informed security decisions.

Now, with the integration of NCM (Node Certified Modules) directly into N|Solid Console and through the __GitHub Marketplace__, users can access even more powerful toolsets for managing their Node.js applications. This integration streamlines managing open-source Node packages, allowing users to easily track and monitor package dependencies, scan for vulnerabilities, and ensure compliance with licensing requirements.

By leveraging the power of NCM within N|Solid Console and the GitHub Marketplace, organizations can effectively enhance their applications’ security and compliance while ensuring their stability and reliability. NCM provides a robust solution to proactively identify and address security risks, maintain compliance, and improve application performance. It empowers organizations to build and deploy secure, reliable, and compliant applications, ultimately protecting their reputation and mitigating risks associated with security breaches and compliance violations.

NCM is a powerful tool that greatly enhances application security, compliance, stability, and reliability. Organizations can proactively mitigate security risks, maintain compliance, and ensure application stability by integrating NCM into the deployment flow through N|Solid Console and the GitHub Marketplace. Embracing NCM as a part of the development process is a prudent choice for organizations prioritizing application security, compliance, and reliability in today’s dynamic software development landscape.

NCM – Deployment Protection Rule

GitHub Marketplace offers a range of third-party applications and services, such as code analysis tools, project management tools, continuous integration, deployment (CI/CD) tools, and security tools, among others, that can be integrated into pull requests and deployment workflows with GitHub Actions.

With its powerful feature set and certification program, NCM is an essential tool for any developer working with open-source Node packages.

Related Content

Unleashing the Power of NCM – https://nsrc.io/UnleashingNCM

Vulnerability Scanning with NCM – https://nsrc.io/VulnerabilityScanningNS

Avoiding npm substitution attacks using NCM – https://nsrc.io/AvoidAttackswithNCM

Experience the Power of N|Solid

To get the best out of Node.js and experience the benefits of its integrated features, including OpenTelemetry support, SBOM integration, and machine learning capabilities.✍️ Sign up for a free trial and see how N|Solid can help you achieve your development and operations goals. #KnowyourNode

Unleashing the Power of NCM: Safeguarding Node.js Applications with Next-Generation Security in N|Solid

In the world of Node.js, application development, speed, flexibility, and scalability are critical for modern software development. However, the risk of vulnerabilities and security breaches looms with the increasing reliance on open-source Node packages. NCM (NodeSource Certified Modules) is the next-generation security solution that empowers Node.js developers to safeguard their applications easily and confidently.

This article will explore how NCM, a key N|Solid platform feature, revolutionizes how Node.js applications are secured, offering advanced security features, enhanced visibility, and peace of mind. Get ready to unleash the power of NCM and take your Node.js applications to new heights of security and reliability with N|Solid.

_Image 1 – Security Vulnerabilities in N|Solid View

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to try N|Solid for free and unlock the full potential of your Node.js applications.✍️ Sign up now and take your monitoring to the next level!

What is N|Solid?

_Image 2 – N|Solid Product View

N|Solid provides enhanced security for Node.js applications in production environments. It is built on top of the Node.js runtime. It provides a secure environment for running Node.js applications and advanced features such as worker threads monitoring, memory leak detection, and CPU profiling. We have +15 features in our product, including OpenTelemetry support, SBOM integration, and Machine Learning capabilities. Discover More HERE ‘__Top 10 N|Solid —APM for Node— features you needed to use__’ – HERE: ???????? nsrc.io/TopNSolidFeatures.

N|Solid offers many benefits over the standard Node.js runtime, including improved security through features like runtime vulnerability scanning, access control, and enhanced monitoring capabilities that allow developers to identify and address issues in real-time.

N|Solid is well-suited for enterprise applications requiring high performance, scalability, and security levels. It is widely used in finance, healthcare, and e-commerce. It is developed and maintained by __NodeSource__, a company specializing in enterprise-grade Node.js solutions.

In the previous section, we discussed N|Solid as a solution that provides enhanced security for Node.js applications in production environments. Let’s discuss the difference between NSolid Console, N|Solid Runtime, and N|Solid SaaS. It’s important to differentiate between these components for several reasons, including functionality, user experience, and flexibility.

What is the difference between NSolid Console, N|Solid Runtime, and N|Solid SaaS?

Differentiating between the Console, Runtime, and SaaS setup in N|Solid is essential for a few reasons: functionality, user experience, and flexibility.

Users can deploy N|Solid in multiple ways, including using the N|Solid Console, N|Solid Runtime, or N|Solid SaaS setup, depending on their requirements and infrastructure setup. It is essential to provide distinct functionalities to enhance user experience and offer flexibility in deployment options, allowing scalability, customization, and integration with existing workflows. Here’s a brief description of each:

N|Solid Runtime is the runtime environment for Node.js applications. It includes a modified version of the Node.js runtime, enhanced with additional security, monitoring, and debugging features. These features include advanced profiling and tracing capabilities, heap and CPU profiling, and runtime vulnerability scanning.
???????? https://bit.ly/NSolidRuntime-npm

_Image 3 – N|Solid Runtime Installation

__N|Solid Console__, on the other hand, is a web-based dashboard that provides a graphical user interface for monitoring and managing Node.js applications running on N|Solid Runtime. It lets users view their applications’ real-time metrics and performance data, monitor resource utilization, and set alerts for specific events or thresholds. N|Solid Console also provides features for managing user access and permissions, configuring application settings, and integrating with third-party tools and services. It can manage multiple N|Solid Runtimes across a distributed environment, making it ideal for large-scale enterprise deployments.
???????? https://nsrc.io/NSolidConsole

_Image 4 – N|Solid Console Overview

__N|Solid SaaS__: N|Solid also offers a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) setup so users can leverage N|Solid’s enhanced security and performance features without managing their own infrastructure. With N|Solid SaaS, users can simply sign up for a subscription and use N|Solid’s features through a cloud-based service without needing on-premises installation or maintenance. ???????? https://nsrc.io/NSolidSaaS

_Image 5 – N|Solid SaaS Overview

N|Solid offers multiple deployment options; these components provide distinct functionalities, user experiences, and deployment flexibilities, catering to the diverse needs of enterprise Node.js applications.

But, What about NCM?

NodeSource Certified Modules (NCM) is another product developed by NodeSource that provides you and your teams with actionable insights into the risk levels of using third-party packages. Using a series of tests, we score packages on npm to look for several weighted criteria. With NCM CLI, you can scan your projects for existing security vulnerabilities, license concerns, code risk, and code quality. This helps you understand the level of risk exposure and how to mitigate it. NodeSource Certified Modules (NCM) also work in offline mode. Explore Further ‘__Avoiding npm substitution attacks using NCM__’ HERE ????????https://nsrc.io/AvoidAttackswithNCM

_Image 6 – NCM CLI Report

NodeSource Certified Modules (NCM) is a security, compliance, and curation tool around the 3rd-Party Node.js & JavaScript package ecosystem. It is designed to be used with npm to provide protection against known security vulnerabilities and potential license compliance issues and provide general quality or risk assessment information to improve your ability to work with the 3rd-Party ecosystem.

Since the release of N|Solid 4.1.0, we have consolidated NCM into a single product with NCM’s features being pulled into N|Solid Runtime, N|Solid SaaS, and the N|Solid Console for optimal user experience. It also provides alerts and notifications when new vulnerabilities are discovered in modules used by an organization’s applications and helps users quickly identify and remediate any potential security risks.NCM is a valuable tool for organizations that rely on Node.js and open-source modules, helping to ensure that their applications are secure, reliable, and compliant with industry standards and regulations.

NCM now assesses packages based on multiple attributes: security, compliance, risk, and quality. These attributes are combined to generate an overall risk level for each package, providing valuable insights to manage third-party code in your Node.js applications effectively. With NCM’s scoring system, you can:

__Manage acceptable risk levels__: NCM helps you assess the risk associated with third-party packages by providing an overall risk level for each package. This allows you to make informed decisions about the level of risk you are willing to accept in your application.
__Understand security vulnerabilities__: NCM identifies and highlights security vulnerabilities in third-party modules, allowing you to understand the severity of the vulnerabilities and take appropriate actions to address them in your code.
__Manage license and compliance risks__: NCM helps you identify potential license and compliance risks introduced by third-party modules, ensuring that your application adheres to licensing requirements and compliance standards.
__Identify potential risk vectors__: NCM goes beyond known security vulnerabilities and identifies potential risks that may not have surfaced in security vulnerabilities yet. This helps you proactively identify and address potential risks in your code.
__Improve code quality__: NCM provides insights into quality attributes that align with best practices, helping you improve the quality of your code and make it more manageable and secure.

Together, these attributes in NCM’s scoring system (security, compliance, risk, and quality.) provide a comprehensive assessment of third-party packages, enabling you to effectively manage and secure your Node.js applications by addressing security vulnerabilities, managing compliance risks, assessing package risk, and provides insights to improve code quality. Find Out More about ‘Vulnerability Scanning & 3rd-Party Modules Certification’- HERE ???????? nsrc.io/VulnerabilityScanningNS

The Importance of Node.js Application Security

Selecting the right tools and applications for your developer pipeline requires careful consideration of your team’s workflow and project needs. This might involve assessing your tech stack, deployment processes, and the number of steps in your pipeline and identifying areas where guardrails can be implemented to improve security and reliability.

_Image 7 – NCM Criteria

Fortunately, numerous tools and applications are available to assist in managing your pipeline and ensuring the security and compliance of your applications. One powerful tool in this regard is NCM (NodeSource Certified Modules). NCM is a comprehensive security, compliance, and curation tool that offers advanced capabilities for managing dependencies in Node.js applications. By integrating NCM into your pipeline, you can effortlessly scan for vulnerabilities, track package dependencies, and ensure compliance with licensing requirements.

NCM enables you to elevate your pipeline to the next level, enhancing your application’s performance, reliability, and security while safeguarding against __SUPPLY CHAIN ATTACKS__. With the consolidation of NCM into N|Solid, you can now seamlessly access these powerful capabilities through the N|Solid Console for a streamlined user experience.

Note: Supply chain attacks are a type of cyber attack that targets the weakest link in a software supply chain. Instead of directly attacking a target, hackers infiltrate a trusted third-party vendor, supplier, or service provider to gain access to their customer’s systems and data. This allows the attackers to distribute malicious code or compromise software updates, which can then infect the entire supply chain and cause widespread damage. Supply chain attacks can be difficult to detect and prevent, making them a growing threat to organizations of all sizes and industries.

The importance of NCM

The consolidation of NCM 2 into N|Solid represents a significant milestone in providing a comprehensive solution for ensuring the security, reliability, and performance of Node.js applications. With features such as:

Projects & Applications Monitoring – https://nsrc.io/ProjectApplicationsMonitoringNS

Process Monitoring – https://nsrc.io/ProcessMonitoringNS

CPU Profiling – https://nsrc.io/CPUProfilingNS

Worker Threads Monitoring – https://nsrc.io/WorkerThreadsNS

Capture Heap Snapshots – https://nsrc.io/HeapSnapshotsNS

Memory Anomaly Detection – https://nsrc.io/MemoryAnomalyNS

Vulnerability Scanning & 3rd party Modules Certification – https://nsrc.io/VulnerabilityScanningNS
HTTP Tracing Support – https://nsrc.io/HTTPTracingNS

Global Alerts & Integrations – https://nsrc.io/GlobalAlertsIntegrationsNS

Distributed Tracing – https://nsrc.io/DistributedTracingNS

Open Telemetry Support – nsrc.io/AIOpsNSolid

SBOM Support – nsrc.io/SBOM-NSolid

Machine Learning Support – nsrc.io/ML-NSolid

N|Solid offers a robust and all-encompassing solution for managing the entire lifecycle of Node.js applications. By incorporating NCM’s powerful capabilities for security, compliance, and curation, N|Solid empowers developers and organizations to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities, track dependencies, and ensure licensing compliance, ultimately elevating the overall performance, reliability, and security of their applications. With N|Solid, organizations can confidently build and deploy Node.js applications with peace of mind, knowing their software is protected against potential risks and supply chain attacks.


Securing Node.js applications is paramount in today’s software development landscape. With the powerful features of NSolid, including the N|Solid Console and N|Solid Runtime, combined with the cutting-edge security capabilities of NCM, developers can safeguard their Node.js applications with next-generation security measures or simply leaving the maintenance and infrastructure to us by selecting our N|Solid SaaS option. By leveraging the power of NCM in the N|Solid platform, developers can proactively mitigate vulnerabilities and ensure the reliability and stability of their Node.js applications. Embrace the power of NCM in N|Solid today and unleash the full potential of your Node.js applications with advanced security measures.

NodeSource’s Products:

N|Solid Runtime is the Node.js runtime environment with enhanced security, monitoring, and debugging features.

N|Solid Console is a web-based dashboard for managing and monitoring Node.js applications running on N|Solid Runtime.
__N|Solid SaaS__: Benefit from N|Solid’s advanced security and performance features through a cloud-based subscription service, eliminating the need for on-premises installation or maintenance.

NCM is a cutting-edge security feature integrated into the N|Solid platform that provides continuous monitoring, vulnerability scanning, and risk assessment of open-source Node.js packages used in Node.js applications.

To get the best out of Node.js and experience the benefits of its integrated features, including OpenTelemetry support, SBOM integration, and Machine Learning capabilities. ✍️ Sign up for a free trial and see how N|Solid can help you achieve your development and operations goals. #KnowyourNode

JavaScript on your schedule

#​633 — April 6, 2023

Read on the Web

❓ JavaScript Weekly on a Thursday? It’s true. As well as it being Good Friday tomorrow, we’ve decided to move to Thursday permanently going forward. We hope you have a good Easter, if you celebrate it, otherwise enjoy one fewer email on Fridays ????
Your editor, Peter Cooper

JavaScript Weekly

Croner: Cron for JavaScript and TypeScript — Trigger functions upon the schedule of your choice using the classic cron syntax. Works in Node, Deno, Bun and the browser, across time zones, offers error handling and overrun protection, and more. There’s an interesting live demo on JSFiddle.


▶️ JSON vs XML with Douglas Crockford — The author of 2008’s hugely popular JavaScript: The Good Parts went on a podcast to share the story of JSON, his discovery of JavaScript’s ‘good parts’, and his general approach to building software, including his dislike of JavaScript ‘frameworks.’ There’s a transcript if you’re not keen on listening. (50 minutes.)

CoRecursive Podcast podcast

Headless CMS with World-Class TypeScript Support — Kontent.ai is the leading platform for modular content. Streamline your code using TypeScript SDK, CLI, Rich text resolver, and strongly typed model generator. Scale with no problems when your project grows. Have you seen our UI?

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The Angular Signals RFC — There’s a lot of excitement about a shift in Angular involving the addition of signals as a reactive primitive – the official RFC is now available for this feature, and you’re encouraged to leave comments. If you’d rather see a practical use for signals, Joshua Morony recorded ▶️ a screencast showing them off.

Angular Team

Over 100 Algorithms and Data Structures Demonstrated in JS — Examples of many common algorithms (e.g. bit manipulation, Pascal’s triangle, Hamming distance) and data structures (e.g. linked lists, tries, graphs) with explanations.

Oleksii Trekhleb et al.


Laurie Voss looks at the most popular frameworks used in sites deployed to Netlify. React-based options lead the way.

Oliver Dunk of the Chrome Extensions Team has posted an update on the Manifest V2 to Manifest V3 transition – it’s taking longer than expected so Manifest V2 isn’t disappearing any time soon.

V8 v11.2 is shipping with support for WebAssembly tail calls.

With Chrome 113, Chrome is now shipping support for WebGPU.

A look at how Microsoft’s Blazor (a stack aimed at building front-end apps with C#) is skirting around JavaScript with its focus on WebAssembly.

JSDayIE 2023: The First JavaScript Conference in Ireland Is Back! — Join us on September 26th in Dublin to experience everything the Irish JavaScript community and Ireland have to offer.

JSDayIE sponsor


Electron 24.0 – Complete with Chromium 112, V8 11.2, and Node 18.14.

Storybook 7.0 – Though still tagged ‘next’ and pending a proper launch.

Storybook for React Native 6.5

WebStorm 2023.1 – Commercial JS IDE from JetBrains.

Rete.js 2.0 Beta – Framework for building node-based editors.

???? Articles & Tutorials

Making a Big, Slow Vue/Alpine Page ‘Blazingly’ Fast — A practical example of a pattern the author is billing a “reactive switchboard.” “I’m going to use Vue/Alpine lingo in this article, but I think this pattern applies to lots of different tools.”

Caleb Porzio

▶  Watch Dan Abramov Explore React Server Components — At an epic (though well timestamped) four hours, this isn’t a quick watch, but Dan and Ben Holmes walk through everything React Server Components oriented, complete with diagrams, code, and a real-world app.

Ben Holmes

Getting PWAs in App Stores with PWABuilder — Thomas Steiner demonstrates how PWABuilder makes it possible to submit Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) to app stores like those provided by Google, Apple, and Microsoft.

Thomas Steiner (Google)

Add a Full-Featured Notification Center to Your App in Minutes

Courier.com sponsor

What Are Source Maps? — Learn how source maps can help you debug your original code instead of what was actually deployed after the build process.

Sofia Emelianova (Chrome Developers)

How I Used ChatGPT in My JavaScript Projects

James Q Quick

???? Code & Tools

Relaunching JSPM CLI for Import Map Package Management — Several years ago when JS had numerous competing module formats, JSPM was a useful package manager atop SystemJS, but now it’s being relaunched as an import map package management tool.

Guy Bedford

Chrome Extension CLI 1.4: CLI for Building Chrome Extensions — Want to get building an extension for Chrome as quickly as possible? This Node-powered tool aims to get you on the right path ASAP. v1.4 adds a script to generate a ZIP file (also known as a ‘postcode file’ at Microsoft UK? ????) of the extension.

Dutiyesh Salunkhe

React Chrono 2: A Flexible Timeline Component — A complete overhaul of a popular component. You can render themeable timelines in vertical, horizontal, or vertical alternating orientations. It includes keyboard navigation support, auto advancement, and, as of v2, support for nested timelines.

Prabhu Murthy

Dynaboard: A Visual Web App IDE Made for Developers — Build high performance public and private web applications in a collaborative — full-stack — development environment.

Dynaboard sponsor

Jampack: A Post-Processing Tool to Optimize Static Websites — Similar to a bundler or build tool, with features like image optimization, asset compression, and some code auto-fixes — all amounting to strong Core Web Vitals scores.


imask.js 6.5.0: A Vanilla JavaScript Input Mask — Prevent users from entering invalid values. Has plugins for Vue, Angular, React, Svelte, and Solid, if needed.


tween.js 19.0
↳ JS tweening engine for easy animations.

Swiper 9.2
↳ Modern mobile-friendly touch slider.

gridstack.js 7.3
↳ Dashboard layout and creation framework.

ReacType 15.0
↳ Visual prototyping tool that can export React apps.

xstyled 3.8
↳ Utility-first CSS-in-JS framework for React.

Spacetime 7.4.2
↳ Lightweight timezone library.

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???? Wise Words of the Week

A reminder from Vue.js’s Evan You that we live in a vast and varied world, including in the JavaScript ecosystem:

N|Solid v4.9.2 is now available

NodeSource is excited to announce N|Solid v4.9.2 which contains the following changes:

General stability improvements and bug fixes
Node.js v14.21.3 (LTS): Includes a Node.js security release captured in Node.js v14.21.3 (LTS).
Node.js v16.19.1 (LTS): Includes a Node.js security release captured in Node.js v16.19.1 (LTS).
Node.js v18.14.1 (LTS): Includes a Node.js security release captured in Node.js v18.14.1 (LTS).
Support for a new action in N|Solid saved views to capture traces automatically.

IMPORTANT: N|Solid v4.9.1 contains a Node.js security release!

For detailed information on installing and using N|Solid, please refer to the N|Solid User Guide.


N|Solid v4.9.2 contains the following changes:

General stability improvements and bug fixes
Node.js v14.21.3 (LTS): Includes a Rebase of N|Solid on Node.js v14.21.3 (LTS).
Node.js v16.19.1 (LTS): Includes a Rebase of N|Solid on Node.js v16.19.1 (LTS).
Node.js v18.14.2 (LTS): Includes a Rebase of N|Solid on Node.js v18.14.2 (LTS).

IMPORTANT: N|Solid v4.9.1 contains a Node.js security release. This release includes patches for these vulnerabilities:

CVE-2023-23918: Node.js Permissions policies can be bypassed via process.mainModule (High)
CVE-2023-23919: Node.js OpenSSL error handling issues in nodejs crypto library (Medium)
CVE-2023-23936: Fetch API in Node.js did not protect against CRLF injection in host headers (Medium)
CVE-2023-24807: Regular Expression Denial of Service in Headers in Node.js fetch API (Low)
CVE-2023-23920: Node.js insecure loading of ICU data through ICU_DATA environment variable (Low).
With the new action in N|Solid saved views, you can activate the tracing automatically when one or more processes cross over performance thresholds or match query parameters that you set.


N|Solid v4.9.2 Fermium ships with Node.js v14.21.3.

N|Solid v4.9.2 Gallium ships with Node.js v16.19.1.

N|Solid v4.9.2 Hydrogen ships with Node.js v18.14.1.


The Node.js 14 Fermium LTS release line will continue to be supported until April 30, 2023.
The Node.js 16 Gallium LTS release line will continue to be supported until September 11, 2023.
The Node.js 18 Hydrogen LTS release line will continue to be supported until April 30, 2025.

Supported Operating Systems for N|Solid Runtime and N|Solid Console

Please note that The N|Solid Runtime is supported on the following operating systems:


Windows 10
Microsoft Windows Server 1909 Core
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2008

macOS 10.11 and newer

RPM based 64-bit Linux distributions (x86_64):

Amazon Linux AMI release 2015.09 and newer
RHEL7 / CentOS 7 and newer
Fedora 32 and newer

DEB based 64-bit Linux distributions (x86_64, arm64 and armhf):

Ubuntu 16.04 and newer
Debian 9 (stretch) and newer

Alpine 3.3 and newer

Download the latest version of N|Solid

You can download the latest version of N|Solid via http://accounts.nodesource.com or visit https://downloads.nodesource.com/ directly.

New to N|Solid?

If you’ve never tried N|Solid, this is a great time to do so. N|Solid is a fully compatible Node.js runtime that has been enhanced to address the needs of the Enterprise. N|Solid provides meaningful insights into the runtime process and the underlying systems. Click ???? [HERE]