11 Features in Node.js 18 you need to try

Node.js 18 LTS is now available. What’s new? Node.js 18 was released on the 19th of April this year. You can read more in the official blog post release or in the OpenJS Blog announcement. The community couldn’t be more excited! Here at NodeSource,releases are a big deal. As a team of experts, enthusiasts, and …

Java-Script Jarre

#​621 — January 13, 2023 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly The State of JS 2022 — The State of JS is one of the JavaScript ecosystem’s most popular surveys and this time 39,471 folks took part giving us a snapshot of the tools, technologies, and language features people are using (or not using!) There’s …

Nodesource Node.js Binary Distributions 2021 & 2022

NodeSource Node.js binary downloads keep increasing monthly, providing millions of users worldwide with the power of Node.js. This blog post gives us important insights into using Node.js across Linux environments and the Node.js community in general. Nodesource has been packaging and distributing Node.js for Linux environments for 9 years. Every major and minor release, as …

NODE.JS Retro 2022

Node.js was the top technology used by professional developers in 2022 Stack Overflow’s annual Developer Survey confirmed our experience; Node.js continues to grow its use across the globe due to its scalability and performance as well as its ability to integrate seamlessly with a wide range of technologies and databases make it an ideal technology …

N|Solid v4.8.3 is now available

NodeSource is excited to announce N|Solid v4.8.3 which contains the following changes: Node.js v18.12.0 (LTS): Rebase of N|Solid on Node.js v18.12.0 (LTS)(see details below). For detailed information on installing and using N|Solid, please refer to the N|Solid User Guide.. Changes NodeSource is excited to announce N|Solid v4.8.3 which contains the following changes: Rebase of N|Solid …

2023 N|Solid Awards: The Top 10 Best Node.js Open Source Projects to Watch

NodeSource has been a part of the Node.js ecosystem since 2014, contributing to the open-source project, distributing binaries (over 100m annually!), providing expert Node Services, and building tooling (N|Solid) to support developers to make the best software leveraging Node.js. Every year, we look at the open-source projects we believe are the most interesting and will …

Vite 4.0 released

#​618 — December 9, 2022 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly Vite 4.0 Released — From the same creator as Vue.js, Vite is an exciting piece of frontend tooling offering lots of goodies out of the box: fast hot module replacement, instant server starts, optimized builds with Rollup, TypeScript and JSX support (more on why …

A new jQuery release for Xmas

#​619 — December 16, 2022 Read on the Web 🎄 This is the final issue of the year – we’ll be back on January 6, 2023. We hope you have a fantastic holiday season, whether or not you are celebrating, and we’ll see you for a look back at 2022 in the first week of …

N|Solid v4.8.4 is now available

IMPORTANT: This release of N|Solid v4.8.4 contains a Node.js security release! NodeSource is excited to announce N|Solid v4.8.4 which contains the following changes: Node.js v14.21.1 (LTS): Includes a Node.js security release captured in Node.js v14.21.1 (LTS). Node.js v16.18.1 (LTS): Includes a Node.js security release captured in – Node.js v16.18.1 (LTS). Node.js v18.12.1 (LTS): Includes a …

N|Solid v4.9.0 is now available

NodeSource is excited to announce N|Solid v4.9.0 which contains the following changes: This version of N|Solid contains amazing features like M__achine Learning support__ and SBOM support (Software Bill of Materials) , it also contains the latest Node.js versions: v14.21.1 (LTS), v16.18.1 (LTS) and v18.12.1 (LTS), few updates and stability improvements. For detailed information on installing …