htmx in 100 seconds

#​647 — July 13, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Driver.js: Create On-Page Tours, Highlights, and Contextual Help — A no-dependency, vanilla JavaScript library for putting together page tours and contextual help systems. The project is a few years old but has just been entirely rewritten and gained numerous enhancements, plus a huge lick of paint. There are lots of examples to check out.

Kamran Ahmed

Component Party: A Rosetta Stone of UI Library Code Examples — A comparison of different frameworks (like React, Vue, Svelte, Angular, Ember, etc.) by way of simple code snippets covering various tasks.

Mathieu Schimmerling

Test and Validate APIs Effectively and Efficiently — Gain access to several API testing tools and features that help you automate repetitive tasks, stay organized, and build robust workflows to ensure your APIs remain reliable and performant.

Postman sponsor

Prettier 3.0: Now Powered by ES Modules — The popular multi-language code formatter gets a big upgrade with a refactoring to ES modules making up the biggest change (though it can still be used as a library via CommonJS). One side effect is Prettier now supports ESM-based plugins and async parsers which means some necessary changes for Prettier plugin developers.

Sosuke Suzuki

Crockford on Plain Old JavaScript and the DOM — Over the years, Douglas has asked us to only use the good parts of JavaScript, to ▶️ stop using JavaScript, and now he suggests abandoning “the libraries” to instead work with the DOM directly. Lea Verou 🐦 picked up on this story and said this suggestion still isn’t very practical for most web apps as of 2023.

Douglas Crockford


Ember 5.1 – The ambitious JS framework that’ll never give up takes a big step into the TypeScript world with stable TypeScript support and types-a-plenty.

p5.js 1.7 – Processing-inspired JavaScript library for creative coding. v1.7 introduces WebGL 2 and frame buffer support.

Prisma 5.0 – A popular ORM for Node.js and TypeScript. 5.0 boasts significant performance improvements.

typescript-eslint 6.0


obj?.prop = value; The optional chaining assignment proposal advanced to stage 1 at TC39 this week. (Explanatory slidedeck.)

Popular YouTube channel Fireship explains ▶️ htmx in 100 seconds – well timed, since htmx is seeing a huge amount of fresh interest. And if you’re wondering who the mastermind behind Fireship is, Honeypot has put up ▶️ a short documentary about him.

The folks at Sandworm have shared a look at the state of the npm registry including lots of trivia, history, and stats on how many packages there are, as well as the most commonly used keywords in packages.

Google shares a case study on performance of scroll-driven animations using its new browser based API versus ‘classical JavaScript techniques.’ Unsurprisingly it’s much faster running away from the main thread, and the spec remains in draft for now.

npm will now check the linked source commit and repo when you view a package’s provenance information on and warn you when said provenance cannot be established.

GitHub is rolling out a beta of passwordless, passkey based authentication on GitHub․com.

📒 Articles & Tutorials

Useful Functions for a (Deno) HTTP Server — You could think of HTTP in a functional way with requests going in and responses/results going out. The author explores Deno’s new Deno.serve function and how both it and the /x/http_fns functions can provide a more functional approach to common HTTP tasks.


Testing the Dark Scenarios of a Node.js App — Several examples of often overlooked things you should be testing. What happens when a service times out, code is mutating things it shouldn’t, or you have zombie processes milling around? These are some of the ‘dark scenarios’ it’s not too difficult to prepare for.

Yoni Goldberg and Raz Luvaton

The 2023 State of the API Report Is Here — The State of the API is the world’s largest survey and report on APIs, with findings from over 40K developers and API professionals.

Postman sponsor

Creating Randomized Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Patterns — Nintendo’s new Zelda game uses repeated, geometric patterns as part of its aesthetic. This post looks at how to recreate such motifs with SVG and JavaScript.

Paul Hebert

5 TS Compiler Flags You Should Include in Your Project’s Config

Igor Konovalov

Deploying a Fastify and Vue 3 Static Site to Heroku

Liran Tal

Getting Started with Vector Databases in Node.js

Valeri Karpov

🛠 Code & Tools

MDX Editor: A Rich Markdown Editor React Component — A Lexical-powered Markdown editor for React apps that supports code blocks, tables, and more. The live demo shows off most of what you need to see.

Petyo Ivanov

Meet Your New Favorite Teammate: Cody, the AI Coding Assistant — Code faster with Cody, the only code AI that knows your entire codebase, like the pair programmer you always wanted.

Sourcegraph sponsor

electron-vite: Next Generation Electron Build Tooling — Fish and chips, Bert and Ernie.. some things are just better together, and so it goes with the Electron desktop app framework and the Vite frontend toolkit. There’s also an Electron Vite Boilerplate app to kick off a new app with.

Alex Wei

📊  Vizzu 0.8: A Library for Animated Data Visualizations — Making data visualizations is reasonably easy, but animating them is harder. Vizzu steps in to help you create animated data stories and explorations. There are lots of showcases and examples to peruse.

Vizzu Inc.

🐊  Putout: A Configurable, Babel-Based Linter and Code Transformer — Provides typical linting functionality with ESLint and code transformation with Babel, but distinguishes itself by being prepared to make “more drastic code transformations” than other tools. It’s not the most popular option but it makes a good case for itself in its thorough README.


Standardized Audio Context: Cross-Browser Web Audio API Wrapper — A side effect-free abstraction over a subset of the Web Audio API that works reliably across all mainstream browsers.

Christoph Guttandin

Kanel: Generate TypeScript Types from Postgres — It works by inspecting a live database and outputs code you can add to a TypeScript project and use with something like KnexGitHub repo.

Kristian Dupont

React Authentication — Without Complexity

Userfront sponsor

Boa 0.17 – An experimental Javascript lexer, parser and compiler written in Rust that can be embedded into other projects – it now has a module system.

Octokit.js 3.0
↳ Official GitHub SDK for browsers, Node, and Deno.

Release It! 16.1
↳ Automate npm package publishing and versioning.

zlFetch 6.0
↳ Convenience wrapper around the Fetch API.

Terminalizer 0.10
↳ Record your terminal and generate animated GIFs.

eslint-plugin-prettier 5.0
↳ Prettier, but as an ESLint rule.

Preact 10.16 – 3KB React compatible alternative.

💻 Jobs

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


🧑‍💻 Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.

🍩 Homer would approve

donut.js: donut.c, But in JavaScriptdonut.c, dating from 2006, is a donut-shaped C program that, when run, animates a spinning ASCII text donut on the screen. Here’s a fresh and hot JavaScript variant!

Evan Zhou

Microsoft shrunk the TypeScript

#​640 — May 25, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

DeviceScript: TypeScript for Tiny Thingamabobs — DeviceScript is a new Microsoft effort to take the TypeScript experience to low-resource microcontroller-based devices. It’s compiled to a custom VM bytecode which can run in such constrained environments. (A bit like Go’s TinyGo.) It’s aimed at VS Code users but there’s a CLI option too.


The State of Node.js Performance in 2023 — Node 20 gets put through its paces against 18.16 and 16.20 with a few different benchmark suites running on an EC2 instance. It goes into a lot of depth that’s worth checking out, but if you haven’t got time, the conclusion is “Node 20 is faster.” Good.

Rafael Gonzaga

Lightning Fast JavaScript Data Grid Widget — Try a professional JS data grid component which lets you edit, sort, group and filter datasets with fantastic UX & performance. Includes a TreeGrid, API docs and lots of demos. Seamlessly integrates with React, Angular & Vue apps.

Bryntum Grid sponsor

Deno 1.34: Now deno compile Supports npm PackagesDeno isn’t Node, but it increasingly likes to wear a Node-shaped costume. This release focuses on npm and Node compatibility and Deno’s compile command (for turning projects into single binary executables) now supports npm packages too which opens up a lot of use cases.

The Deno Team


TC39’s Hemanth.HM shares some updates from TC39’s 96th meeting. Atomics.waitAsync, the /v flag for regexes, and a method to detect well formatted Unicode strings all move up to stage 4.

The Angular team shares the results of their annual developer survey. Over 12,000 Angular developers responded.


Astro 2.5

Preact 10.15 – Fast 3KB React alternative.

TypeScript 5.1 RC

Electron 24.4

MapLibre GL JS v3 – WebGL-powered vector tile maps.

???? Articles & Tutorials

Demystifying Tupper’s FormulaTupper’s self-referential formula is a formula that, when plotted, can represent itself. Confused? Luckily Eli shows us how simple the concept is and how to use JavaScript to render your own.

Eli Bendersky

An Introduction to Web Components — A practical and straightforward introduction to using the custom element API now supported in all major browsers to create a basic tabbed panel.

Mohamed Rasvi

▶  Creative Coding with p5.js in Visual Studio Codep5.js is a ‘creative coding’ library that takes a lot of inspiration from Processing. Dan does a great job at showing it off and sharing his enthusiasm for it. The main content starts at about 8-minutes in.

Daniel Shiffman and Olivia Guzzardo

Auth. Built for Devs, by Devs — Easily add login, registration, SSO, MFA, user controls and more auth features to your app in any framework.

FusionAuth sponsor

▶  Why React is Here to Stay — A rebuttal of sorts to Adam Elmore’s video from two weeks ago: ▶️ I’m Done with React.

Joscha Neske

Comparing Three Ways of Processing Arrays Non-Destructively — for-of, .reduce(), and .flatMap() go up against each other.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

Build Your First JavaScript ChatGPT Plugin — Plugins provide a way to extend ChatGPT’s functionality.

Mark O’Neill

How I’ve Shifted My Angular App to a Standalone Components Approach

Kamil Konopka

???? Code & Tools

Javy 1.0: A JS to WebAssembly Toolchain — Originally built at Shopify, Java takes your JS code and runs it in a WASM-embedded runtime. It’s worth scanning the example to get a feel for the process. “We’re confident that the Javy CLI is in good enough shape for general use so we’re releasing it as v1.0.0.”

Bytecode Alliance

Inkline 4.0: A Customizable Vue.js 3 UI/UX Library — A design system and numerous customizable components designed for mobile-first (but desktop friendly) and built with accessibility in mind.

Alex Grozav

Dynaboard: A Visual Web App IDE Made for Developers — Build high performance public and private web applications in a collaborative — full-stack — development environment.

Dynaboard sponsor

BlockNote: A ‘Notion-Like’ Block-Based Text Editor — Flexible and presents an extensive API so you can integrate it with whatever you want to do. You can drag and drop blocks, add real-time collaboration, add customizable ‘slash command’ menus, and more. Builds on top of ProseMirror and TipTap.


Windstatic: A Set of 170+ Components and Layouts Made with Tailwind and Alpine.js — Categorized under page sections, nav, and forms, and each category includes multiple components you can drop into projects.

Michael Andreuzza

ls-lint 2.0: A Fast File and Directory Name Linter — Written in Go but aimed at JS/front-end dev use cases, ls-lint provides a way to enforce rules for file naming and directory structures.

Lucas Löffel

Jest Puppeteer 9.0: Run Tests using Jest and Puppeteer — A Jest preset enabling end-to-end testing with Puppeteer.

Argos CI

ts-sql-query: Type-Safe SQL Query Builder — Want to build dynamic SQL queries in a type-safe way with TypeScript verifying queries? This is for you. Supports numerous SQL-based database systems and isn’t an ORM itself.

Juan Luis Paz Rojas

React Authentication, Simplified

Userfront sponsor

Hashids.js 2.3
↳ Generate YouTube-like IDs.

Tabulator 5.5
↳ Interactive table and data grid control.

gridstack.js 8.2
↳ Dashboard layout and creation library.

Cypress GitHub Action 5.8
↳ Action for running Cypress end-to-end tests.

ReacType 16.0
↳ Visual prototyping tool that exports React code.

Mongoose 7.2 – MongoDB modelling library.

Eta (η) 2.2 – Embedded JS template engine.

AVA 5.3 – Popular Node test runner.

MelonJS 15.3 – HTML5 game engine.

???? Jobs

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


Fullstack Engineer at — Push code, change lives. Help us become the center for good causes on the modern web with our dev tools.


????‍???? Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.

???? Node.js developer? Check out the latest issue of Node Weekly, our sibling newsletter about all things Node.js — from tutorials and screencasts to news and releases. While we include some Node related items here in JavaScript Weekly, we save most of it for there.

→ Check out Node Weekly here.

jQuery lives on; major changes teased

#​639 — May 18, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Bun’s New Bundler: 220x Faster than webpack?Bun is one of the newest JavaScript runtimes (built atop the JavaScriptCore engine) and focuses on speed while aiming to be a drop-in replacement for Node.js. This week’s v0.6.0 release is the ‘biggest release yet’ with standalone executable generation and more, but its new JavaScript bundler and minifier may attract most of the attention and this post digs into why.

Jarred Sumner

???? If you’d prefer to read what a third party thinks, Shane O’Sullivan gave the new bundler a spin and shared his thoughts. There’s also some discussion on Hacker News. It’s early days and while esbuild may be fast enough for most right now, it’s fantastic to see any progress in bundling.

Deopt Explorer: A VS Code Extension to Inspect V8 Trace Log Info — A thorough introduction to MS’s new tool for performing analysis of the V8 engine’s internals, including CPU profile data, how inline caches operate, deoptimizations, how functions were run (interpreted or compiled) and more. There’s a lot going on.

Ron Buckton (Microsoft)

Supercharge Your Websites and Applications with Cloudflare — Get ready for supercharged speed and reliability with Cloudflare’s suite of performance tools. With ultra-fast CDN, smart traffic routing, media optimization, and more, Cloudflare has everything you need to ensure your site or app runs at peak performance.

Cloudflare sponsor

jQuery 3.7.0 Released — JavaScript Weekly is 638 issues old, or almost 13 years once you take away weeks off, so jQuery was a big deal in our early days. We hold a lot of nostalgia for it, and it remains widely used even if no-one is writing about it anymore ???? v3.7 folds the Sizzle selector engine into the core, adds some unitless CSS properties, gains a new uniqueSort method, and “major changes” are still promised in future. jQuery lives on!

Timmy Willison (jQuery Foundation)


TC39’s Hemanth.HM has begun keeping a list of ES2023 code examples like he did for ES2022, ES2021, and ES2020.

???? The New Stack has a story about Meta supporting the OpenJS Foundation – but who wrote the article is what we found more interesting..

The folks at Meta / Facebook have written about the efficiency gains made in Messenger Desktop by moving from Electron to React Native.

One downside to platforms like Cloudflare Workers using V8 isolates has been a lack of support for opening TCP sockets – quite an impediement if you want to talk to a RDBMS over TCP or something. Fear no more, Cloudflare Workers has introduced a connect() API for creating TCP sockets from Workers functions.

Promise.withResolvers progressed to stage 2 at the latest TC39 meeting.


Node.js 20.2

Rome 12.1
↳ The formatter/linter gains stage 3 decorator support.

Ember.js 5.0 – App framework.

Jasmine 5.0 – Testing framework.

Gatsby 5.10

???? Articles & Tutorials

How to Get Full Type Support with Plain JavaScript — It’s possible to reap the benefits of TypeScript, yet still write plain JavaScript, as TypeScript’s analyzer understands types written in the JSDoc format.


TypeScript’s own JS Projects Utilizing TypeScript page has more info on the different levels of strictness you can follow from mere inference on regular JS code through to full on TypeScript with strict enabled.

▶  Coding a Working Game of Chess in Pure JavaScript — No canvas, either. All using the DOM, SVG, and JavaScript. No AI and it’s not perfect, but it’s only 88 minutes long and it’ll give you something to work on..

Ania Kubow

Automate Slack and MS Teams Notifications Using Node.js — Quick guide to send and automate messages via Slack, MS Teams, and any other channel from your Node.js applications. sponsor

Your Jest Tests Might Be Wrong — Is your Jest test suite failing you? You might not be using the testing framework’s full potential, especially when it comes to preventing state leakage between tests.

Jamie Magee

A Guide to Visual Regression Testing with Playwright — The Playwright browser control library can form the basis of an end-to-end testing mechanism all written in JavaScript, and comparing the visual output of tests can help show where things are going wrong.

Dima Ivashchuk (Lost Pixel)

Create a Real Time Multi Host Video Chat in a Browser with Amazon IVS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) sponsor

React Server Components, Next.js App Router and Examples — Addy Osmani’s overview of of the state of React Server Components, the Next.js App Router implementation, other implementations, the move towards hybrid rendering, plus related links.

Addy Osmani

..and if React is your thing, the latest issue of React Status is for you.

???? Code & Tools

VanJS: A 1.2KB Reactive UI Framework Without JSX — A new entrant to an increasingly crowded space, VanJS is particularly light and elegant, and its author has put some serious effort into documenting it and offering tools to convert your HTML to its custom format. It’s short for vanilla JavaScript, by the way.. GitHub repo.

Tao Xin

JavaScript Scratchpad for VS Code (2m+ Downloads) — Quokka.js is the #1 tool for exploring/testing JavaScript with edit-continue experience to see realtime execution and runtime values.

Wallaby.js sponsor

Introducing Legend-State 1.0: Faster State for ReactAnother state management solution? After a year of effort, Legend State 1.0 claims to be the fastest option “on just about every metric” and they have the benchmarks to prove it. Whatever the case, this thorough intro is worth a look. GitHub repo.


Starry Night: GitHub-Like Syntax Highlighting — Apparently, GitHub’s own syntax highlighting approach isn’t open source, but this takes a similar approach and is. It’s admittedly quite ‘heavy’ (due to using a WASM build of the Oniguruma regex engine) but that’s the price of quality.

Titus Wormer

Garph 0.5: A Fullstack GraphQL Framework for TypeScript — Full-stack ‘batteries included’ GraphQL APIs without codegen. GitHub repo.

Step CI

headless-qr: A Simple, Modern QR Code Library — A slimmer adaptation of an older project without the extra code that isn’t necessary today. Turning the binary into an image is your job, or use something like QRCode.js if you want a canvas-rendered QR code out of the box.

Rich Harris

Scroll Btween: Use Scroll Position to Tween CSS Values on DOM Elements — Scrolling/parallax libraries tend to feel the same but this one demonstrates some diverse examples with colors, images, and text — all with no dependencies.

Olivier Blanc

eslint-plugin-check-file: Rules for Consistent Filename and Folder Names — Allows you to enforce a consistent naming pattern for file and directory names in projects.


Transformers.js 2.0 – Run Hugging Face transformers directly in browser.

PrimeReact 9.4 – Extensive UI component library.

The Lounge 4.4 – Cross-platform, self-hosted web IRC client.

Faast.js 8.0 – Serverless batch computing made simple.

???? Jobs

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


Fullstack Engineer at — Push code, change lives! Help us become the center for good causes on the modern web with our dev tools.


????‍???? Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.

???? Go with the flow..

js2flowchart.js — A visualization library to convert JavaScript code into attractive SVG flowcharts. Luckily, there’s a live online version if you want to play without having to install anything.

Bohdan Liashenko

Playwright now offers a UI mode

#​631 — March 24, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Speeding Up the JavaScript Ecosystem: npm Scripts — The latest in what has been a fascinating series on finding ‘low hanging fruit’ when it comes to performance in the JavaScript world. The author explains it best himself:

“‘npm scripts’ are executed by JavaScript developers … all the time. Despite their high usage they are not particularly well optimized and add about 400ms of overhead. In this article we were able to bring that down to ~22ms.”
What Marvin does here is a valuable skill for all developers to pick up, and you can enjoy more by going back to the start.

Marvin Hagemeister

Playwright v1.32 – Now with UI Mode — The popular Web testing and automation framework is taking more steps toward the ground currently served by tools like Cypress by offering a ‘UI mode’ that lets you explore, run and debug tests in a UI environment, complete with watch mode. ▶️ This video provides a good introduction.


A Grid Component with All the Features & Great Performance — Try our powerful JS data grid component which lets you edit, sort, group and filter datasets with fantastic performance. Includes a TreeGrid, API docs and plenty of demos. Seamless integration with React, Angular & Vue apps.

Bryntum sponsor

Why We Added package.json Support to Deno — Deno shares some provenance with Node.js but till recently it hadn’t focused on supporting Node features like npm modules. But with Node and npm compatibility beginning to improve, the team has faced questions about the runtime’s priorities. Ryan Dahl explains more about their thinking here.

Ryan Dahl

???? In other Deno news, Deno 1.32 has been released with… improved package.json support, and more.

How to Start a React Project in 2023 — There are lots of ways, but this well-regarded author explains the pros and cons of a few approaches, and gives you a few options targeting specific use cases you might have.

Robin Wieruch


GitHub had to update its RSA SSH host key today so you may see security related warnings when pushing and cloning. It’s easy to fix, but check the new fingerprint matches – it’s for your own security.

The New Stack caught up with Svelte’s Rich Harris on SvelteKit and what’s coming for Svelte 4.

The React team shared some cutting edge updates on what they’re working on including React Server Components and an optimizing compiler.

If you were experiencing errors on the official Node site last week, here’s the (detailed) post mortem of why. Config errors and inappropriate caching, mostly.

✨ Did you know there’s a market in fake GitHub stars? Some developers analyzed some repos to learn more about it.

???? Congratulations to Lea Verou on her TC39 appointment9. Her efforts to push the Web forward are legendary. Prism is one project you may be aware of.

Make your opinions known on what should be in the next version of Vite.


Docusaurus 2.4
↳ Easy to maintain documentation site generator.

Puppeteer 19.8
↳ Headless Chrome Node.js API.

Neutralinojs 4.11
↳ Lightweight cross-platform desktop app framework.

Qwik 0.23

???? Articles & Tutorials

Buying a Hard-to-Get Bicycle using Playwright — An unusual use case for JavaScript, Playwright, and GitHub Actions, but Maciek managed to buy his bike.

Maciek Palmowski

Snyk Top 10: JavaScript OSS Vulnerabilities — Dive into the most prevalent critical and high open source vulnerabilities found by Snyk scans of JavaScript apps in 2022.

Snyk sponsor

The ‘End’ of Front-End Development? — A recent narrative doing the rounds suggests that large language models like GPT-4 (or even tools like Copilot X) could soon put some developers out of a job — however, Josh is “optimistic about what these AI advancements mean for the future of software development”.

Josh W. Comeau

In related news, Eric Elliott put ChatGPT through its paces to see if it would make for a good JavaScript tutor. It did well, though with mixed results.

Migrating from ts-node to Bun — A look at adopting performance-oriented Bun when you’re used to using TypeScript with Node.js. John runs us through porting a console app from the ts-node approach over to Bun — “a pretty easy process,” he says.

John Reilly

▶  A Pinia Crash Course for BeginnersPinia is a store / state management solution for Vue that does believe in pineapple on pizza.

Alexander Gekov

A Practical Guide to Getting Started with Astro — An extensive walkthrough of Astro that covers all the topics you’ll need to get you started.

Mojtaba Seyedi

???? Test Website Speed Continuously and Rank Higher In Google — You need a fast website to make users happy and meet Google’s Core Web Vitals metrics. Test and optimize with DebugBear.

DebugBear sponsor

Automatic npm Publishing with GitHub Actions and Granular Tokens

Tim Perry

Make Sure You Do This Before Switching to Signals in Angular

Jordan Powell

Six CSS Snippets Every Developer Should Know

Adam Argyle (Google)

???? Code & Tools Easy Webperf Trace Sharing — A quick way to share a performance profile saved from your DevTools, available for up to 90 days with the DevTools perf panel embedded (see example).

paul irish

VueUse: A Collection of Vue Composition Utilities — With over 200 functions targeting both Vue 2 and 3, there’ll be something in this suite of Composition API-based utility functions for you, whether it’s working with state, browser capabilities, animations, Electron, Firebase, and more.

Anthony Fu

Don’t Let Your Issue Tracker Be a Four-Letter Word. Use Shortcut

Shortcut (formerly sponsor

OTPAuth: One Time Password (HOTP/TOTP) Library — When you log in to a site that uses 2FA and you’re asked for some digits from an authentication app, that’s probably a Time-based One-Time Password (or TOTP). This library for Node, Deno, Bun and the browser lets you work with TOTPs and HOTPs from JS.

Héctor Molinero Fernández

Recharts 2.5: Chart Library Built with React and D3 — Easy to deploy with declarative components, native SVG support, and lightweight dependency on D3. Line, bar, scatter, composed, pie, and radar charts are offered. There are lots of examples, complete with code.


DOCX 8.0: Generate Word .docx Files from JavaScript — The code to lay out documents is verbose but there’s a lot of functionality. Here’s a CodePen example and release notesGitHub repo.

Dolan Miu

SvHighlight: Code Syntax Highlighter for Svelte — Powered by Highlight.js, it includes a blurring feature to focus attention on specific areas of code and you an customize it with Tailwind. Try the interactive examples to see the effect.


eslint-formatter-pretty 5.0: Pretty ESLint Formatter — Nicer output than the default. Sort results by severity. Get stylized inline code blocks, and more.

Sindre Sorhus

AWS JWT Verify: Verify JWTs Signed by Amazon Cognito — In both Node.js and the browser.

Amazon Web Services

???? Jobs

Software Engineer (Backend) — Join our “kick ass” team. Our software team operates from 17 countries and we’re always looking for more exceptional engineers.

Sticker Mule

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


????‍???? Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.

melonJS 15.0
↳ Mature HTML5 game engine.

Marked 4.3
↳ Markdown parser and compiler. (Demo.)

v8go 0.9
↳ Execute JavaScript from Go(lang).

Million 2.1
↳ Fast Virtual DOM to make React faster.

Partytown 0.7.6
↳ Take third-party scripts off the main thread.

???? Bonus Item

Make Bookmarklets — Create and test bookmarklets directly in the browser. Makes an irritating task slightly easier if you need to do it.

Cullan Luther

JavaScript sans build systems?

#​626 — February 17, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Writing JavaScript Without a Build System — Using a variety of build tools for things like bundling and transpiling is reasonably standard in modern JavaScript development, but what if you want to keep things simple? For simple things, it’s not necessary, says Julia. This led to a lot of discussion on Hacker News.

Julia Evans

Ryan Dahl, Node.js Creator, Wants to Rebuild the Runtime of the Web — A neat bit of journalism about the alternative JavaScript runtime Deno and what Ryan Dahl is trying to achieve with it and how Ryan handled the stress of being known as the creator of Node.js.

Harry Spitzer / Sequoia

Broadcasting a Live Stream With Nothing but JavaScript — Live streams typically use third-party software to broadcast, but with Amazon Interactive Video Service, you can build a powerful, interactive broadcasting interface with the Web Broadcast SDK and JavaScript. Click here to learn more.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) sponsor

core-js’s Maintainer Complains Open Source Is ‘Broken’core-js is a popular universal polyfill for JavaScript features and its author has run into his fair share of bad luck which has culminated in this lengthy post on the state of the project, his issues in securing an income and, well, the downsides to living in Russia. The Register has tried to balance out the story.

The Register


🐒 The just released Firefox 110 for Android now supports Tampermonkey, an extension for running JavaScript ‘userscripts’ on sites you visit.

The Angular project is taking steps to revamp its reactivity model to enable fine-grained change detection via signals.

The latest beta of iOS and iPadOS 16.4 supports the Web Push API for home screen webapps.

🐦 A fun Twitter thread where Qwik’s Miško Hevery attempted to demonstrate why a = 0-x is about 3-10x faster than a = -x before being told about a flaw in his benchmark. There is still a performance difference, though.

▶️ The React.js documentary we mentioned last week has now been released and it’s a heck of a watch – you’ll need 78 minutes of your time though.


Node.js 19.6.1, 18.14.1, 16.19.1 and 14.21.3.

JavaScript Obfuscator 4.0 – Code scrambler.

Shoelace 2.1
↳ Framework agnostic Web components.

Mermaid 9.4
↳ Text to diagram generator. Now with timeline diagram support.

Cypress 12.6

📒 Articles & Tutorials

Use a MutationObserver to Handle DOM Nodes that Don’t Exist Yet — Comparing the effectiveness of the MutationObserver API with the conventional method of constantly checking for the creation of nodes.

Alex MacArthur

Well-Known Symbols in JavaScript — Hemanth, a TC39 delegate, shows off 14 symbols and where they can come in useful.

Hemanth HM

🚀 Monitor and Optimize Website Speed to Rank Higher in Google — Monitor Google’s Core Web Vitals and optimize performance using in-depth reports built for developers. Improve SEO & UX.

DebugBear sponsor

Why to Use Maps More and Objects Less — A journey down a performance rabbit hole.

Steve Sewell

Adopting React in the Early Days — A personal history lesson providing context around React’s evolution. While React might be an obvious, even safe, choice now, that wasn’t always true.

Sébastien Lorber

An Animated Flythrough with Theatre.js and React Three Fiber — How to fly through a 3D scene using the Theatre.js JavaScript animation library and the React Three Fiber 3D renderer. This is the sort of thing that used to be Very Difficult™ but is now relatively trivial.

Andrew Prifer (Codrops)

How to Change the Tab Bar Color Dynamically with JavaScript

Amit Merchant

Is Deno Ready for Primetime? One Dev’s Opinion

Max Countryman

Using Playwright to Monitor Third-Party Resources That Could Impact User Experience

Stefan Judis

🛠 Code & Tools

Dependency Cruiser: Validate and Visualize JavaScript Dependencies — If you want a look at the output, there’s a whole page of graphs for popular, real world projects including Chalk, Yarn, and React.

Sander Verweij

Devalue: Like JSON.stringify, But..“Gets the job done when JSON.stringify can’t.” Namely, it can handle cyclical and repeated references, regular expressions, Map and Set, custom types, and more.

Rich Harris

🧡 JavaScript Scratchpad for VS Code (2m+ Downloads) — Get Quokka.js ‘Community’ for free: #1 tool for exploring/testing JavaScript with edit-continue experience to see realtime execution and runtime values.

Wallaby.js sponsor

NodeGUI: Build Native Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with Node.js — Unlike Electron which leans upon webviews and HTML, NodeGui uses a Qt based approach. This week’s 0.58.0 release is the first stable release based on Qt 6 and offering high DPI support.


DOMPurify 3.0: Fast, Tolerant XSS Sanitizer for HTML and SVG — A project that’s nine years old today but still actively developed. Supports all modern browsers (IE support was only just dropped) and is heavily tested. There’s a live demo here.


Pythagora: Generate Express Integration Tests by Recording Activity — This is a neat idea still in its early stages. Add a line of code after setting up an Express.js app and this will capture app usage and generate integration tests based on the interactions. (▶️ Screencast demo.)

zvone187 and LeonOstrez

Try Stream’s Free Trial of SDKs for In-App Chat

Stream sponsor Search Code Across a Half Million GitHub Repos — A code search engine that lets you use regexes or syntax in your search. Considering what it is, it’s pretty fast and has an extensive index (over half a million public repos from GitHub, allegedly).

tsParticles: Particles, Confetti and Fireworks for Your Pages — Create customizable particle related effects for use on the Web. Uses the regular 2D canvas for broad support.

Matteo Bruni

💻 Jobs

Software Engineer — Join our happy team. Stimulus is a social platform started by Sticker Mule to show what’s possible if your mission is to increase human happiness.


Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.



Minimatch 6.2
↳ Glob matcher library, as used in npm.
    minimatch(“”, “*.foo”)

React Accordion 1.2
↳ Unstyled WAI-ARIA-compliant accordion library.

ScrollTrigger 1.0.6
↳ Have your page react to scroll changes.

VeeValidate 4.7.4
↳ Popular Vue.js form library

Express Admin 2.0
↳ Admin interface for data in MySQL/Postgres/SQLite.

Execa 7.0
↳ Improved process execution from Node.js.

React Tooltip 5.8

Why document.write() is bad

#​622 — January 20, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Why Not document.write()? — Many moons ago, document.write was a mainstay of client-side JavaScript code, but it’s long been considered a bad practice – why? Harry digs in, noting that it “guarantees both a blocking fetch and a blocking execution, which holds up the parser for far longer than necessary”.

Harry Roberts

New: The WebAssembly JavaScript Promise Integration API — A technical explanation from the V8 team on a new API to let WebAssembly apps bridge the synchronous / asynchronous gap of expectations around external functionality (consider that many apps are written synchronously, but modern Web APIs are usually asynchronous). JSPI helps bridge both worlds and can be tested via a flag in Chrome.

McCabe, Michaud, Rezvov, Dahl / V8 Team

Break the Programming Mold with Dependency Injection — Keep your code on the cutting edge with dependency injection in JavaScript. Check out Snyk’s guide that gives a breakdown of what dependency injection is, when you should use it, and what popular JavaScript frameworks it’s implemented.

Snyk sponsor

Why Is My Jest Suite So Slow?Jest is known for its speed and simplicity so the author was surprised at how quickly his team’s test suite was slowing down. This is a write up of the ensuing investigation along with the improvements that slashed test running time.

Steven Lemon

Bun v0.5 ReleasedBun is another JavaScript runtime taking the world by storm and a level of Node compatibility has been baked in from the start. v0.5 adds support for node:readline, workspaces, a node:dns shim, and network socket creation support such that more Node.js-based database libraries work out of the box.

Ashcon Partovi


The ▶️ latest episode of the JS Party podcast tackles ‘the rise and fall’ of JavaScript frameworks and the modern trend towards smaller ones.

The folks at NodeSource have put together a top 10 list of Node open-source projects ‘to keep an eye on’ in 2023.

Aurelia 2 is now in beta.


⭐️ esbuild 0.17.0
↳ Popular bundler. Note that this is a key release with backwards incompatible changes.

Inertia.js 1.0
↳ Build SPAs for any backend.

React Native 0.71

Remix 1.10.0
↳ Popular full stack framework.

📒 Articles & Tutorials

🎨  Building an Accessible Theme Picker — An attractively presented, easy to follow tutorial for a handy site feature.

Sarah L. Fossheim

Fixing a Memory Leak in a Production Node.js App — Kent encountered a variety of weird memory and CPU usage spikes in his Node-powered app and decided to figure out what was going on. This post walks through his complete journey, with plenty of side problems encountered along the way, before discovering the root cause was where he least expected it.

Kent C Dodds

Build a Mobile-Responsive Telehealth Pager App Using Stream’s Chat API — Build a responsive chat app with emojis/reactions, built-in GIF support, ability to edit/delete messages, direct & group chat, and more.

Stream sponsor

📊  A Beginner’s Guide to Chrome Tracing — For when you want to go deeper than the Performance tab. With tracing, you can record what a browser is up to far behind the scenes.

Nolan Lawson

Handling Errors Like a Pro in TypeScript“Learn the design pattern I use to handle errors and write cleaner code.”

Kolby Sisk

A Beginner’s Guide to async/await with Examples

James Hibbard

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting with Vue 3

Fotis Adamakis

🛠 Code & Tools

RoughNotation: Cute Animated ‘Rough’ Text Annotations — Uses Rough.js (itself a project worth checking out) to get a hand-drawn look. Lots of nice interactive examples on the page showing a variety of annotation styles (boxes, underlines, circles..)

Preet Shihn

Free Website Speed Test: Does Your Site Meet Google’s Core Web Vitals? — Get an in-depth technical analysis of your site and learn how to make it fast. Rank higher in Google & deliver great UX.

DebugBear sponsor

Modern Errors: Handle Errors in a Simple, Stable, Consistent Way — Create error classes, wrap or aggregate errors, or use one of several plugins to do things like print bug reporting info, print stack traces, or more. Happy in both Node and the browser.


Shifty: A Small, Fast Tweening EngineAll it does is tweening. It’s a low level animation solution that you can integrate into any rendering mechanism of your choice. The examples here demonstrate it well as it can be used for ‘animating’ things in an unconventional sense. GitHub repo.

Jeremy Kahn

Barba.js: For Smooth Visual Transitions Between Pages — You certainly can’t say the project’s homepage doesn’t show off all of its features! For such a dramatic set of effects, things feel smooth and.. surprisingly tolerable 😁 GitHub repo.

De Rosa, Michel, et al.

Rete.js 1.5: A Framework for Visual Programming — Create a node-based editor in the browser and apply logic. Check out these demos on CodePen. GitHub repo.

Vitaliy Stoliarov

Don’t Let Your Issue Tracker Be a Four-Letter Word. Use Shortcut

Shortcut (formerly sponsor

gpu-io: GPU-Accelerated Computing Library — for physics simulations and other mathematical calculations. A neat look at the power of WebGL. Several examples.

Amanda Ghassaei

Chart.js 4.2
↳ Simple Canvas-based charts. (Samples.)

Serialize JavaScript 6.0.1
↳ Serialize JS to a JSON superset.

axios-retry 3.4
↳ Axios plugin that retries failed requests.

Axios 1.2.3 – Popular HTTP client library.

Commander.js 10.0 – Node.js CLIs made easy.

Mineflayer 4.7 – JS API for Minecraft bots.

Wretch 2.4 – Fetch API wrapper with niceties.

💻 Jobs

Developer Relations Manager — Join the CKEditor team to build community around an Open Source project used by millions of users around the world 🚀


Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.
