Microsoft spills the tea on TypeScript

#​655 — September 21, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

▶  TypeScript Origins: The Documentary — You know you’ve made it when you get your own documentary! This has just dropped but is well produced, packed with stories from TypeScript’s co-creators, users, and other folks at Microsoft, and kept me entertained. It goes particularly deep into the motivations and process behind its creation, including why Microsoft felt it was worth pursuing.

OfferZen Origins

🔥 The takes get spicer 25+ minutes in as various TypeScript users chip in with their opinions, and even Daniel Rosenwasser, now program manager of the TypeScript team, says he initially worried that Microsoft might “f**k it all up.” 😅 Ryan Dahl pops up about an hour in too.. so I hope you’ve got some time spare.

Patterns for Reactivity with Modern Vanilla JavaScript — When data changes, you often want to do things, and the process that makes that happen is reactivity. While many libraries or frameworks like React or Vue offer reactive solutions out of the box, you can do it all with vanilla JavaScript too, and this post digs into many of the patterns you might need to use, complete with examples.

Marc Grabanski

Handsontable: Data Grid With Spreadsheet Superpowers — There are a lot of JavaScript data grids out there, but none are quite like Handsontable. Its Excel-like design, keyboard shortcuts, and navigation make it the perfect tool for developers.

Handsontable sponsor

Deno 1.37: Modern JavaScript in Jupyter Notebooks — Not content to let Bun take all the headlines, Deno has come up with something pretty neat here. Deno 1.37 ships with a Jupyter Notebook integration so you can create interactive REPL sessions but using the JavaScript you know and love, rather than Python.

The Deno Team

JavaScript Minification Benchmarks — A frequently updated benchmark suite and results comparing the speed and quality of JavaScript minification across a variety of tools including esbuild, Babel, Bun, SWC, and Uglify.

Hiroki Osame


The Svelte team offers a sneak peek at the forthcoming Svelte 5 and introduces the idea of ‘runes’: “Like every other framework, we’ve come to the realisation that Knockout was right all along.”

Happy 27th birthday to JScript! JScript was a version of JavaScript that Microsoft put into IE 3.0 primarily to avoid trademark issues around the name of JavaScript. No-one cares much about that anymore, despite Oracle still technically holding the JavaScript trademark.

Folks are discussing whether Node.js needs a mascot of its own.

Want to support anyone doing great work on JavaScript projects? You can nominate them for a GitHub Star.

If you rely upon the npm package download counts at all, the daily counts for all packages was zero on September 13 and 14 (example). Why? “This issue remains under investigation,” says npm support.


Remix v2 – Popular full stack web framework.

Bun 1.0.2 – Bugfixes, faster bun –watch, it now uses V8’s Date parser, and Fastify apps now work too.

Node.js v20.7 (Current) – Multiple –env-files now supported.

Next.js 13.5 – Faster, faster, faster.

📒 Articles & Tutorials

Getting Network Activity Under Control with Priority Hints — A look at how browsers can prioritize the loading of resources, how you can explicitly specify a priority when using fetch, and how different ways of loading scripts are prioritized.

Alex MacArthur

Securing Node Apps by Analyzing Real Command Injection Examples — When code can be manipulated to run unintended, arbitrary commands, it’s never going to end well.

Liran Tal

🚀  Coming Soon: Fixed-Cost Monthly Maintenance by — Too much tech debt in your JavaScript app? Let us help. Slow and steady upgrades at your own pace. Releasing next week.

🌳 Bonsai by sponsor

🧭  What’s New in Safari 17 — Safari 17 is now in beta on iOS 17 with the final release dropping across all of Apple’s platforms next week. On the JavaScript front, Safari and WebKit now fully support the Storage API, WebGL in Offscreen Canvas, v flag support on regexes, Set operation methods, URL.canParse, plus the much anticipated support for PWAs in macOS Sonoma.

Jen Simmons and the WebKit team

Testing Out the Alpine.js Intersect Plugin — A wrapper for the Intersection Observer API.

Raymond Camden

▶  How to Make Forms in Angular Reusable

Decoded Frontend

Clean Layout Architecture for Vue Applications

Fotis Adamakis

Incremental Static Regeneration for Angular

Enea Jahollari

🛠 Code & Tools

fx 30: The Go(lang)-Powered Terminal JSON Viewer — Yes, it’s written in Go, but fx has long been a useful tool for looking at JSON files, and it has just been rewritten from the ground up with a new look, regex search, fuzzy search, and support for “even the most massive JSON files.” You don’t need to worry about Go at all; it’s simply a fantastic tool for looking at JSON.

Anton Medvedev

Breakpoints and console.log Is the Past, Time Travel Is the Future — 15x faster JavaScript debugging than with breakpoints and console.log, supports Vitest, jest, karma, jasmine, and more.

Wallaby.js sponsor

Mantine 7.0: The Popular React Component Library — A big release for what is now one of the most popular React component libraries. As of v7, Mantine no longer relies on Emotion and components come with native CSS files, all components now support the system-set color scheme, CSS modules are now the default way to style components, and there are many smaller enhancements too.

Mantine Team

Chrono 2.7: A Natural Language Date Parser — Give it a string like “today”, “last Friday”, “2 weeks from now”, or even an entire date and time, and it’ll come up with a date object to suit.

Wanasit Tanakitrungruang

Theatre.js 0.7: Motion Design for the Web — Can be used both programmatically or via a visual editor to animate objects created with things like Three.js, React Three Fiber, HTML/SVG, or even just tween variable values.

Theatre.js Project

Track Errors and Performance Issues in Every Part of Your Stack

Sentry sponsor

Swup: A Flexible Page Transition Library for Server-Side Rendered Sites — A library that benefits hugely from checking out the demos. v4.4 adds experimental ViewTransition support.

Georgy Marchuk

Create Chrome Extension: A Scaffolding Tool for Chrome Extensions — Similar to create-react-app or Yeoman, this is specifically for starting extension development, with support for several frameworks, HMR, and light/dark modes.


💡 Chrome Extension CLI is another option in this space.

Neutralinojs 4.14.0 – Imagine something like Electron but without the browser engine being bundled in. Supporting Linux, Windows, and macOS, it instead leans on what’s already present.

📅 React Lite Month Picker
↳ An elegant way to let users select a specific month.

React-Virtuoso 4.6 – Powerful virtual list component.

Faker 8.1 – Generate large amounts of fake data.

🔊 Peaks.js 3.1
↳ The BBC’s audio waveform UI component.

Ember.js 5.3

💻 Jobs

Nest.js Back-End Developer — Lead the development of a HealthTech platform, focused on Caregiver support. TypeScript, Nest.js, PostgreSQL, AWS, React/Next.js.


Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


“The best programs are the ones written when the programmer is supposed to be working on something else.”

Melinda Varian

Microsoft shrunk the TypeScript

#​640 — May 25, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

DeviceScript: TypeScript for Tiny Thingamabobs — DeviceScript is a new Microsoft effort to take the TypeScript experience to low-resource microcontroller-based devices. It’s compiled to a custom VM bytecode which can run in such constrained environments. (A bit like Go’s TinyGo.) It’s aimed at VS Code users but there’s a CLI option too.


The State of Node.js Performance in 2023 — Node 20 gets put through its paces against 18.16 and 16.20 with a few different benchmark suites running on an EC2 instance. It goes into a lot of depth that’s worth checking out, but if you haven’t got time, the conclusion is “Node 20 is faster.” Good.

Rafael Gonzaga

Lightning Fast JavaScript Data Grid Widget — Try a professional JS data grid component which lets you edit, sort, group and filter datasets with fantastic UX & performance. Includes a TreeGrid, API docs and lots of demos. Seamlessly integrates with React, Angular & Vue apps.

Bryntum Grid sponsor

Deno 1.34: Now deno compile Supports npm PackagesDeno isn’t Node, but it increasingly likes to wear a Node-shaped costume. This release focuses on npm and Node compatibility and Deno’s compile command (for turning projects into single binary executables) now supports npm packages too which opens up a lot of use cases.

The Deno Team


TC39’s Hemanth.HM shares some updates from TC39’s 96th meeting. Atomics.waitAsync, the /v flag for regexes, and a method to detect well formatted Unicode strings all move up to stage 4.

The Angular team shares the results of their annual developer survey. Over 12,000 Angular developers responded.


Astro 2.5

Preact 10.15 – Fast 3KB React alternative.

TypeScript 5.1 RC

Electron 24.4

MapLibre GL JS v3 – WebGL-powered vector tile maps.

???? Articles & Tutorials

Demystifying Tupper’s FormulaTupper’s self-referential formula is a formula that, when plotted, can represent itself. Confused? Luckily Eli shows us how simple the concept is and how to use JavaScript to render your own.

Eli Bendersky

An Introduction to Web Components — A practical and straightforward introduction to using the custom element API now supported in all major browsers to create a basic tabbed panel.

Mohamed Rasvi

▶  Creative Coding with p5.js in Visual Studio Codep5.js is a ‘creative coding’ library that takes a lot of inspiration from Processing. Dan does a great job at showing it off and sharing his enthusiasm for it. The main content starts at about 8-minutes in.

Daniel Shiffman and Olivia Guzzardo

Auth. Built for Devs, by Devs — Easily add login, registration, SSO, MFA, user controls and more auth features to your app in any framework.

FusionAuth sponsor

▶  Why React is Here to Stay — A rebuttal of sorts to Adam Elmore’s video from two weeks ago: ▶️ I’m Done with React.

Joscha Neske

Comparing Three Ways of Processing Arrays Non-Destructively — for-of, .reduce(), and .flatMap() go up against each other.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

Build Your First JavaScript ChatGPT Plugin — Plugins provide a way to extend ChatGPT’s functionality.

Mark O’Neill

How I’ve Shifted My Angular App to a Standalone Components Approach

Kamil Konopka

???? Code & Tools

Javy 1.0: A JS to WebAssembly Toolchain — Originally built at Shopify, Java takes your JS code and runs it in a WASM-embedded runtime. It’s worth scanning the example to get a feel for the process. “We’re confident that the Javy CLI is in good enough shape for general use so we’re releasing it as v1.0.0.”

Bytecode Alliance

Inkline 4.0: A Customizable Vue.js 3 UI/UX Library — A design system and numerous customizable components designed for mobile-first (but desktop friendly) and built with accessibility in mind.

Alex Grozav

Dynaboard: A Visual Web App IDE Made for Developers — Build high performance public and private web applications in a collaborative — full-stack — development environment.

Dynaboard sponsor

BlockNote: A ‘Notion-Like’ Block-Based Text Editor — Flexible and presents an extensive API so you can integrate it with whatever you want to do. You can drag and drop blocks, add real-time collaboration, add customizable ‘slash command’ menus, and more. Builds on top of ProseMirror and TipTap.


Windstatic: A Set of 170+ Components and Layouts Made with Tailwind and Alpine.js — Categorized under page sections, nav, and forms, and each category includes multiple components you can drop into projects.

Michael Andreuzza

ls-lint 2.0: A Fast File and Directory Name Linter — Written in Go but aimed at JS/front-end dev use cases, ls-lint provides a way to enforce rules for file naming and directory structures.

Lucas Löffel

Jest Puppeteer 9.0: Run Tests using Jest and Puppeteer — A Jest preset enabling end-to-end testing with Puppeteer.

Argos CI

ts-sql-query: Type-Safe SQL Query Builder — Want to build dynamic SQL queries in a type-safe way with TypeScript verifying queries? This is for you. Supports numerous SQL-based database systems and isn’t an ORM itself.

Juan Luis Paz Rojas

React Authentication, Simplified

Userfront sponsor

Hashids.js 2.3
↳ Generate YouTube-like IDs.

Tabulator 5.5
↳ Interactive table and data grid control.

gridstack.js 8.2
↳ Dashboard layout and creation library.

Cypress GitHub Action 5.8
↳ Action for running Cypress end-to-end tests.

ReacType 16.0
↳ Visual prototyping tool that exports React code.

Mongoose 7.2 – MongoDB modelling library.

Eta (η) 2.2 – Embedded JS template engine.

AVA 5.3 – Popular Node test runner.

MelonJS 15.3 – HTML5 game engine.

???? Jobs

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


Fullstack Engineer at — Push code, change lives. Help us become the center for good causes on the modern web with our dev tools.


????‍???? Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.

???? Node.js developer? Check out the latest issue of Node Weekly, our sibling newsletter about all things Node.js — from tutorials and screencasts to news and releases. While we include some Node related items here in JavaScript Weekly, we save most of it for there.

→ Check out Node Weekly here.

Astro 2.0 and TypeScript 5.0 beta

#​623 — January 27, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Astro 2.0: The Next-Gen ‘Islands’-Oriented Web Framework — 2.0 includes hybrid rendering (mixing of SSR and SSG outputs), type safety for Markdown & MDX, and an upgrade to Vite 4.0. Astro is worth exploring when performance is key as it works with popular frameworks but lets you deliver the least JS possible to get pages rendered.

Fred Schott

Prefer a talk? Nate Moore’s ViteConf talk ▶️ Islands Architecture, Astro, and You will bring you up to speed.

Deep Cloning Objects in JavaScript, The Modern Way — If you’ve been leaning on something like Lodash for deep cloning, you might not need to any longer. “It’s been a long time coming, but we finally now have the built-in structuredClone function to make deep cloning objects in JavaScript a breeze.”

Steve Sewell

Go From Professional Web Developer to Lead Engineer — Aspiring lead developer? Our collection of comprehensive video courses cover the fundamentals of JavaScript, TypeScript, React, web performance, and more.

Frontend Masters sponsor

Announcing TypeScript 5.0 Beta — A new major version number, but users of the popular typed JS superset will face a ‘similar upgrade experience’ to previously. Decorators make it in as a first class feature, significant performance and package size optimizations are present, export type * is supported, all enums are now union enums, and much more.

Daniel Rosenwasser (Microsoft)

AlaSQL.js 3.0: Isomorphic JavaScript SQL Database — A SQL database you can use in the browser, Node.js or mobile apps. An interesting bit of functionality is you can use SQL to query JavaScript objects – example. “The library adds the comfort of a full database engine to your JavaScript app. No, really.”

Andrey Gershun


🏅 If you’re really into Vue.js, you’ll soon be able to become officially certified in it.

If you’re using React, you should be using a React framework, 🐦 says Andrew Clark of the core team.

The creator of alternative JS runtime Bun asks: “If there’s one thing missing from Bun for you to switch, what is it?” You can reply on Twitter. is an amazing meeting of old and new JavaScript – it’s an Astro powered version of jQuery’s documentation!


Shoelace 2.0
↳ Agnostic library of web components.

μFuzzy 1.0
↳ Tiny fuzzy search library.

React Router 6.8

Node.js 19.5.0

📒 Articles & Tutorials

Getting Started with SvelteKit — SvelteKit only recently hit 1.0 and this is a comprehensive overview of how to build a site using the Svelte-oriented app framework. It covers topics like routing, layouts, data, props and more.

Adam Rackis

Using .NET Code from JavaScript using WebAssembly“Starting with .NET 7, you can easily run any .NET method from JavaScript without needing the whole Blazor framework.”

Gérald Barré

JavaScript Scratchpad for VS Code (2m+ Downloads) — Quokka.js is the #1 tool for exploring/testing JavaScript with edit-continue experience to see realtime execution and runtime values.

Wallaby.js sponsor

scrollend: A New JavaScript Event — Finally an event you won’t need a hotel booking for. scrollend provides a new way to detect that a scrolling operation is complete in the browser. Is it another Chrome-only nicety? Surprisingly not – Firefox 109+ supports it too.

Adam Argyle (Chrome Team)

Packaging Rust Apps for the npm Registry — Isn’t npm just for JavaScript projects? Nope. Node is required to make this technique work, but as long as you can package and execute a binary, you’re good to go.

Orhun Parmaksız

Making Sense of TypeScript using Set Theory — This article certainly doesn’t hang around. Neat diagrams too.

Vladimir Klepov

React Authentication, Simplified

Userfront sponsor

Accessible Hamburger Buttons without JavaScript — Sometimes you need to consider if modern techniques allow you to avoid JavaScript. Here’s a CodePen if you want to play.


While we’re on the topic of less JavaScript, the latest episode of the Stack Overflow podcast ▶️ ‘The less JavaScript, the better’ focuses on Astro.

🛠 Code & Tools

Uppy 3.4: Powerful, Modular JavaScript File Uploader — Upload not just from local sources but even Dropbox or Instagram. Integrates with popular frameworks and supports resumable uploads. GitHub repo.


Nut.js 3.0: Desktop Automation from Node — Take control of your desktop (Windows, macOS or Linux) in code with control over keyboard + pointer, along with image matching functionality. GitHub repo.

Simon Hofmann

Optimize Your Systems’ Performance With TelemetryHub – Real-Time Data Monitoring & Analysis — An advanced data visualization and analysis tool that can help you identify and resolve unseen issues in your environment. Try free.

TelemetryHub by Scout sponsor

Eleventy v2.0: First Beta of the Popular Site GeneratorEleventy is a popular Node.js static site generator and v2.0 includes enough major changes that a thorough beta is needed. The creator ▶️ made this quick video about the release.

Zach Leatherman

Mock Service Worker 1.0: API Mocking Library for Browser and Node — Intercepts requests which you can then mock. Capture outgoing requests using an Express-like routing syntax, complete with parameters, wildcards, and regexes. GitHub repo.

Artem Zakharchenko

Drift: A Self-Hostable Gist-Like / Pastebin Service — Built with Next.js 13.

Max Leiter

Dygraphs 2.2
↳ Interactive charts of time series data.

actions/github-script 6.4
↳ Write GitHub Actions workflows in JS.

Playwright 1.30
↳ Browser automation framework.

Faast.js 6.4
↳ Serverlessly call JS functions on AWS Lambda & Google Cloud Functions.

Cypress 12.4
↳ Testing framework for anything in a browser.

D3plus 2.1
↳ Extend D3.js with more visualization types.

💻 Jobs

Developer Relations Manager — Join the CKEditor team to build community around an Open Source project used by millions of users around the world 🚀


Senior Full-Stack Engineer – React + TypeScript — Come help Qwire modernize how studios, composers, artists, publishers, labels, and the rest of the industry manage music rights.


Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.
