Import maps go universal

#​632 — March 31, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

JavaScript Import Maps Now Supported Cross-Browser — ES modules provide a modern way to include and reuse JavaScript code in web apps, and import maps provide the bridge between using module names in code and where those modules can actually be loaded from.

Thomas Steiner (Chrome Developers)

???? The import map news comes off the back of the release of Safari 16.4 which introduces a lot of new functionality to the Mac-based browser, from Web Push and import maps to improved Web Component support and lazy-loading support for iframes.

Updates from the 95th TC39 Meeting — Working group meetings might not seem interesting on the surface, but a lot of what TC39 discusses ends up in our day to day code. Of special interest this time are the progression of support for ranges and the async context proposal to stage 2, and awaiting a dictionary of promises and decorators for class constructors/methods to stage 1.

Hemanth HM

React Authentication, Simplified — In this article, we lay out a new approach to authentication (plus access control & SSO) in React applications.

Userfront sponsor

React Labs: What React Core Has Been Working On — The latest update from the React core team. The most striking update comes around the progress of React Forget, an optimizing compiler with the goal being able to build fully reactive systems using the JavaScript and React mental models you already have, with the compiler tackling the trickiest parts.

The React Core Team


Over on Twitter, ???? Stefan Judis notes that Firefox Nightly is the first browser shipping support for @media (scripting: none) to detect disabled JavaScript in CSS.

???? Over half of new npm packages are junk. Though that’s an improvement on packages riddled with malware… Could we improve things by using ChatGPT to analyze packages? Maybe, says Socket.

???? Excited about the future of Angular? Next Tuesday, the Angular team is doing a livestream on YouTube about the Angular Signals RFC.

Microsoft has ‘rebuilt Teams from the ground up’ with React replacing AngularJS at the heart of the UI.

Did you know SVG almost got built-in network socket support? ????

The Cloudflare Workers edge serverless platform is based around V8 isolates rather than Node.js but is now gaining support for some Node.js APIs.


Rome 12
↳ Big release for the linter & formatter.

Solid 1.7
↳ Flexible declarative library for UIs.

Visual Studio Code March 2023
↳ Now with improved switch scaffolding for TS/JS.

Ionic 7.0
↳ Powerful cross-platform mobile app toolkit.

Docusaurus 2.4
↳ React-powered docs site generator.

Node.js v16.20.0 (LTS)

???? Articles & Tutorials

Janet for MortalsJanet is a Lisp-like functional dynamic language that can nonetheless be compiled and interact with C libraries. This online book about Janet targets folks who already know JavaScript in particular.

Ian Henry

In Praise of Vite“The single best feature of Vite, as far as I’m concerned, is its simplicity. Compared to the nightmare of configuring WebPack and Babel? Vite is delightfully easy to use.”

Scott Vandehey

???? Robin Wieruch has just published a tutorial on migrating to Vite from Create React App (CRA) if you want to give it a go for yourself.

The Easiest Way to Add Chat to Your Application. Try Stream for Free — Build and ship real-time messaging in less time with our highly reliable chat infrastructure and feature-rich SDKs. Free 30-day trial.

Stream sponsor

Building Framer Motion Animations Inside a Qwik Application — Also touches on Motion One as a bonus, an animation library similar to Framer but lighter and faster to use.

Yoav Ganbar

A Business Case for SvelteKit — A good post covering the experience of migrating from Meteor to SvelteKit, the process this team undertook, and the outcomes from both a performance and UX point of view.

Chris Ellis

How to Enable OpenTelemetry Traces in React Apps — A ten-step approach to enabling OpenTelemetry traces in React apps all the way through to viewing the end results in Jaeger.

Purva Naik (Red Hat)

Build Developer-First Automations with Retool Workflows

Retool sponsor

Understanding module.exports and exports in Node

James Hibbard

???? Code & Tools

NPKILL 0.11.1: Delete node_modules Even Faster — NPKILL (homepage) is a popular tool for listing node_modules folders and how much space they take up, before allowing you to quickly delete them. This new release makes it even faster than before through using worker threads.

Gallardo and Gómez

Inferno 8.1: A Fast, React-a-Like with a Different Approach — React-like, but you might be more intrigued by its differences (which include a different approach to optimizing performance and lifecycle events on functional components).


Breakpoints and console.log Is the Past, Time Travel Is the Future — 15x faster JavaScript debugging than with breakpoints and console.log, supports Vitest, Jest, Karma, Jasmine, and more.

Wallaby.js sponsor

Nano JSX: A Lightweight SSR-First JSX Library — Features include no Virtual DOM, no external dependencies, on-demand hydration, and support for Node and Deno-based server-side rendering situations.

Nano JSX

Concurrent.js: Load Modules into Background Threads — For JS environments including the browser, Node and Deno, this library dynamically imports modules into worker threads (in Node) or Web Workers (in the browser) to run them away from the main thread.


cron-schedule 4.0: Cron Parser and Scheduler — Parse and query cron style expressions in the browser, Node or Deno.

Pascal Sthamer

Bright: A React Server Component for Syntax Highlighting — Customizable and includes all of VS Code’s syntax highlighting themes, some of which are demonstrated on the page.

Code Hike

typescript-json-serializer 6.0 — Deserialize JSON into TypeScript classes and serialize classes into JSON.

Gillian Pérard

???? Jobs

Full Stack JavaScript Engineer @ Emerging Cybersecurity Startup — Small team/big results. Fun + flexible + always interesting. Come build our award-winning, all-in-one cybersecurity platform.


Software Engineer — Join our happy team. Stimulus is a social platform started by Sticker Mule to show what’s possible if your mission is to increase human happiness.


Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


????‍???? Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.


Ink 4.1
↳ Use React to build interactive CLI apps.

Ember Simple Auth 5.0
↳ Authentication and authorization for Ember apps.

Cypress 12.9
↳ Browser-oriented testing framework.

SVGR 7.0
↳ Transform SVGs into React components.

???? JZZ 1.6.1
↳ MIDI library for Node and browsers.

Vue Sonner
↳ The Sonner toast component but for Vue.

np 7.7 – A better npm publish.

Qwik 0.100 – The HTML-first framework.

DOM Testing Library 9.2

React Date Picker 4.11

pnpm 8.1

Playwright now offers a UI mode

#​631 — March 24, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Speeding Up the JavaScript Ecosystem: npm Scripts — The latest in what has been a fascinating series on finding ‘low hanging fruit’ when it comes to performance in the JavaScript world. The author explains it best himself:

“‘npm scripts’ are executed by JavaScript developers … all the time. Despite their high usage they are not particularly well optimized and add about 400ms of overhead. In this article we were able to bring that down to ~22ms.”
What Marvin does here is a valuable skill for all developers to pick up, and you can enjoy more by going back to the start.

Marvin Hagemeister

Playwright v1.32 – Now with UI Mode — The popular Web testing and automation framework is taking more steps toward the ground currently served by tools like Cypress by offering a ‘UI mode’ that lets you explore, run and debug tests in a UI environment, complete with watch mode. ▶️ This video provides a good introduction.


A Grid Component with All the Features & Great Performance — Try our powerful JS data grid component which lets you edit, sort, group and filter datasets with fantastic performance. Includes a TreeGrid, API docs and plenty of demos. Seamless integration with React, Angular & Vue apps.

Bryntum sponsor

Why We Added package.json Support to Deno — Deno shares some provenance with Node.js but till recently it hadn’t focused on supporting Node features like npm modules. But with Node and npm compatibility beginning to improve, the team has faced questions about the runtime’s priorities. Ryan Dahl explains more about their thinking here.

Ryan Dahl

???? In other Deno news, Deno 1.32 has been released with… improved package.json support, and more.

How to Start a React Project in 2023 — There are lots of ways, but this well-regarded author explains the pros and cons of a few approaches, and gives you a few options targeting specific use cases you might have.

Robin Wieruch


GitHub had to update its RSA SSH host key today so you may see security related warnings when pushing and cloning. It’s easy to fix, but check the new fingerprint matches – it’s for your own security.

The New Stack caught up with Svelte’s Rich Harris on SvelteKit and what’s coming for Svelte 4.

The React team shared some cutting edge updates on what they’re working on including React Server Components and an optimizing compiler.

If you were experiencing errors on the official Node site last week, here’s the (detailed) post mortem of why. Config errors and inappropriate caching, mostly.

✨ Did you know there’s a market in fake GitHub stars? Some developers analyzed some repos to learn more about it.

???? Congratulations to Lea Verou on her TC39 appointment9. Her efforts to push the Web forward are legendary. Prism is one project you may be aware of.

Make your opinions known on what should be in the next version of Vite.


Docusaurus 2.4
↳ Easy to maintain documentation site generator.

Puppeteer 19.8
↳ Headless Chrome Node.js API.

Neutralinojs 4.11
↳ Lightweight cross-platform desktop app framework.

Qwik 0.23

???? Articles & Tutorials

Buying a Hard-to-Get Bicycle using Playwright — An unusual use case for JavaScript, Playwright, and GitHub Actions, but Maciek managed to buy his bike.

Maciek Palmowski

Snyk Top 10: JavaScript OSS Vulnerabilities — Dive into the most prevalent critical and high open source vulnerabilities found by Snyk scans of JavaScript apps in 2022.

Snyk sponsor

The ‘End’ of Front-End Development? — A recent narrative doing the rounds suggests that large language models like GPT-4 (or even tools like Copilot X) could soon put some developers out of a job — however, Josh is “optimistic about what these AI advancements mean for the future of software development”.

Josh W. Comeau

In related news, Eric Elliott put ChatGPT through its paces to see if it would make for a good JavaScript tutor. It did well, though with mixed results.

Migrating from ts-node to Bun — A look at adopting performance-oriented Bun when you’re used to using TypeScript with Node.js. John runs us through porting a console app from the ts-node approach over to Bun — “a pretty easy process,” he says.

John Reilly

▶  A Pinia Crash Course for BeginnersPinia is a store / state management solution for Vue that does believe in pineapple on pizza.

Alexander Gekov

A Practical Guide to Getting Started with Astro — An extensive walkthrough of Astro that covers all the topics you’ll need to get you started.

Mojtaba Seyedi

???? Test Website Speed Continuously and Rank Higher In Google — You need a fast website to make users happy and meet Google’s Core Web Vitals metrics. Test and optimize with DebugBear.

DebugBear sponsor

Automatic npm Publishing with GitHub Actions and Granular Tokens

Tim Perry

Make Sure You Do This Before Switching to Signals in Angular

Jordan Powell

Six CSS Snippets Every Developer Should Know

Adam Argyle (Google)

???? Code & Tools Easy Webperf Trace Sharing — A quick way to share a performance profile saved from your DevTools, available for up to 90 days with the DevTools perf panel embedded (see example).

paul irish

VueUse: A Collection of Vue Composition Utilities — With over 200 functions targeting both Vue 2 and 3, there’ll be something in this suite of Composition API-based utility functions for you, whether it’s working with state, browser capabilities, animations, Electron, Firebase, and more.

Anthony Fu

Don’t Let Your Issue Tracker Be a Four-Letter Word. Use Shortcut

Shortcut (formerly sponsor

OTPAuth: One Time Password (HOTP/TOTP) Library — When you log in to a site that uses 2FA and you’re asked for some digits from an authentication app, that’s probably a Time-based One-Time Password (or TOTP). This library for Node, Deno, Bun and the browser lets you work with TOTPs and HOTPs from JS.

Héctor Molinero Fernández

Recharts 2.5: Chart Library Built with React and D3 — Easy to deploy with declarative components, native SVG support, and lightweight dependency on D3. Line, bar, scatter, composed, pie, and radar charts are offered. There are lots of examples, complete with code.


DOCX 8.0: Generate Word .docx Files from JavaScript — The code to lay out documents is verbose but there’s a lot of functionality. Here’s a CodePen example and release notesGitHub repo.

Dolan Miu

SvHighlight: Code Syntax Highlighter for Svelte — Powered by Highlight.js, it includes a blurring feature to focus attention on specific areas of code and you an customize it with Tailwind. Try the interactive examples to see the effect.


eslint-formatter-pretty 5.0: Pretty ESLint Formatter — Nicer output than the default. Sort results by severity. Get stylized inline code blocks, and more.

Sindre Sorhus

AWS JWT Verify: Verify JWTs Signed by Amazon Cognito — In both Node.js and the browser.

Amazon Web Services

???? Jobs

Software Engineer (Backend) — Join our “kick ass” team. Our software team operates from 17 countries and we’re always looking for more exceptional engineers.

Sticker Mule

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


????‍???? Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.

melonJS 15.0
↳ Mature HTML5 game engine.

Marked 4.3
↳ Markdown parser and compiler. (Demo.)

v8go 0.9
↳ Execute JavaScript from Go(lang).

Million 2.1
↳ Fast Virtual DOM to make React faster.

Partytown 0.7.6
↳ Take third-party scripts off the main thread.

???? Bonus Item

Make Bookmarklets — Create and test bookmarklets directly in the browser. Makes an irritating task slightly easier if you need to do it.

Cullan Luther