The return of ECMAScript 2023 (and Angular)

#​634 — April 13, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

The JavaScript Equality Table GameMinesweeper will feel like a walk in the park after this reminder of the horrors of JavaScript’s ==. If you need to go in depth, Section 7.2.14 of the ECMAScript spec will help, but otherwise? Stick to three equals (===) unless you have a good reason not to.

Reinis Ivanovs

htmx 1.9 Released — htmx (homepage) is an increasingly popular library outside of the JavaScript space as it lets folks use things like WebSockets, SSE, AJAX, and CSS transitions by marking up HTML rather than writing lots of JavaScript. v1.9 adds support for view transitions and generalized inline event handling. The code examples are worth a look – htmx makes a lot possible, with rather little tooling or markup needed.

htmx team

Supercharge AWS S3 Video Streaming with ImageKit’s Video API — Get adaptive bitrate streaming, video optimizations, format conversions, and real-time transformations and watermarking by attaching ImageKit with your AWS S3 bucket.

ImageKit sponsor

The ECMAScript® 2023 Language Spec Steps Forward — After prematurely announcing the progression of the ES2023 spec in February, we can now announce: TC39 has approved the ECMAScript 2023 spec, and while it remains a candidate, it’s now a step closer to eventual ECMA General Assembly approval. The finished proposals list for 2023 now includes Array find from last, hashbang support, Symbols as WeakMap keys, and change Array by copy.

ECMA International


▶️ Angular is back with a vengeance, says Fireship.

Serverless platform AWS Lambda has introduced response streaming on its JS runtime (for now) so you can send response data as it becomes available rather than all at once. (→ Via Serverless Status)

/[]/ A look at a seemingly JS-specific quirk in regular expressions when empty character classes are used.

An analysis of languages used in GitHub pull requests shows JavaScript/TypeScript leading the way with Python just slightly behind. The comments went in lots of odd directions here.

Seven folks at Vue Amsterdam 2023 shared their ▶️ tips on getting started with Vue.js.

▶️ An hour-long chat on the State of Node.js with some leading figures.

Node v18.16.0 (LTS) has been released with backported support for compiling JavaScript code into a single executable app. Node 19’s Ada URL parser also appears.

A striking visual introduction to React and its fundamental concepts.


Node.js v19.9 (Current)

Puppeteer v19.9 – It’s the week for almost 20s.

pnpm 8.2 – Efficient npm alternative.

Redwood 4.5 – Popular app framework.

Storybook 7.0 – With an official release post this time.

???? Articles & Tutorials

Ranger: Use a Range-Like Syntax for Anything? — const numbers = 1[[…8]], anyone? This is a neat trick for a bit of syntatic sugar, but I’m not sure it would pass the sniff test for most teams. You might find the implementation interesting to check out though. Long may this sort of experimentation continue.

Jon Randy

???? A proposal for JavaScript to get built-in range support is at stage 2.

????  Build and Deploy ‘23: May 3rd – Save the Date! — The ultimate CI/CD virtual conference – best practices and end-user success stories from DevOps experts. Plus, a keynote from Emily Freeman, author of DevOps for Dummies.

Codefresh sponsor

Trying Node’s Built-In Test Runner — In 2022, Node gained an experimental built-in test runner (node:test). It’s going to become stable in the forthcoming Node v20, so it’s a good time to look at how it works and how it compares to other solutions you might already be using.

Gleb Bahmutov

▶  The Right Way To Merge JavaScript Objects — In just one minute, too.

Jack Herrington

Ref vs. Reactive: What to Choose When Using Vue 3 Composition API?

Michael Hoffmann

How to Stream File Uploads to S3 Object Storage from Node.js

Austin Gil

How to Contribute to a Project You Have No Idea About

Michal Warda

???? Code & Tools

Reveal.js 4.5: An HTML Presentation Framework — Brings elegant presentations to anyone with a Web browser. v4.5 was just released with support for jumping to specific slides, a few new themes, and with live reload working with files in subfolders.

Hakim El Hattab

List.js: Add Search, Sort, Filters, and More to Tables and Lists — A handy library for adding search, sort, filters and flexibility to tables, lists or other HTML elements. Want an example? Why, of course.

Jonny Strömberg

????Quokka.js – #1 JavaScript Scratchpad for VS Code — With 2M+ downloads, Quokka.js is the #1 tool for exploring and testing JavaScript/TypeScript. Code runs immediately as you type.

Wallaby.js sponsor

Queue: Async Function Queue with Adjustable Concurrency — Exports a class Queue that implements most of the Array API.

Jesse Tane

Yet Another React Lightbox — Add a lightbox component to your projects “in minutes” – there are several examples to try, as well as a playground with adjustable settings. GitHub repo.

Igor Danchenko

Sandpack 2.6: Component Toolkit for Creating Live Code Editing Experiences — Created by the folks at CodeSandbox, so they surely know what they’re doing in this space. GitHub repo.


Easy to Use, Full-Stack Application Monitoring

TelemetryHub sponsor

TS Writer: A Template String Template Engine for Generating Code at Runtime — Rather niche, but aimed at situations where you might need to generate code at runtime in TypeScript.


Minimatch 9.0
↳ Glob matcher library.
     minimatch(“”, “*.foo”)

hls.js 1.4
↳ Play HLS in browsers with support for MSE.

Partytown 0.8
↳ Relocate third-party scripts off the main thread.

Plasmo 0.68
“It’s like Next.js for browser extensions”

Obsidian 8.0 – GraphQL, built for Deno.

MUI X 6.1 – React component suite.

TestCafe 2.5 – Automate end-to-end web testing.

Maquette 3.6 – Lightweight virtual DOM library.

Venom 5.0 – WhatsApp bot library.

???? Jobs

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


Full Stack JavaScript Engineer @ Emerging Cybersecurity Startup — Small team/big results. Fun + flexible + always interesting. Come build our award-winning, all-in-one cybersecurity platform.


????‍???? Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.

Introducing nsuv

Introducing nsuv

nsuv is a C++ wrapper around libuv with the main goal of supporting compile-time type safety when propagating data.

You can find the open source package here:

Here at NodeSource we are focused on fixing issues for the enterprise. This includes adding functionality and features to Node.js that are useful for enterprise-level deployments but would be difficult to upstream. One is the ability to execute commands remotely on Worker threads without the addition of running the inspector, such as capturing CPU profiles or heap snapshots. Another feature necessary to make Node.js more reliable in production is the ability to record and send metrics without being at the mercy of a busy event loop.

To achieve these, we run a separate thread that receives commands and gathers metrics from each Node.js thread. The locks and data queues in the separate thread are managed by libuv. As the codebase grew, usability issues began to come up, such as remembering the correct type of each void pointer and keeping track of the lifetime of the many shared locks and resources. Our solution was to write a wrapper for libuv to alleviate these problems.

We had a lot of existing libuv code and didn’t want to rewrite everything from scratch. So we wrote a template class library that inherits from each libuv handle or request type and uses the curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP) for inheritance. Doing so made it possible to write a wrapper that serves as a drop-in replacement, allowing for incremental improvements while supplementing the wrapper’s API with what was needed.

N|Solid has a zero-failure tolerance, so none of our code can accidentally terminate your process. One way we do this is to try our best not to perform additional allocations. If an allocation is necessary, it always does with a strong exception guarantee, which is then caught and returned as a libuv error code.

We have also enabled compile time warnings when returned error codes aren’t handled. While developing nsuv, we analyzed many existing C++ projects that use libuv and discovered that most of them assume the state of the application and lack sufficient error handling in case something unexpected occurs. This can be especially painful when working with asynchronous code, but we understand that not everyone requires the same level of caution. It can be disabled by defining NSUV_DISABLE_WUR in your flags.

Getting Started

The following code example shows the execution of a simple libuv timer, and the only change was to turn the uv_timer_t to a nsuv::ns_timer instance while still being able to use the original libuv APIs:

static void timer_cb(uv_timer_t* handle) {
Foo* foo = static_cast<Foo*>(handle->data);
delete foo;
uv_close(reinterpret_cast<uv_handle_t*>(handle), nullptr);

static void call_timer() {
ns_timer timer;
Foo* foo = new Foo(); = foo;
uv_timer_init(uv_default_loop(), &timer);
uv_timer_start(&timer, timer_cb, 1000, 0);
uv_run(uv_default_loop(), UV_RUN_DEFAULT);

As you can see, there’s no need to cast timer before being passed to libuv’s timer function since ns_timer is a derived class of uv_timer_t and upcasting is implicit. It offers the first step in converting code to be more type-safe and improve overall usability. Improvements can be made incrementally from here. Below we take advantage of the CRTP and use it to downcast the uv_timer_t to the nsuv counterpart after using libuv’s timer API:

static void timer_cb(uv_timer_t* handle) {
// Downcast the libuv handle to its nsuv counterpart.
ns_timer* timer = ns_timer::cast(handle);
// Convenience method to retrieve and cast data.
Foo* foo = timer->get_data<Foo>();

delete foo;

While this is a good first step, it still requires we know what the data value should be cast to. The call to get_data() only serves as a convenience method for easier casting.

Passing Data

One of the most painful parts of working with libuv was ensuring we didn’t accidentally cast a void pointer to the wrong type from a specific queue. While this could be verified by hand, having the compiler tell us if we did it wrong would have been more reassuring.

To accomplish this, we wrapped libuv in a way that allows any function that takes a callback to be passed an arbitrary pointer. That pointer is then passed along as an argument in the callback’s parameters. Preventing us from needing to use the uv_handle_t::data property and ensuring the callback always has the correct pointer type.

Below we have fully converted the previous code to use nsuv. As you can see, the pointer that would have been stored in the data parameter can now be passed to the method, making it available as an argument in the callback.

static void call_timer() {
ns_timer timer;
Foo* foo = new Foo();
int r;

r = timer.init(uv_default_loop());
//check r
r = timer.start(+[](ns_timer* handle, Foo* foo) {
delete foo;
}, 1000, 0, foo);
// check r

uv_run(uv_default_loop(), UV_RUN_DEFAULT);

For the sake of the example, a C++ lambda function was used. Remember that when passing a lambda function, it needs to be converted to a plain old function pointer using the + operator.

Also notice that we are assigning and handling all return values from each call. As mentioned above, the compiler will warn us if we do not check each call’s return codes. For simplicity of future examples, the return value will be assigned but not include a comment that it needs to be checked.


Because of all the communication between threads, mutexes were heavily used. To make things simpler, we added a couple of APIs for convenience. The first API of note is that init() accepts an optional boolean value. If true is passed in, the mutex is automatically destroyed when the destructor is called. The other was to add an API for scoped locking.

static void try_mutex() {
ns_mutex mutex;
// The optional boolean argument sets if the mutex should be
// automatically destroyed in the destructor.
int r = mutex.init(true);
// Convenience class to create scoped locks. Accepts either a
// pointer or reference.
ns_mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex);

Having a mutex call destroy() in the destructor was kept false by default to maintain parity with the libuv API and prevent surprises while migrating to nsuv.

Example Usage

At first, we only implemented the libuv APIs that were necessary for us to use internally, but since deciding to open source the library we have begun to add as much of the remaining libuv APIs as possible. But despite not having yet ported the entire libuv API, it’s still possible to take advantage of what has been done. The following is an example from a test that includes the checks to demonstrate how class instances are being passed around.

#include “nsuv-inl.h”

using namespace nsuv;

ns_tcp client;
ns_tcp incoming;
ns_tcp server;
ns_connect<ns_tcp> connect_req;
ns_write<ns_tcp> write_req;

static void alloc_cb(ns_tcp* handle, size_t, uv_buf_t* buf) {
static char slab[1024];
assert(handle == &incoming);

buf->base = slab;
buf->len = sizeof(slab);

static void read_cb(ns_tcp* handle, ssize_t, const uv_buf_t*) {
assert(handle == &incoming);


static void write_cb(ns_write<ns_tcp>* req, int) {
assert(req == &write_req);
// Retrieve a reference to the uv_buf_t array as a std::vector.
assert(req->bufs().size() == 2);

static void connection_cb(ns_tcp* server, int) {
int r;
r = incoming.init(server->get_loop());
r = server->accept(&incoming);
r = incoming.read_start(alloc_cb, read_cb);

static void connect_cb(ns_connect<ns_tcp>* req, int, char* data) {
static char bye_ctr[] = “BYE”;
uv_buf_t buf1 = uv_buf_init(data, strlen(data));
uv_buf_t buf2 = uv_buf_init(bye_ctr, strlen(bye_ctr));
// Write to the handle attached to this request and pass along data
// by constructing a std::vector.
int r = req->handle()->write(&write_req, { buf1, buf2 }, write_cb);

static void do_listen() {
static char hello_cstr[] = “HELLO”;
struct sockaddr_in addr_in;
struct sockaddr* addr;
int r;

r = uv_ip4_addr(“”, 9999, &addr_in);
addr = reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr*>(&addr_in);

// Server setup.
r = server.init(uv_default_loop());
r = server.bind(addr, 0);
r = server.listen(1, connection_cb);

// Client connection.
r = client.init(uv_default_loop());
r = client.connect(&connect_req, addr, connect_cb, hello_cstr);

uv_run(uv_default_loop(), UV_RUN_DEFAULT);

The request types ns_write and ns_connect are also used in the above example. They inherit from uv_write_t and uv_connect_t respectively, and can be upcast and downcast the same way as handles. Each request type API is templated to identify which handle is being used and can return the correct handle type.

While the write() method does accept a uv_buf_t[] array, we’ve also added the ability to pass in a std::vector of buffers for ease of use. Once the request is complete, the list of written buffers can be retrieved via the ns_write::buf() API as a reference to the std::vector that’s stored internally.


One goal when creating nsuv was to reduce cognitive load by mimicking the libuv API naming and structure while adding safety features offered by C++. We’ve made it easy to transition existing projects to nsuv. By open-sourcing nsuv, we hope to give developers more confidence that their code will behave as expected when expected.

There is near zero runtime overhead using nsuv. The template function proxy pattern used can be completely optimized out by modern compilers. Combining that with the ability to enforce type checks at compile time, I won’t be using libuv in C++ without nsuv going forward.

Using nsuv is as simple as including the two header files from the project repository. We are still working on getting complete coverage of the libuv API and hope the community can help us decide what to work on next. We are also working on porting all applicable tests from libuv to nsuv, which can serve as usage examples. We hope that you’ll find nsuv as useful as we have.

NodeSource has delivered Node.js fresh to your Linux system via your package manager within hours, minutes, days, or weeks. For NodeSource, sustaining the community is essential because we want to support more people using Linux to have Node.js in production.

Also, we are looking for more community involvement in the project. Help will be appreciated! So if you have ideas or solutions or want to help us continue supporting open source, you can contribute to this GitHub Repo.

Continue the conversation with NodeSource here:
As always, the best place to contact us is via our website or [email protected]

Ready for more?

If you are looking for NodeSource’s Enterprise-grade Node.js platform, N|Solid, please visit For detailed information on installing and using N|Solid, please refer to the N|Solid User Guide.

N|Solid v4.9.2 is now available

NodeSource is excited to announce N|Solid v4.9.2 which contains the following changes:

General stability improvements and bug fixes
Node.js v14.21.3 (LTS): Includes a Node.js security release captured in Node.js v14.21.3 (LTS).
Node.js v16.19.1 (LTS): Includes a Node.js security release captured in Node.js v16.19.1 (LTS).
Node.js v18.14.1 (LTS): Includes a Node.js security release captured in Node.js v18.14.1 (LTS).
Support for a new action in N|Solid saved views to capture traces automatically.

IMPORTANT: N|Solid v4.9.1 contains a Node.js security release!

For detailed information on installing and using N|Solid, please refer to the N|Solid User Guide.


N|Solid v4.9.2 contains the following changes:

General stability improvements and bug fixes
Node.js v14.21.3 (LTS): Includes a Rebase of N|Solid on Node.js v14.21.3 (LTS).
Node.js v16.19.1 (LTS): Includes a Rebase of N|Solid on Node.js v16.19.1 (LTS).
Node.js v18.14.2 (LTS): Includes a Rebase of N|Solid on Node.js v18.14.2 (LTS).

IMPORTANT: N|Solid v4.9.1 contains a Node.js security release. This release includes patches for these vulnerabilities:

CVE-2023-23918: Node.js Permissions policies can be bypassed via process.mainModule (High)
CVE-2023-23919: Node.js OpenSSL error handling issues in nodejs crypto library (Medium)
CVE-2023-23936: Fetch API in Node.js did not protect against CRLF injection in host headers (Medium)
CVE-2023-24807: Regular Expression Denial of Service in Headers in Node.js fetch API (Low)
CVE-2023-23920: Node.js insecure loading of ICU data through ICU_DATA environment variable (Low).
With the new action in N|Solid saved views, you can activate the tracing automatically when one or more processes cross over performance thresholds or match query parameters that you set.


N|Solid v4.9.2 Fermium ships with Node.js v14.21.3.

N|Solid v4.9.2 Gallium ships with Node.js v16.19.1.

N|Solid v4.9.2 Hydrogen ships with Node.js v18.14.1.


The Node.js 14 Fermium LTS release line will continue to be supported until April 30, 2023.
The Node.js 16 Gallium LTS release line will continue to be supported until September 11, 2023.
The Node.js 18 Hydrogen LTS release line will continue to be supported until April 30, 2025.

Supported Operating Systems for N|Solid Runtime and N|Solid Console

Please note that The N|Solid Runtime is supported on the following operating systems:


Windows 10
Microsoft Windows Server 1909 Core
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2008

macOS 10.11 and newer

RPM based 64-bit Linux distributions (x86_64):

Amazon Linux AMI release 2015.09 and newer
RHEL7 / CentOS 7 and newer
Fedora 32 and newer

DEB based 64-bit Linux distributions (x86_64, arm64 and armhf):

Ubuntu 16.04 and newer
Debian 9 (stretch) and newer

Alpine 3.3 and newer

Download the latest version of N|Solid

You can download the latest version of N|Solid via or visit directly.

New to N|Solid?

If you’ve never tried N|Solid, this is a great time to do so. N|Solid is a fully compatible Node.js runtime that has been enhanced to address the needs of the Enterprise. N|Solid provides meaningful insights into the runtime process and the underlying systems. Click ???? [HERE]

AIOps Observability: Going Beyond Traditional APM

AIOps is an emerging technology that applies machine learning and analytics techniques to IT operations. AIOps enables IT teams to leverage advanced algorithms to identify performance issues, predict outages, and optimize system performance. Nodesource sees significant advantages for developers and teams to increase software quality by leveraging AIOPS. We have extended our platform’s (N|Solid) observability capabilities to include AIOps, enabling developers to leverage advanced machine learning and analytics techniques to optimize their Node.js applications.

Our N|Solid platform provides the most advanced visibility into Node.js applications, enabling developers to quickly identify performance issues, detect security vulnerabilities, and troubleshoot errors. N|Solid achieves this level of observability through real-time performance monitoring, comprehensive metrics, and detailed instrumentation of Node.js applications.

Last year, we integrated OpenTelemetry into our runtime and were nearing the release of an extension of this layer into our console. This advancement will further extend our platform to support AIOps. Santiago Gimeno, a Senior Architect, sums up our vision of the integration with OTel (Open Telemetry) and N|Solid:

“In today’s world, where applications are becoming more complex and distributed, having a good observability solution is more important than ever. The emergence of OpenTelemetry as the de-facto standard for observability is key. It allows application developers to select solutions that adapt better to their needs. Even more, it allows for healthy competition between observability solution vendors. We support this approach and continue to take steps to ensure N|Solid stays compliant with the OpenTelemetry specification, so everyone can use what we believe is the best observability solution for Node.js.”

Key differences between an APM and Observability

APM (Application Performance Management) and observability are both methods of monitoring and managing the performance and health of software applications, but there are key differences between the two:

Scope: APM is focused on monitoring the performance of applications, while observability is a more comprehensive approach that includes monitoring the infrastructure and application stack, as well as the performance of individual services.

Metrics: APM typically relies on predefined metrics and thresholds to identify performance issues, while observability takes a more flexible approach to collect a wide range of data, including logs, metrics, and traces.

Root cause analysis: APM is designed to quickly identify the root cause of performance issues, often through alerting and automated remediation, while observability takes a more holistic approach that emphasizes the need to understand the relationships between different parts of the system to identify and fix issues.

Proactivity: APM is often reactive, focusing on identifying and fixing issues as they arise, while observability is more proactive, focusing on continuous monitoring and analysis to identify potential issues before they become critical.

Tooling: APM is often built around specific tools and technologies designed to monitor and analyze application performance, while observability is more flexible and adaptable, focusing on integrating a wide range of tools and technologies to provide a comprehensive system view.

You need to have both; they are important to monitoring and managing the performance and health of software applications.

This is why N|Solid is not only an APM but also has observability within its functionalities. And now, with the implementation of ML and SBOM, it goes beyond APM and supports the growing discipline of AIOps.

AIOps: Fundamental concept in Modern IT Operations

AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT operations) is an approach to IT operations that leverages machine learning and artificial intelligence to automate and optimize IT tasks. AIOps aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of IT operations by leveraging the vast amount of data generated by various IT systems and applications.

Observability refers to IT teams’ ability to observe and understand the behavior of complex systems in real-time, using a combination of monitoring, logging, and analytics tools.

AIOps and observability enable IT teams to proactively monitor and manage IT systems, applications, and infrastructure, allowing them to identify and resolve issues quickly. AIops uses machine learning and AI algorithms to identify patterns in large amounts of data, while observability provides the visibility and context needed to understand the behavior of complex systems.

Modern Observability in Place

Support for open-source tracing tools and standards like OpenTelemetry facilitates team collaboration in resolving issues. Open Telemetry is the second most active CNCF project, behind only Kubernetes, showcasing its importance to the industry.

_Image Twitter Michael Haberman @hab_mic

Following this standard, N|Solid (since N|Solid 4.8.0) supports OTEL:
– Implements the OpenTelemetry TraceAPI, allowing users to use the de-facto standard API to instrument their code.
– It supports using many instrumentation modules available in the Open Telemetry ecosystem. It supports exporting traces using the Open Telemetry Protocol(OTLP) over HTTP.
– With this feature is now possible to send N|Solid runtime monitoring information (metrics and traces) to backends supporting the Open Telemetry standard like multiple APMS (Dynatrace, Datadog, Newrelic, etc.).

Additionally, we included OTEL in the ‘APM performance dashboard,’ an open-source tool we released to the community, enabling developers and organizations to understand the impact of APM tools’ performance.

_Img APM’s Performance Dashboard View

Recent enhancements to the tool include the following:

Updated the data with N|Solid 4.8.0 -> 16.16.0 and 14.20.0
Added a few new tests: especially with different solutions for graphql.
Added more APMs: opentelemetry, AppDynamics

Added testing of N|Solid against Datadog, Dynatrace, and NewRelic.

Do you want to implement OTel in your Node.js application? ????

Enriching telemetry data with metadata is an important aspect of observability, and OpenTelemetry provides a flexible and extensible framework for doing so. However, there can be challenges in implementing this in practice, especially when dealing with multiple tools and technologies.

One approach to addressing this challenge is to use a centralized configuration management tool to ensure consistency in metadata enrichment across your observability stack. Please review the following articles to give you an accurate guide to implementing Opentelemetry in your project.

Enhance Observability with Opentelemetry tracing – Part 1

Instrument your Nodejs Applications with Open Source Tools – Part 2

However, if you want this implementation out of the box and have other useful features, we invite you to try N|Solid.


N|Solid Supports OpenTelemetry Features, Integrates SBOM and ML at its Core.

By supporting OpenTelemetry features, N|Solid provides seamless integration with this framework, enabling customers to understand their applications, infrastructure behavior, and performance. This integration enhances the ability of developers and operators to troubleshoot issues, identify bottlenecks, and optimize application performance.

N|Solid’s integration of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) provides a comprehensive list of all software components used in an application, including open-source libraries and dependencies, which helps organizations to mitigate security risks and ensure compliance with regulations. By integrating SBOM at its core, N|Solid provides organizations with an efficient and reliable way to manage the security and compliance of their software applications.

Finally, N|Solid’s integration of machine learning (ML) at its core is another critical feature that helps to identify patterns and anomalies in data, allowing developers and operators to gain insights that are not easily detectable using traditional monitoring tools. This integration of ML at the core of N|Solid enables organizations to improve the overall reliability, performance, and security of their applications and services.

N|Solid’s support of OpenTelemetry features, integration of SBOM, and integration of ML at its core provides developers and operators with a comprehensive set of tools to manage and optimize their applications and infrastructure, making N|Solid a valuable platform in the modern software development and operations landscape.

Ready to connect?

If you want to know more about our APM’S Benchmark project and get the most out of your Node.js application, read this incredible article by our VP of engineering, Adrián Estrada, ‘In-depth analysis of the APMs performance cost in Node.js.

We also invite you to ????️ Use the ✨APM’s Performance Dashboard✨here:
???? Read the full blog post here:
???? Contribute here:
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or through this form.

Experience the Benefits of N|Solid’s Integrated Features
Sign up for a Free Trial Today

To get the best out of Node.js and experience the benefits of its integrated features, including OpenTelemetry support, SBOM integration, and machine learning capabilities. Sign up for a free trial and see how N|Solid can help you achieve your development and operations goals. #KnowyourNode

Bringing JavaScript to WebAssembly

#​625 — February 10, 2023

Read on the Web

It looked quiet at first but wow, what an epic week this turned out to be. There’s a lot to chew on here, and we even have a variety of bonus items at the very end of this issue. Enjoy!
Your editor, Peter Cooper

JavaScript Weekly

Speeding Up the JS Ecosystem: It’s ESLint’s Turn — Last year we featured an article from the same author about how he was finding, and fixing, low-hanging performance fruit in popular JavaScript projects. He’s back, and he’s found a lot of potential for savings in ESLint this time.

Marvin Hagemeister

The Future (and the Past) of the Web is Server Side Rendering — It’s fair to say the Deno folks have some skin in this game, but nonetheless this is a neat brief history of server-side rendering and why they feel it’s the right approach for modern web development.

Andy Jiang (Deno)

Monitoring Your NestJS Application with AppSignal — With AppSignal, you can monitor your NestJS app with ease and rely on OpenTelemetry to handle third-party instrumentations. AppSignal even provides helper functions to help you build comprehensive custom instrumentation. A box of 🍪 included!

AppSignal sponsor

Ten Web Development Trends in 2023 — Following the State of JS survey results Robin takes a considered look at new web dev trends that we should be paying attention to this year, and why they matter.

Robin Wieruch

Bringing JavaScript to WebAssembly for Shopify Functions — As much as this is focused on a specific use case at Shopify, this is a fascinating look at how they’re integrating JavaScript and WebAssembly under tight constraints. They also talk about Javy, a JS to WebAssembly toolchain being built at Shopify that lets you run JS code on a WASM-embedded JS runtime.

Surma (Shopify)

Google Touts Web-Based Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js

Richard MacManus (The New Stack)


🎉 Time to celebrate — a recent survey allegedly found that JavaScript applications ‘have fewer flaws’ than Java and .NET ones. So there you go.

Honeypot’s highly anticipated ▶️ React.js documentary drops later today – it’ll probably be out by the time you read this.

Vanilla List is a directory of ‘vanilla’ JavaScript controls and plugins.

▶️ Evan You tells us what to expect in 2023 from Vue.js.

The Scala.js project is celebrating its ten year anniversary – it’s now a mature way to build Web projects using Scala, if you prefer.

📅 Vue.js Live is a JavaScript event taking place both in London and online on May 12 & 15. From the same folks as the also forthcoming JSNation conference.

A history of criticisms levelled at React.


Eleventy / 11ty 2.0
↳ Popular Node.js static site generator.

pnpm 7.27 – The efficient package manager.

RxDB 14.0 – Offline-first, reactive database.

📒 Articles & Tutorials

Design Patterns in TypeScript — OO-inspired patterns aren’t for everyone or every use case, but this is a fantastic catalog of examples, complete with diagrams and explanations, if you need to learn to tell apart factory methods from decorators, facades, or proxies.

Refactoring Guru

Resumable React: How To Use React Inside Qwik — Building React apps without ever loading React in the user’s browser? “Sounds too good to be true? Let’s see how this works.”

Yoav Ganbar

Did You Know That You’re Already a Distributed Systems Developer?

Temporal Technologies sponsor

Build a Hacker News Client using Alpine.jsAlpine.js is a thin and elegant reactivity library that lets you add dynamic functionality to your site directly in markup. This is a short and sweet practical example of what you can quickly do with it.

Salai Vedha Viradhan

▶  TypeScript Speedrun: A Crash Course for Beginners — If you want to pick up TypeScript and would find a video guide useful, this is for you. Matt has become well known recently for his educational TypeScript tweets and videos, and this is another good one that flies through the basics. (23 minutes.)

Matt Pocock

Using Notion as a Headless CMS with Nuxt

Trent Brew

The Options API vs Composition API in Vue.js

Charles Allotey

🛠 Code & Tools

Bookmarklet Editor: Easily Work on JavaScript Bookmarklets — Useful because who can remember the exact syntax for a bookmarklet? 🤔 This also can instantly convert code to and from bookmarklet form and includes some examples in the help section (click the big ? to get all the details).

Marek Gibney

Breakpoints and console.log Is the Past, Time Travel Is the Future — 15x faster JavaScript debugging than with breakpoints and console.log, now with support for Vitest.

Wallaby.js sponsor

Yup 1.0: Super Simple Object Schema Validation — Define a schema, transform a value to match, assert the shape of an existing value, or both. Very extensive docs here.

Jason Quense

Material React Table: A Full-Featured React Table Component — Built upon Material UI 5 and TanStack Table 8. The docs include lots of interactive examples.

Kevin Van Cott

BlockNote: Notion-Style Block-Based Text Editor — Built on top of Prosemirror and Tiptap, this is for you if you like the way the Notion note-taking service’s text editor feels. There’s a live demo.


TresJS: Build 3D Experiences with Vue.js — Create 3D scenes with Vue components and Three.js. Think React-three-fiber but Vue flavored.

Alvaro Sabu

depngn: Find Out if Dependencies Support a Given Node.js Version — A CLI tool that establishes whether or not the dependencies in your package.json will work against a specified version of Node.


Open-Source JS Form Libraries to Automate Your Form Workflow — Self-host SurveyJS to configure and modify multiple forms, convert them to fillable PDF files, and analyze collected data in interactive dashboards.

SurveyJS sponsor

Lawnmower: Build VR Scenes with Custom HTML Tags — A web component library that leans on Three.js and aims “to make building a basic VR website as easy to make as your first HTML site”.

Gareth Marland

Electron 23.0 Released — The popular cross platform JavaScript, HTML + CSS desktop app framework gets bumped up to Node 18.12.1, Chromium 110, and V8 11.0. Windows 7/8/8.1 support has also been dropped, so we might start to see those versions of Windows lose the support of a lot of Electron based apps soon.

Electron Core Team

Run: Run User-Provided Code in a Web Worker

SLASHD Analytics

💻 Jobs

Software Engineer (Backend) — Join our “kick ass” team. Our software team operates from 17 countries and we’re always looking for more exceptional engineers.

Sticker Mule

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.



vue-easytable 2.23
↳ A data table/grid control for Vue.js. (Demo.)

React-Custom-Scroll 5.0
↳ Customize the browser scroll bar. (Demo.)

react-jsonschema-form 5.1
↳ Component to build Web forms from JSON Schema.

AlaSQL.js 3.1
↳ JavaScript-based SQL database.

jest-puppeteer 7.0
↳ Run tests using Jest & Puppeteer.

MDX 2.3
↳ Markdown for the component era.

🎁 The Bonus Round

✈️ Watching someone wrestle with Python and JavaScript to fly (virtual) planes with Microsoft Flight Simulator tickled me a lot.

A beautiful WebGL2-based fluid simulation. It’s even happy on mobile. Pretty!

Go-like channels in 10 lines of JavaTypeScript..?

🐦 Misko Hevery: “useSignal() is the future of web frameworks and is a better abstraction than useState(), which is showing its age.” (source)

Mike Pennisi asks: when is an object property not a property?

Do you use Postgres at all? Check out Postgres Weekly – one of our sister newsletters. So much is going on in the Postgres space lately and it’s a great way to keep up.

Why document.write() is bad

#​622 — January 20, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Why Not document.write()? — Many moons ago, document.write was a mainstay of client-side JavaScript code, but it’s long been considered a bad practice – why? Harry digs in, noting that it “guarantees both a blocking fetch and a blocking execution, which holds up the parser for far longer than necessary”.

Harry Roberts

New: The WebAssembly JavaScript Promise Integration API — A technical explanation from the V8 team on a new API to let WebAssembly apps bridge the synchronous / asynchronous gap of expectations around external functionality (consider that many apps are written synchronously, but modern Web APIs are usually asynchronous). JSPI helps bridge both worlds and can be tested via a flag in Chrome.

McCabe, Michaud, Rezvov, Dahl / V8 Team

Break the Programming Mold with Dependency Injection — Keep your code on the cutting edge with dependency injection in JavaScript. Check out Snyk’s guide that gives a breakdown of what dependency injection is, when you should use it, and what popular JavaScript frameworks it’s implemented.

Snyk sponsor

Why Is My Jest Suite So Slow?Jest is known for its speed and simplicity so the author was surprised at how quickly his team’s test suite was slowing down. This is a write up of the ensuing investigation along with the improvements that slashed test running time.

Steven Lemon

Bun v0.5 ReleasedBun is another JavaScript runtime taking the world by storm and a level of Node compatibility has been baked in from the start. v0.5 adds support for node:readline, workspaces, a node:dns shim, and network socket creation support such that more Node.js-based database libraries work out of the box.

Ashcon Partovi


The ▶️ latest episode of the JS Party podcast tackles ‘the rise and fall’ of JavaScript frameworks and the modern trend towards smaller ones.

The folks at NodeSource have put together a top 10 list of Node open-source projects ‘to keep an eye on’ in 2023.

Aurelia 2 is now in beta.


⭐️ esbuild 0.17.0
↳ Popular bundler. Note that this is a key release with backwards incompatible changes.

Inertia.js 1.0
↳ Build SPAs for any backend.

React Native 0.71

Remix 1.10.0
↳ Popular full stack framework.

📒 Articles & Tutorials

🎨  Building an Accessible Theme Picker — An attractively presented, easy to follow tutorial for a handy site feature.

Sarah L. Fossheim

Fixing a Memory Leak in a Production Node.js App — Kent encountered a variety of weird memory and CPU usage spikes in his Node-powered app and decided to figure out what was going on. This post walks through his complete journey, with plenty of side problems encountered along the way, before discovering the root cause was where he least expected it.

Kent C Dodds

Build a Mobile-Responsive Telehealth Pager App Using Stream’s Chat API — Build a responsive chat app with emojis/reactions, built-in GIF support, ability to edit/delete messages, direct & group chat, and more.

Stream sponsor

📊  A Beginner’s Guide to Chrome Tracing — For when you want to go deeper than the Performance tab. With tracing, you can record what a browser is up to far behind the scenes.

Nolan Lawson

Handling Errors Like a Pro in TypeScript“Learn the design pattern I use to handle errors and write cleaner code.”

Kolby Sisk

A Beginner’s Guide to async/await with Examples

James Hibbard

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting with Vue 3

Fotis Adamakis

🛠 Code & Tools

RoughNotation: Cute Animated ‘Rough’ Text Annotations — Uses Rough.js (itself a project worth checking out) to get a hand-drawn look. Lots of nice interactive examples on the page showing a variety of annotation styles (boxes, underlines, circles..)

Preet Shihn

Free Website Speed Test: Does Your Site Meet Google’s Core Web Vitals? — Get an in-depth technical analysis of your site and learn how to make it fast. Rank higher in Google & deliver great UX.

DebugBear sponsor

Modern Errors: Handle Errors in a Simple, Stable, Consistent Way — Create error classes, wrap or aggregate errors, or use one of several plugins to do things like print bug reporting info, print stack traces, or more. Happy in both Node and the browser.


Shifty: A Small, Fast Tweening EngineAll it does is tweening. It’s a low level animation solution that you can integrate into any rendering mechanism of your choice. The examples here demonstrate it well as it can be used for ‘animating’ things in an unconventional sense. GitHub repo.

Jeremy Kahn

Barba.js: For Smooth Visual Transitions Between Pages — You certainly can’t say the project’s homepage doesn’t show off all of its features! For such a dramatic set of effects, things feel smooth and.. surprisingly tolerable 😁 GitHub repo.

De Rosa, Michel, et al.

Rete.js 1.5: A Framework for Visual Programming — Create a node-based editor in the browser and apply logic. Check out these demos on CodePen. GitHub repo.

Vitaliy Stoliarov

Don’t Let Your Issue Tracker Be a Four-Letter Word. Use Shortcut

Shortcut (formerly sponsor

gpu-io: GPU-Accelerated Computing Library — for physics simulations and other mathematical calculations. A neat look at the power of WebGL. Several examples.

Amanda Ghassaei

Chart.js 4.2
↳ Simple Canvas-based charts. (Samples.)

Serialize JavaScript 6.0.1
↳ Serialize JS to a JSON superset.

axios-retry 3.4
↳ Axios plugin that retries failed requests.

Axios 1.2.3 – Popular HTTP client library.

Commander.js 10.0 – Node.js CLIs made easy.

Mineflayer 4.7 – JS API for Minecraft bots.

Wretch 2.4 – Fetch API wrapper with niceties.

💻 Jobs

Developer Relations Manager — Join the CKEditor team to build community around an Open Source project used by millions of users around the world 🚀


Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.


11 Features in Node.js 18 you need to try

Node.js 18 LTS is now available. What’s new?

Node.js 18 was released on the 19th of April this year. You can read more in the official blog post release or in the OpenJS Blog announcement. The community couldn’t be more excited!

Here at NodeSource,releases are a big deal. As a team of experts, enthusiasts, and core contributors to the open-source project, we love seeing the progress of Node! We are also one of the primary distributors of the runtime and have been since version 0.x (2014).

Developers download and use our binaries worldwide for their production environments (over 100m a year and growing!). We are incredibly proud to support this important piece of the Node ecosystem in addition to building and supporting customers on our Node.js platform – N|Solid.

“If you use Linux, we recommend using a NodeSource installer.” – From the NPM Documentation

If you want to lend a hand, we welcome your ideas or solutions contact us, or if you would like to help us continue supporting open source, you can contribute with an issue here.

Overall, the community is looking forward to this release with many new features and other benefits in addition to the official release earlier this year that included:

Security: Upgrading to OpenSSL 3.0

APIs: Fetch API is Promise based, providing a cleaner and more concise syntax.

If you are interested in thinking about the future of Node, we recommend checking out The next-10 group. They are doing some great work thinking about the strategic direction for the next 10 years of Node.js. Their technical priorities are:

Modern HTTP, WebAssembly, and Types.
ECMAScript modules and Observability

_OpenJS Collaborator Summit 2022

But now I’m sure you want to get into the changes in v18. What has improved, and what are the new features? That’s what you’re here for 😉. So let us explain 👇

Hydrogen. What is it?

The codename for this release is ‘Hydrogen’. Support for Node.js 18 will last until April 2025. The name comes from the periodic table, and they have been used in alphabetical order (Argon, Boron, Carbon, Dubnium, Erbium…) 🤓 Read more in StackOverflow.


According to the Node.js blog, the “LTS version guarantees that the critical bugs will be fixed for a total of 30 months and Production applications should only use Active LTS, or Maintenance LTS releases”. –

In short, it focuses on stability and being a more reliable application after allowing a reasonable time to receive feedback from the community and testing its implementation at any scale.

_Nodejs Releases Screenshot 2022

How do I know what version of Node and LTS I have?

You can easily do it by typing in your console:

$ node –version

Run the following to retrieve the name of the LTS release you are using:

$ node -p process.release.lts

_Note: _ The previous property only exists if the release is an LTS. Otherwise, it returns nothing.

If you want to be aware of the release planning in the Node.js community, you can check here: Node.js Release Schedule.

What’s new in Node.js 18?

Contributors are constantly working to improve the runtime, introduce more features, and improve developer experience and usability. Today as the worldwide community uses JS for developing API-driven web applications and serverless cloud development, the changes in this new LTS version are important to understand.

In honor of the number 11 (__#funfact__ Undici means ‘eleven’ in Italian), we decided to make our top 11 Node.js 18 features:

Fetch API
🧪- – watch
🧪 OpenSSL 3 Support
🧪 node:test module
Prefix-only core Modules
🧪 Web Streams API
Other Global APIs: Blob and BrodcastChannel.
V8 Version 10.1
Toolchain and Compiler Upgrades
HTTP Timeouts
Undici Library

The idea of this blog post is to relevel the functionalities one by one, so let’s start:

Feature 1: Native Fetch API in Node.js 18

Finally, v18 provides native fetch functionality in Node.js. This is a standardized web API for conducting HTTP or other types of network requests. Previously Node.js did not support it by default. Because JavaScript is utilized in so many areas, this is fantastic news for the entire ecosystem.


Feature 2:–watch

Using –watch, your application will automatically restart when an imported file is changed. Just like nodemon. And you can use –watch-path to specify which path should be observed.

Also, these flags cannot be combined with –check, –eval, –interactive, or when used in REPL (read–eval–print loop) mode. It just won’t work.

You can now use Node Watch index on your file name to start watching your files without having to install anything.

Feature 3: OpenSSL 3 Support

OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of, among other things, SSL and TLS protocols for securing communication.

One key feature of OpenSSL 3.0 is the new FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) module. FIPS is a set of US government requirements for governing cryptographic usage in the public sector.

More information is available in the OpenSSL3 blog post.

Feature 4: The Experimental node:test

The node:test module facilitates the creation of JavaScript tests that report results in TAP (Test Anything Protocol) format. The TAP output is extensively used and makes the output easier to consume.

import test from node:test

This module is only available under the node:scheme.
Read more in Node.js Docs

This test runner is still in development and is not meant to replace other complete alternatives such as Jest or Mocha, but it provides a quick way to execute a test suite without additional third-party libraries. The test runner supports features like subtests, test skipping, callback tests, etc.

node:test and –test


The following is an example of how to use the new test runner.

More information may be found in the Node.js API docs.

Feature 5: Prefix-only core Modules

A new way to ‘import’ modules that leverages a ‘node:’ prefix, which makes it immediately evident that the modules are from Node.js core

To learn more about this functionality, we invite you to read Colin Ihrig‘s article Node.js 18 Introduces Prefix-Only Core Modules.

Feature 6: Experimental Web Streams API

A Web Streams API is a set of streams API. Also experimental, it allows JavaScript to access streams of data received over the network programmatically and process them as desired. This means Stream APIs are now available on the global scope. This would help send the data packets in readable and writable streams.

Methods available are as follows,


















Feature 7: Other Global APIs

The following APIs in the Node v18 upgrade are exposed on the global scope: Blob and BroadcastChannel.

Feature 8: V8 Version 10.1

Node.js runs with the V8 engine from the Chromium open-source browser. This engine has been upgraded to version 10.1, which is part of the recent update in Chromium 101.

New array methods for finding the last element and index of an array. Array methods findLast and findLastIndex are now available.
Internationalization support: Intl.Locale and the Intl.supportedValuesOf functions.
Improving the performance of class fields and private class methods.
The data format of the v8.serialize function has changed (No compatible with earlier versions of Node.js.)

Keep an eye out here.

Feature 9: Toolchain and Compiler Upgrades

Node.js always provides pre-built binaries for various platforms. For every latest release, toolchains are evaluated and elevated whenever required. Node.js provides pre-built binaries for several different platforms. For each major release, the minimum toolchains are assessed and raised where appropriate.

Pre-built binaries for Linux are now built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 and are compatible with Linux distributions based on Glibc 2.28 or later, for example, Debian 10, RHEL 8, Ubuntu 20.04.
Pre-built binaries for macOS now require macOS 10.15 or later.
For AIX, the minimum supported architecture has been raised from Power 7 to Power 8.

Note: Build-time user-land snapshot(Experimental)

Users can build a Node.js binary with a custom V8 startup using the
–-node-snapshot-main flag of the configure script.

Feature 10: HTTP Timeouts

The http.server timeouts have changed:

headersTimeout (the time allowed for an HTTP request header to be parsed) is set to 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds).

requestTimeout (the timeout used for an HTTP request) is set to 300000 milliseconds (5 minutes) by default.

Feature 11: Undici Library in Node.js

Undici is an official Node team library, although it’s more like an HTTP 1.1 full-fledged client designed from the ground up in Node.js.

Keep alive by default.
LIFO scheduling
No pipelining
Unlimited connections
Can follow redirected (opt-in)

Of note, we support and love Lizz‘s work, so we recommend you check out her fantastic talk in Nodeconf.EU about New and Exciting features in Node.js to understand more about this feature.

Other Features/Changes:

The project undoubtedly has some great challenges in the near future to continue growing and maintaining its leading position in the ecosystem. These are some of the upcoming features. Most of them are experimental; without being the only ones to discuss, there is much work and proposals from an active community such as the Node.js Community.

Default DNS resolution
ECMAScript modules improvements
Improved support for AbortController and AbortSignal
Updated Platform Support
Async Hooks
Direct Network Imports
Build-time user-land snapshot
Support for JSON Import Assertions
Unflagging of JSON modules (experimental)
Support for HTTPS and HTTP imports
Diagnostic Channel
Trace Events

You can check the full changelog here.

Final Remarks

Node.js 12 will go End-of-Life in April 2022.
Node.js 14 (LTS) or Node.js 16 (LTS) or Later Node.js 18 will be LTS.
Node.js 18 will be promoted to Long-term Support (LTS) in October 2022 (NOW).
After being promoted to LTS, Node.js 18 will be supported until April 2025.

Upgrade Now!

Moving to the LTS version is the best decision for you to include the following improvements in your development workflow:

FetchAPI and Web Streams
V8: New advanced features, array methods, improvements, and enhancements.
Test runner without the need for third-party packages.
Deprecated APIs: Check the list here

Enhancement in Intl.Locale API.
Performance improvement in both class fields and private class methods.


To migrate your version of Node, follow these steps:

For Linux and Mac users, follow these commands to upgrade to the latest version of Node. The module n makes version management easy:

npm install n -g

For the latest stable version:

n stable

For the latest version:

n latest

Windows Users
Visit the Node.js download page to install the new version of Node.js.

Special Thanks

With 99 contributors and 1348 commits Node.js 18 LTS came to life 🎉. Special thanks to @_rafaelgss @BethGriggs_ @_richard_lau_ To make this release happen 💚

$ nvm install 18.12.0

And thank you to all of Node.js project contributors. Our complete admiration and support for such incredible work 💪.

NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions

NodeSource, from the beginning, was created with a great commitment to the developers’ community, which is why it has provided documentation for using the NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions via .rpm, .deb as well as their setup and support scripts.

If you are looking for NodeSource’s Enterprise-grade Node.js platform, N|Solid, please visit, and for detailed information on installing and using N|Solid, please refer to the N|Solid User Guide.

We are also aware that as a start-up, you want ‘Enterprise-grade’ at a startup price, this is why we extend our product to small and medium-sized companies, startups, and non-profit organizations with N|Solid SaaS.

Useful Links / References

You can upgrade to NodeJS v18 using the official download link

New Node.js features bring a global fetch API & test runner. Check out the Node version 16-18 report

Welcome Node.js 18 by RedHat
Announcing a new –experimental-modules

Vite 4.0 released

#​618 — December 9, 2022

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Vite 4.0 Released — From the same creator as Vue.js, Vite is an exciting piece of frontend tooling offering lots of goodies out of the box: fast hot module replacement, instant server starts, optimized builds with Rollup, TypeScript and JSX support (more on why to use Vite here). You can even give it a quick spin online via

Evan You and Vite Contributors

Anjana Vakil on the JavaScript Fundamentals — This video course covers the core skills needed to become a professional JavaScript programmer, including writing reusable code with functions, conditionals, fetching data from APIs, and more. It’s everything you need to continue your journey to become effective at JavaScript.

Frontend Masters sponsor

npm Gains New Security Features — GitHub continues its work in making the npm ecosystem safer. Two new things: granular access tokens so package owners can better control access to publishing workflows, and a new code explorer to look directly at the contents of packages from the official npm site.

Monish Mohan (GitHub)

Console Ninja: console.log Output Right Next to Your Code — A VS Code extension that displays console.log output and runtime errors next to your code. Jack Herrington recorded ▶️ a neat 6 minute intro showing it off recently.

Wallaby.js Team


There’s a React documentary in production – ▶️ here’s the trailer.

AWS has unveiled Step Functions Distributed Map, a way you can run hugely parallel (up to 10,000 simultaneous executions) operations (written in JavaScript, perhaps) over data and documents stored on S3.

A quick look back 27 years to the launch of JavaScript in 1995.

📊 D3 7.7, the latest version of the popular data visualization framework, is out and I wanted to recommend looking at co-creator Mike Bostock’s notebooks if you want inspiration on using D3, a look at new features, etc. He posts interesting stuff.

The JS debugger in the latest VS Code release now supports console.profile for CPU profiling code, as well as nested sourcemaps.


Rome 11Linter in urbe novissima sunt.

Storybook 7.0 beta 0

Rollup 3.7 – ES module bundler.

xv 2.0 – Zero-config Node test runner.

Nx 15.3 (A huge news update post.)

Ember 4.9

Bun 0.3 – The challenger JS runtime.

📒 Articles & Tutorials

Sandboxing with PartytownPartytown provides a way to run third party scripts within a Web Worker rather than on the main thread. Could this be used for sandboxing? Weston tried it out and concluded it’s not quite there.

Weston Ruter

Build a Mobile-Responsive Telehealth Pager App Using Stream’s Chat API — Build a responsive chat app with emojis/reactions, built-in GIF support, ability to edit/delete messages, direct & group chat, and more.

Stream sponsor

Is Prisma Better Than Your ‘Traditional’ ORM?Prisma has become a very popular ORM option in the Node space in recent years. The creator of the Practica Node starter app considers if Prisma makes sense as a universal ‘go to’ ORM. No, but..

Yoni Goldberg

When to Use gRPC vs GraphQL — A balanced comparison of two popular API protocols to see where each works best.

Loren Sands-Ramshaw

Breakpoints and console.log is the Past, Time Travel is the Future — 15x faster JavaScript debugging than with breakpoints and console.log, now with support for Vitest.

Wallaby.js sponsor

▶  A Discussion on Optimizing Your JavaScript with Rust — A chat with Vercel’s Lee Robinson at the recent Next.js conference.

Ben Popper podcast

🛠 Code & Tools

Codux: A Visual IDE for React — One of the co-founders of Wix introduces a new standalone tool to accelerate the React development process. It currently only supports Chromium-based browsers but you can take it for a test drive or learn more from its homepage.

Nadav Abrahami (Wix)

Harlem 3.0: Simple Extensible State Management for Vue 3 — Provides a simple functional API for creating, reading, and mutating state.

Andrew Courtice

Open Source Firebase Alternative for Web, Mobile, and Flutter Devs

Appwrite sponsor

JS Image Carver: Content-Aware Image Resizer and Object Remover — Uses the seam carving approach (if you’ve used ‘Content Aware Scale’ in Photoshop, you’ve seen it). The live demo on this one is fun to watch.

Oleksii Trekhleb

Civet: The CoffeeScript of TypeScript? — If you liked CoffeeScript back in the day, here’s the same idea in a modern TypeScript-oriented form.

Daniel Moore

Maska 2.1: Zero-Dependency Input Mask — Happy in vanilla situations, but can also integrate with Vue 2/3. GitHub repo.

Alexander Shabunevich

node-calls-python: Call Python from Node — One use case the author mentions is plugging into Python’s rich ecosystem of machine learning tools.

Menyhért Hegedűs Open Source URL Shortening App Built with Qwik — The app itself is live at but you might find it interesting as an example of a frontend built using the Qwik framework.

Ori Granot

📺 Yesterday, This Dot Media published Qwik’s creator Misko Hevery giving ▶️ a live coding introduction to Qwik – a useful way to get up to speed.

💻 Jobs

Software EngineerStimulus is a social platform started by Sticker Mule to show what’s possible if your mission is to increase human happiness. Join our engineering team.


Senior UI Dev — Join us and innovate with MicroFrontends, custom Node tools, build systems (Webpack/Github Actions), TypeScript, React, and more with a11y and DX in mind.

Vertex Inc

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.


Spacetime 7.3
↳ Lightweight JavaScript timezone library.

Partytown 0.7.3
↳ Run intensive third-party scripts in a worker.

Splitter 1.4
↳ React component for split views.

reveal-md 5.4
↳ Reveal.js presentations from Markdown files.

Mongoose 6.8
↳ MongoDB object modeling library.

React Tooltip 5.0

Enhance Observability with Opentelemetry tracing – Part 1

Recently, conversations have been increasing around OpenTelemetry; it is gaining more and more momentum in Node.js development circles, but what is it? How can we take advantage of the key concepts and implement them in our projects?

Of note, NodeSource is a supporter of OpenTelemetry, and we have recently implemented full support of the open-source standard in our product N|Solid. It allows us to make our powerful Node.js insights accessible via the protocol.

Opentelemetry is a relatively recent vendor-agnostic emerging standard that began in 2019 when OpenCensus and OpenTracing combined to form OpenTelemetry – seeking to provide a single, well-supported integration surface for end-to-end distributed tracing telemetry. In 2021, they released V1. 0.0, offering stability guarantees for the approach.

And most important, OpenTelemetry is an open-source observability project/framework with a collection of software development kits (SDKs), APIs, and tools for instrumentation from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

W3C Trace Context is the standard format for OpenTelemetry. Cloud providers are expected to adopt this standard, providing a vendor-neutral way to propagate trace IDs through their services. Organizations use OpenTelemetry to send collected telemetry data to a third-party system for analysis.

But to break down its history a bit, we think it’s important to understand the concept of __Observability__.

At Nodesource, as you likely know, we work daily in Observability, focusing exclusively on the Node.js runtime and N|Solid from N|Solid 4.8.0 supports some OpenTelemetry features. But before getting deeper in OTEL, it is important to understand Observability and try to resolve this important question: What is Observability?

Setting the foundations to talk about OpenTelemetry

It’s important to understand that when we talk about Observability, we need first to know what questions we seek to answer or clarify when detailing a system.

The first question often asked is __why__ my application has specific behavior. And to solve this and other questions, we first must instrument our system so that our application can emit signals, that is, traces, metrics, and logs. When we correctly do this, we have the necessary information needed.

Observability is the ability to measure the internal states of a system by examining its outputs. – Splunk

Detailing a system through Data Collection: Telemetry Data

Your systems and apps need proper tooling to collect the appropriate telemetry data to achieve Observability.
But what is the telemetry data that we need?

The three key concepts are :




Ok, let’s define each of these concepts:


__Metrics__: are aggregations over a period of time of numeric data about your infrastructure or application. Examples include system error rate, CPU utilization, and request rate for a given service.

As quoted by, OpenTelemetry has three metric instruments :

__Counter__: a value that is summed over time (similar to the Prometheus counter)
__Measure__: a value that is aggregated over time (a value over some defined range)
__Observer__: captures a current set of values ​​at a given time (like a gauge in Prometheus)

The context is still very important, along with metric information like name, description, unit, kind (counter, observer, measure), label, aggregation, and time.


__Logs__: A Log is a timestamped message emitted by services or other components. They are not necessarily associated with any particular user request or transaction, but they become more valuable when they are.

The logical line would tell us that here we must jump to traces because it is part of the three key concepts. But before defining what a trace is, we must zoom in on the concept of __Span__.


__Span__: A Span represents a unit of work or operation. It tracks specific operations that a request makes, painting a picture of what happened during the time in which that operation was executed.

A span is the building block of a trace and is a named, timed operation representing a piece of the workflow in the distributed system. All traces are composed of Spans.


Traces__: A Trace records the paths taken by requests (made by an application or end-user) as they __propagate through multi-service architectures, like microservice and serverless applications. It is also known as Distributed Trace. A trace is almost always an assessment of end-to-end performance.

Without tracing, it is challenging to pinpoint the cause of performance problems in a distributed system.

Suppose you realize we broke into the three pillars of Observability when introducing the concept of Span. In that case, however, the three pillars and Span conform to what is known as __Telemetry Data__, which are simple __signals emitted from applications and resources about their internal state.__

The core concept of Context Propagation

When we want to correlate events across our services’ boundaries, we look for a context that helps us identify the current trace and Span. But context is not the only thing we need; we also need __propagation__.

If you are with us following the article carefully, you will realize that in the definition of trace, we talk about the word __‘propagation’__. You might wonder what this means.

Propagation is how context is bundled and transferred in and across services, often via HTTP headers. Now, With these clear concepts, we can begin to understand the concept of __Context Propagation__.

A critical functionality required to implement Distributed Tracing is the concept of Context Propagation. We can define it as a mechanism for storing state and accessing data across the lifespan of a distributed transaction, either across execution contexts inside a process or across the boundaries of the services that conform to our system.

For In Process propagation__, we typically use something like the __AsyncLocalStorage class from the async_hooks module.

Whereas Across Processes__, it will depend on the IPC protocol used. For example, for HTTP, there’s the Trace Context specification from the _W3C__, which defines the _traceparent and tracestate headers to propagate tracing info.

Getting into a Distributed Application

Let’s say we have a distributed application like the one in the picture. It has 4 Nodejs services: API, auth, Service1 and Service2, and 1 database.

Imagine we’re having intermittent performance issues. They could come from several points:
– Database access
– Network link status,
– DNS request latency, etc.
Finding where exactly may become a very hard and time-consuming task; the harder, the more complex the system is.

Distributed tracing will help us A LOT with that, as we’ll generate tracing information on every point of the distributed system (A, B, C, D, and E). Not only that, but while the request goes through all the services, thanks to Context Propagation, some ‘tracing state’ will be passed along so all the tracing info can be linked to the very same request.

Instrument your system

To get visibility into the performance and behaviors of the different microservices, we need to instrument the code with OpenTelemetry to generate traces. But first, let’s define what Instrumentation is…

Automatic Instrumentation

With __Automatic Instrumentation__, our instrumentation libraries will automatically take the configuration provided (through code or environment variables) and do most of the work.

In the following example, using the OpenTelemetry SDK, we show how we can automatically generate spans for every HTTP transaction handled by the Nodejs HTTP core module.

Manual Instrumentation

__Manual instrumentation__, on the other hand, while requiring more work on the user/developer side, enables far more options for customization, from naming various components within OpenTelemetry (for example, spans and the traces ) to add your own attributes, specific exception handling, and more. See the following example shows how to manually generate a Span using the OpenTelemetry SDK.

How to Implement Opentelemetry in my project?

The way we historically would implement a typical observability pipeline is shown in the following picture.

In this case, having all that data at your disposal is great and can give us a valuable overview of our system, but unless we are able to correlate the observability signals somehow: metrics, logs, and traces, we won’t be able to have the best of it.
OpenTelemetry comes to solve this problem. The solution is going to come from correlating these signals. This can be done by applying the same concept of Context Propagation that was used for Traces to Metrics and Logs, so in this case, identifiers such as the trace_id and the span_id are associated with those signals.

OpenTelemetry spanId and traceId can correlate Logs and Metrics with a specific Span in a Trace.

Opentelemetry Components

OpenTelemetry is much more… Before finishing this article, it is important to describe the different components of OpenTelemetry.

Note: For more detail, read the specification overview of the Opentelemetry project.

OpenTelemetry API: It provides an API, which defines data types and operations for generating and correlating tracing, metrics, and logging data.

💚 From N|Solid 4.8.0 we provide an implementation of the OpenTelemetry TraceAPI, allowing users to instrument their own code using the de-facto standard API.

OpenTelemetry SDK: It provides Language-specific implementations of the API.

OpenTelemetry OTLP: A protocol to transport the Telemetry Data.

💚 With N|Solid 4.8.0 we support many instrumentation modules available in the OpenTelemetry ecosystem. Supporting exporting traces using the OpenTelemetry Protocol(OTLP) over HTTP.

OpenTelemetry Collector: To receive, process, and export Telemetry data.

💚 In N|Solid 4.8.0 is now possible to send N|Solid Runtime monitoring information (metrics and traces) to backends supporting the OpenTelemetry standard like multiple APMS (Dynatrace, Datadog, Newrelic).

OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions: To have well-defined naming for the attributes associated with the signals: (, http. port, etc.)

We know that there may be other key concepts to develop around Opentelemetry, and for this reason, we invite you to visit the direct website of the project or the Github Repo directly.

This introductory article gives us the basis for sharing a demo we prepared for NodeConf.EU, where we apply open-source tools to implement Opentelemetry in your project. We invite you to stay tuned for our next blog post. 😉 Wait for the second part!


Traces are really useful for understanding modern distributed systems.
We build better software when we get the best of our traces.
With OTel (Opentelemetry), we’re able to have maximized insights and answer future questions without having to make any code changes.
#OTel provides interoperability with observability tools.
Collect and correlate telemetry data is easy if you follow the OpenTelemetry framework.
As far as we know, the OpenTelemetry community is working hard to develop support for metrics and logs. Waiting for news soon! 🤞
Note: If you want to learn more about OpenTelemetry in Javascript, click HERE

To start getting more value out of your traces and metrics, you can use Opentelemetry with N|Solid back-end.

Achieve Your Performance Goals With N|Solid

We know that you want to get the best out of your application and to do it professionally, you will surely need a great ally to help you with various tools without affecting your performance. We do not want to stay in a ‘marketing speech’ where we tell you that we are the best… you can 👀check it directly here with this Open Source tool that also includes OTEL Results.

We’d love to hear more from you! 💚
– Feel free to TRY N|Solid and get in touch with us on Twitter at @nodesource.

Top 10 N|Solid —APM for Node— features you needed to use

Nearly a year ago, we launched N|Solid SaaS, and although there are still a few months to go before our anniversary, we wanted to share the top 10 features ofN|Solid that make us proud every day of what we have built.

N|Solid is the best way to monitor and secure your Node.js applications (including in production) that are trusted by developers, software teams, and global enterprise companies. It has an array of features like other APMs, but we go deeper with our insights and are more performant than all others. We created N|Solid to help companies build the best software with Node and save time resolving issues. Because there is significant risk in deploying open-source applications without knowing the security gaps, we provide features to prevent security issues and insights for resolving them.

We are confident we’re the best APM solution for Node. js-based applications; if you are using Node, you should be using our runtime. We’re a complete product/solution, not just an APM focused on Node.

About N|Solid

N|Solid is a toolset built on Node.js that provides a number of enhancements to improve troubleshooting, debugging, managing, monitoring, and securing your Node.js applications. It is 100% compatible with the open-source project and requires no instrumentation of your code.

N|Solid Console

N|Solid provides a web-based console, ‘N|Solid Console’ to monitor your applications but also allows you to introspect your Node.js applications, in the same way, directly in the CLI if you run the __N|Solid Runtime__.

N|Solid Runtime

If you want to introspect your Node.js applications and have the most control from your command line, you’ll run them with the N|Solid Runtime, which is shaped similarly to a typical Node.js runtime but provides some additional executables.

To install N|Solid Runtime, download and unpack an N|Solid Runtime from the N|Solid download site.

Why N|Solid is an APM

Traditionally, the acronym APM has been used to refer to application performance management. However, in recent years it also refers, perhaps more correctly, to Application Performance Monitoring, and that is exactly what N|Solid does, which is why its categorization in this spectrum of applications is correct. Something important to highlight is that it is not a polyglot APM; it is clearly an APM specialized in Node.js, which has always been our focus.

While other APMs support Node.js, none provide the level of insights N|Solid can. In many cases, the APMs can become a part of the problem by consuming significant resources due to how they are designed. But don’t take our word for it. You can check it with real data through this OS Project — The APM’s Benchmark tool —.

APM’s Benchmark Tool – Overview Screen

N|Solid APM (Self-hosted or SaaS) is the best observability and insights tool to manage Node performance and security, and the full platform access enables you to really #KnowyourNode

In this blog post, we want to wrap it up our product series, briefly telling you about the 10 main features of N|Solid. We hope you like it and it helps you get the most out of our product.

[1] Project & Applications Monitoring in N|Solid

Visually view application behavior and identify performance and security issues.

With Project & Application Monitoring, you can track a website or any application based on Node.js. This feature allows you to collect your log data to help developers detect bugs and process use, track downtime, and improve performance to be consistent and focused on the end-user experience.

N|Solid APM – Projects & Applications View

This area is mainly made up of 3 main views that use the Projects and Applications and Process Monitoring:
– Applications view
– Application summary view
– Processes view

Read more about this feature here:

[2] Process Monitoring in N|Solid

Access deep performance insights.

The applications and associated processes are displayed in this feature of our N|Solid Console. You can visualize Event Loop Estimated Lag, Heap Used, or CPU Used, for example, and you can correlate these metrics in a planimetry. You can also select a specific process to know its general status and vulnerabilities and choose a specific graphic to visually represent the selected information.

N|Solid APM – Process Monitoring

Read more here:

[3] CPU Profiling in N|Solid

Shows what functions consume CPU% and how resources are allocated.

CPU Profiling allows you to understand where opportunities exist to improve your Node processes’ speed and load capacity. This feature shows what functions consume CPU% and how resources are allocated.

N|Solid APM – Flamegraph-CPU Profile

Read more here:

[4] Worker Threads in N|Solid

View In-depth metrics of each worker thread.

Worker threads are treated first class and have the same access to CPU profiles, snapshots, etc. as the main process. We are the only solution that has full support worker threads.

View In-depth metrics of each worker thread. With this feature, identify opportunities to improve the performance of CPU-intensive work.

Read more here:

[5] Capture Heap Snapshots in N|Solid

Understand where and how memory is being used

Taking heap snapshots is a great way to help identify the underlying problem when faced with a memory leak or performance issue. In this way, you will be able to understand where and how memory is being used, and you will be able to quickly resolve memory leaks and performance issues.

N|Solid APM – Capture Heap Snapshots

Read more here:

[6] Memory Anomaly Detection in N|Solid

View In-depth metrics of each worker thread.

Identify Memory anomalies taken with a more accurate detection method.
– Insights and metrics are historical, before and after the incident happened.
– Get anomalies at different heap usage levels.
– Detect correlation between sets of memory-specific metrics.
– Filter results by specific processes inside your application.

N|Solid APM – Memory Anomaly Detection

Read more here:

[7] Vulnerability Scanning – NCM – in N|Solid

Know all of the potential vulnerabilities within your application.

NCM is security, compliance, and curation tool around the 3rd-Party Node.js & JavaScript package ecosystem. It provides protection against security vulnerabilities and licensing compliance issues and provides risk assessment when working with a 3rd-party ecosystem.

The N|Solid Console can be configured to perform periodic verification of all packages loaded by all N|Solid processes.

N|Solid APM – Vulnerability Scanning from N|Solid Runtime

NCM provides

Actionable insights.
Offline vulnerability scanning.
Prevent processes in an application from launching if they have vulnerabilities with “strict mode.”
NCM-CI (Service Tokens and CI Processes) customization.

__Note__: NCM can be viewed from 3 locations: full overview, per application, and per process.

Read more here:

[8] HTTP Tracing support in N|Solid

Enables the ability to debug application latency and other issues.

HTTP tracing gathers throughput and the lifecycle of any HTTP, DNS, or other types of request.
– Debug latency issues, monitor your services, and more with the collected information.
– See in a timeline graph the density of the number of tracked spans.
– Inspect each span for more detail on the collected trace.
– Filter the results by the attributes of a span and delimit them to the time range.

N|Solid APM – HTTP Tracing Support

Read more here:

[9] Global Alerts & Integrations in N|Solid

Be aware of issues and vulnerabilities. Pre-configured API integrations with key 3rd party services.

You can use automation to trigger alerts over integrations, CPU profiles, or heap snapshots. Be aware of issues and vulnerabilities, Pre-configured API integrations with key 3rd party services.

So when creating the heap snapshot, for example, I will have the notification directly in Slack of my N|Solid Console’s behavior; from there, I can check it by opening the Console.

N|Solid APM – Global Alerts & Integrations – Slack Example

Read more here:

[10] Distributed Tracing in N|Solid

Better understand the factors that affect an application’s latency.

Distributed tracing is a core component of Observability mainly used by site reliability engineers (SREs) but also by developers and is recommended in that way to obtain the greatest benefits as a team in charge of modern distributed software.

As your system scales, you’ll need to add a tracing and refine sampling capabilities, which means getting the context to understand the complexity of distributed architectures.

N|Solid APM – Distributed Tracing

Distributed Tracing provides several solutions, which include:

Monitoring system health
Latency trend and outliers
Control flow graph
Asynchronous process visualization
Debugging microservices

Read more here:

Still, on our roadmap, we are planning and executing features that will shake up the ecosystem in the coming months. Stay tuned! 😎

Top Ten Features In N|Solid

🧭Projects & Applications Monitoring in N|Solid –

🌌 Process Monitoring in N|Solid –

🔍 CPU Profiling in N|Solid –

🕵️‍♂️ Worker Threads Monitoring in N|Solid –

📸 Capture Heap Snapshots in N|Solid –

🚨 Memory Anomaly Detection in N|Solid –

🚩 Vulnerability Scanning & 3rd party Modules Certification in N|Solid –

👣 HTTP Tracing Support in N|Solid –

⏰ Global Alerts & Integrations in N|Solid –

🪄 Distributed Tracing in N|Solid –
…and more

Want to try N|Solid?

To check out the top 10 features and more in N|Solid, create your account in sign up or sign in, in the top right corner of our main page. More information is available here.

As always, we’re happy to hear your thoughts – feel free to get in touch with our team or reach out to us on Twitter at @nodesource.