Angular is back

#​662 — November 9, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Reintroducing Angular with Angular v17 — Angular first appeared in the shape of AngularJS in 2010 and helped launch a wave of large-scale JavaScript frameworks. Angular remains popular in many use cases but is often overlooked in favor of newer options. v17 takes a leap forward in both features and vision, with the team rebranding Angular and repositioning it as a modern solution: is an all-new docs site and home for the project (the new guides look fantastic). It’s in beta till Angular v18 is released – you can learn more about it here.
Hydration is now production ready.
Vite and esbuild are the default for new projects.
Improved support for creating server side apps.
New, improved built-in control flow to make code less verbose.
Google pulled out all the stops for ▶️ the ‘Special Angular Event’ – an hour of talks, interviews and discussions to bring you up to speed.

Minko Gechev and the Angular.js Team

Bare Metal JavaScript: The JavaScript Virtual Machine with Miško Hevery — Learn how high-level JavaScript turns into low-level CPU instructions. Build up your mental model of JavaScript’s performance characteristics through understanding the JavaScript Virtual machine under the hood!

Frontend Masters sponsor

Mastering DOM Manipulation with Plain JavaScript — A mega collection of hundreds of examples of doing things like selecting text, manipulating elements, resizing things, scrolling, and such – all by using the DOM and browser APIs with no external libraries. You Might Not Need jQuery is another classic resource in a similar vein.

Phuoc Nguyen

▶  Why Signals Are Better Than React Hooks — When Preact’s Marvin Hagemeister pops up in the comments saying “this is by far the best video about signals and why they are so exciting. I love the way you demonstrate it by coding along and moving an app over to signals,” it should bump a video up to the top of the Watch Later playlist.

Web Dev Simplified

👀 Nicholas C. Zakas shares a look at what’s coming in ESLint v9.0. The first alpha is due in a month or two.

⚛️ React has landed a commit adding sourcemaps for prod build artifacts.

🆚 VS Code will soon support moving editors into floating windows.


TypeScript 5.3 RC – Final due soon, but you get import attributes, resolution-mode in import types, interactive inlay hints for types, and improvements to narrowing in a few extra cases.

It’s a strong week for testing tool releases, so they’re all in one place: TestCafe v3.4.0, Cypress 13.5, Nightwatch.js 3.3, and React Testing Library 14.1.

Deno 1.38 – Many smaller improvements, including far faster JSX transformation.

Bun v1.0.10 – Faster node:http and bug fixes.

tsx 4.0 – Node.js enhanced to run TypeScript / ESM files.

📄 Articles & Tutorials

How to Do a JS to TypeScript Conversion — Chris, who led the conversion of a 150k LOC app to TypeScript, addresses a common question: do-it-as-you-go or follow the dependency graph?

Chris Krycho

Exploring the Headless Component Pattern for Composing React UIs — An engineer at Atlassian takes us on a thorough and practical journey into the concept of headless components and the pattern of having reusable logic and behavior separate from the presentation of UI elements.

Juntao Qiu

📞 Calling JavaScript Devs! Sentry Launch Week is Coming. Join Online

Sentry sponsor

▶  8 Talks from JetBrains’ JavaScript Day 2023JavaScript Day is an annual virtual event featuring a handful of talks on diverse JS related topics. This year, Romulo Cintra shows us how TC39 works on language proposals, Stefan Baumgartner spoke about the lies we tell ourselves using TypeScript, and more.


Writing Components That Work in Any Framework — Looks at why web components can be difficult to adopt, and shows how using a higher-level library can let us “easily write components that work everywhere”.

Andrico Karoulla

Build a Lightweight Code Generator with TypeScript and JSON Imports

John Ruble

Deploying a Vue Application with Netlify and GitHub

Ezekiel Lawson (Telerik)

Don’t Disable Buttons, Do This..

Chris Ferdinandi

🛠 Code & Tools

Moveable: A Library for Dragging, Resizing, Scaling and More — If you want to offer up physical manipulation of elements (warping, pinching, rotating, etc.) this library could help. Its homepage is a fun self-demo and there are packages for integrations with common frameworks.

Younkue Choi

🔥 Need to Eliminate Tech Debt Without Falling into Dependency Hell? — Upgrade seamlessly and let us tackle tech debt with our fixed-cost, monthly maintenance service (starting at $2k/month).

UpgradeJS | Tech Debt Services sponsor

🖼  image-dimensions: Get the Dimensions of Images — Sindre’s latest creation is a simple but comprehensive one. A way to get the size (as width and height in pixels) for JPEG, PNG, APNG, and GIFs in any modern JS environment.

Sindre Sorhus

main-thread-scheduling 9.0: Consistently Responsive Apps While Staying on the Main Thread — An easier alternative to Web Workers that uses the approach of stopping heavy tasks on the main thread from executing when the user interacts with the UI. This new version adds afterFrame (like requestAnimationFrame but called after frame drawing has rendered), queueTask, and extensions to promises.

Antonio Stoilkov

React Components for the Google Maps JavaScript APIreact-google-maps is the ‘first Google-sponsored library’ for integrating Google Maps JavaScript API components into a React app.

Mike Pegg (Google Cloud)

capture-website 4.0: Capture Screenshots of Websites — A Puppeteer wrapper to capture screenshots of site from Node or the command-line.

Sindre Sorhus

Never Stop Learning and Work #LikeABosch — At Bosch, you always keep growing. Upskill yourself into countless new roles, positions and opportunities. Learn more.

Bosch sponsor

⌘K-sv: A Fast, Composable, Unstyled Command Menu for Svelte — A port of ⌘K, a React-based command menu component.


Vuetify v3.4 – Vue component framework.

MiniSearch 6.2 – In-memory fulltext search engine. (Demo.)

TanStack Form 0.9 – Headless type-safe form state management.

Dependency Cruiser v15.2 – Tool to validate and visualize dependencies.

Valtio v1.12.0 – Proxy state made simple. Plus it has a fantastic homepage.

Helmet 7.1 – Secure Express apps with HTTP headers.

Rollup.js 4.3 – ES module bundler.


“The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.”

Tom Cargill

🚀 Everyone’s gone to the moon..

Spacekit.js: A Library for Creating 3D Space Visualizations — Not just any old 3D space, but actual space – think planets, stars, and meteors. A library like this comes, of course, with many examples to try. GitHub repo.

Ian Webster

Big news for both Next.js and Remix

#​661 — November 2, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Next.js 14 Released — Unveiled at last week’s Next.js Conf, v14 caused a lot of community discussion (not least on Hacker News), largely surrounding Server Actions being declared stable and the ‘backend-meets-frontend’ opportunities this opens up. A new partial prerendering feature is also in preview, allowing for dynamic responses but with the speed of an initial static response.

Lee Robinson and Tim Neutkens

💡 The New Stack has an overview of the release, and Focus Reactive has a (highly visual) recap of Next.js Conf itself – recommended if you didn’t watch the stream.

SDKs & OpenAPI Specs in Minutes Using Zod, tsoa, or Fastify — Using popular TS tooling to build your API? Our guides show you how to go from code to best in class OpenAPI specs & SDKs.

Speakeasy sponsor

Remix ❤️ Vite: Remix 2.2 Introduces Vite SupportRemix is a popular full-stack JavaScript framework that began as a paid product, but has been open source for two years now. If you found Remix’s compilation approach opaque before, we have great news: “With Vite, Remix is no longer a compiler. Remix itself is just a Vite plugin.” This post tells the full story.

Cattori and Dalgleish (Remix)

🗳 The folks behind the State of JavaScript survey have unveiled a new State of React survey to take. As with their other surveys, you get to test your knowledge as well as provide useful insights.

🔁 Shadow is a new, experimental browser engine built in JavaScript itself. It renders its output in your usual browser using an HTML canvas. Source code.

🔐 GitHub is scanning all public npm packages for leaked secrets. Note that if secrets are found, the provider associated with those secrets is notified.

❄️ WinterJS is a new JS Service Workers server, powered by Rust & SpiderMonkey.

🐥 Uh-oh, it’s Flappy Bird implemented in TypeScript types.


Astro 3.4 – The Web framework gains page partials, a new experimental dev overlay, and more.

Visual Studio Code October 2023 – A couple of minor enhancements to the JS debugger, and Copilot Chat (if you have GitHub Copilot) can now provide better answers because it’s sent implementation details behind the symbols you mention.

jQuery 4.0 is 100% feature complete but it’s not released just yet.. but we know you can’t wait. Ditto for Angular 17 – more on that soon.

Rollup 4.2, Cypress 13.4, Ember.js 5.4, Stencil 4.7

📒 Articles & Tutorials

Speeding Up the JavaScript Ecosystem: Tailwind CSS — Marvin’s ongoing journey to improve our ecosystem by finding low-hanging performance-bearing fruit continues with a look at how the architecture of Tailwind CSS could be tuned.

Marvin Hagemeist

A New Way to Bring Garbage Collected Languages Efficiently to WebAssembly — WasmGC is a new and promising way to implement GC languages in WebAssembly and it’s now enabled by default in Chrome.

Alon Zakai (V8)

Generally Awesome UI Components For Project Management and Scheduling — Level up your UX with advanced data grids, calendars, schedulers, and Gantt charts.

Bryntum sponsor

▶  Your Website Does Not Need JavaScript — An hour long talk in which Amy builds a completely static website — using a collection of HTML and CSS files with no tracking, no scripting, no servers, and no third-party resources.

Amy Kapernick

Building a Generic RSS Parser Service with Cloudflare Workers — Ray walks through various iterations and improvements in trying to build an RSS parser that can work in the Workers environment.

Raymond Camden

Can Next.js Handle 5000 Pages? — Christian set out to push both Next.js and AWS Amplify hard. A good read.

Christian Nwamba

🗣 Is Express Still the ‘De-Facto’ Choice for Building Node.js Webapps?

Hacker News

🛠 Code & Tools

Svelte Flow: Node-Based UI for Svelte — From the creators of React Flow comes a Svelte version in the shape of a customizable Svelte component for building node-based editors and interactive diagrams. Check out the examples.

webkid GmbH

Docusaurus 3.0: Meta’s Static Site GeneratorDocusaurus is a popular React-powered tool aimed at building documentation sites, though it handles more general sites too. v3 features an upgrade to MDX v3, React 18, Mermaid v10, and essentially updates everything.

Sébastien Lorber

Get Logged Values Right Where You Need Them: In Your Editor — Simply start your editor, and your development server/test runner in watch mode, and see values next to your code. No setup required.

Wallaby Team sponsor

Hotkey 2.2: Declarative Keyboard Shortcuts for HTML — Set a data-hotkey attribute on your elements to quickly add keyboard shortcuts. v2.2 improves Mac alt/option support.


Is Text or Binary? 7.0 — This library first tries to determine from a filename if the contents of the associated file are likely to be binary or text. Failing that, it can then look at the actual data to figure it out.


<browser-window>: A Web Component to Create Pretend Browser Windows on the Web — A lightweight themed zero-dependency web component wrapper to emulate a Safari-like browser window within a Web page. The page full of demos might give you some ideas for its use.

Zach Leatherman

Add Authorization, MFA, Biometrics to Your JavaScript App in Minutes

FusionAuth sponsor

lossless-json: Parse JSON Without Losing Numeric Information — JSON.parse can trip over when it comes to large numbers, so this library parses numeric values not as regular numbers but in a lightweight lossless way keeping the value as a string.

Jos de Jong

Vueform: An Open Source Form Framework for Vue.js — This has been around for a while but is now MIT licensed. Its ancillary form builder app stays commercial, but isn’t mandatory for using the library. GitHub repo.


sweetalert2 v11.9 – Customizable, accessible replacement for alert()

YouTube.js 7.0 – Wrapper around YouTube’s internal API.

eslint-plugin-unicorn 49 – Over 100 useful ESLint rules.


“If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter how fast it doesn’t work.”

Mich Ravera

💛 And something else we love

Val Town 3.0: A Social Way to Write and Deploy TypeScript“If GitHub Gists Could Run, and AWS Lambda Were Fun” is a fantastic description for this online platform where you write tiny bite size functions (‘val’s) to be run in V8 isolates. You can connect them together, schedule them, serve them up over HTTP, and more. Version 3 is a big jump for the platform, adding JSX support, more standardized JavaScript approaches to solving problems, and the ability to edit and run your ‘vals’ locally.

Steve Krouse

Playwright now offers a UI mode

#​631 — March 24, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Speeding Up the JavaScript Ecosystem: npm Scripts — The latest in what has been a fascinating series on finding ‘low hanging fruit’ when it comes to performance in the JavaScript world. The author explains it best himself:

“‘npm scripts’ are executed by JavaScript developers … all the time. Despite their high usage they are not particularly well optimized and add about 400ms of overhead. In this article we were able to bring that down to ~22ms.”
What Marvin does here is a valuable skill for all developers to pick up, and you can enjoy more by going back to the start.

Marvin Hagemeister

Playwright v1.32 – Now with UI Mode — The popular Web testing and automation framework is taking more steps toward the ground currently served by tools like Cypress by offering a ‘UI mode’ that lets you explore, run and debug tests in a UI environment, complete with watch mode. ▶️ This video provides a good introduction.


A Grid Component with All the Features & Great Performance — Try our powerful JS data grid component which lets you edit, sort, group and filter datasets with fantastic performance. Includes a TreeGrid, API docs and plenty of demos. Seamless integration with React, Angular & Vue apps.

Bryntum sponsor

Why We Added package.json Support to Deno — Deno shares some provenance with Node.js but till recently it hadn’t focused on supporting Node features like npm modules. But with Node and npm compatibility beginning to improve, the team has faced questions about the runtime’s priorities. Ryan Dahl explains more about their thinking here.

Ryan Dahl

???? In other Deno news, Deno 1.32 has been released with… improved package.json support, and more.

How to Start a React Project in 2023 — There are lots of ways, but this well-regarded author explains the pros and cons of a few approaches, and gives you a few options targeting specific use cases you might have.

Robin Wieruch


GitHub had to update its RSA SSH host key today so you may see security related warnings when pushing and cloning. It’s easy to fix, but check the new fingerprint matches – it’s for your own security.

The New Stack caught up with Svelte’s Rich Harris on SvelteKit and what’s coming for Svelte 4.

The React team shared some cutting edge updates on what they’re working on including React Server Components and an optimizing compiler.

If you were experiencing errors on the official Node site last week, here’s the (detailed) post mortem of why. Config errors and inappropriate caching, mostly.

✨ Did you know there’s a market in fake GitHub stars? Some developers analyzed some repos to learn more about it.

???? Congratulations to Lea Verou on her TC39 appointment9. Her efforts to push the Web forward are legendary. Prism is one project you may be aware of.

Make your opinions known on what should be in the next version of Vite.


Docusaurus 2.4
↳ Easy to maintain documentation site generator.

Puppeteer 19.8
↳ Headless Chrome Node.js API.

Neutralinojs 4.11
↳ Lightweight cross-platform desktop app framework.

Qwik 0.23

???? Articles & Tutorials

Buying a Hard-to-Get Bicycle using Playwright — An unusual use case for JavaScript, Playwright, and GitHub Actions, but Maciek managed to buy his bike.

Maciek Palmowski

Snyk Top 10: JavaScript OSS Vulnerabilities — Dive into the most prevalent critical and high open source vulnerabilities found by Snyk scans of JavaScript apps in 2022.

Snyk sponsor

The ‘End’ of Front-End Development? — A recent narrative doing the rounds suggests that large language models like GPT-4 (or even tools like Copilot X) could soon put some developers out of a job — however, Josh is “optimistic about what these AI advancements mean for the future of software development”.

Josh W. Comeau

In related news, Eric Elliott put ChatGPT through its paces to see if it would make for a good JavaScript tutor. It did well, though with mixed results.

Migrating from ts-node to Bun — A look at adopting performance-oriented Bun when you’re used to using TypeScript with Node.js. John runs us through porting a console app from the ts-node approach over to Bun — “a pretty easy process,” he says.

John Reilly

▶  A Pinia Crash Course for BeginnersPinia is a store / state management solution for Vue that does believe in pineapple on pizza.

Alexander Gekov

A Practical Guide to Getting Started with Astro — An extensive walkthrough of Astro that covers all the topics you’ll need to get you started.

Mojtaba Seyedi

???? Test Website Speed Continuously and Rank Higher In Google — You need a fast website to make users happy and meet Google’s Core Web Vitals metrics. Test and optimize with DebugBear.

DebugBear sponsor

Automatic npm Publishing with GitHub Actions and Granular Tokens

Tim Perry

Make Sure You Do This Before Switching to Signals in Angular

Jordan Powell

Six CSS Snippets Every Developer Should Know

Adam Argyle (Google)

???? Code & Tools Easy Webperf Trace Sharing — A quick way to share a performance profile saved from your DevTools, available for up to 90 days with the DevTools perf panel embedded (see example).

paul irish

VueUse: A Collection of Vue Composition Utilities — With over 200 functions targeting both Vue 2 and 3, there’ll be something in this suite of Composition API-based utility functions for you, whether it’s working with state, browser capabilities, animations, Electron, Firebase, and more.

Anthony Fu

Don’t Let Your Issue Tracker Be a Four-Letter Word. Use Shortcut

Shortcut (formerly sponsor

OTPAuth: One Time Password (HOTP/TOTP) Library — When you log in to a site that uses 2FA and you’re asked for some digits from an authentication app, that’s probably a Time-based One-Time Password (or TOTP). This library for Node, Deno, Bun and the browser lets you work with TOTPs and HOTPs from JS.

Héctor Molinero Fernández

Recharts 2.5: Chart Library Built with React and D3 — Easy to deploy with declarative components, native SVG support, and lightweight dependency on D3. Line, bar, scatter, composed, pie, and radar charts are offered. There are lots of examples, complete with code.


DOCX 8.0: Generate Word .docx Files from JavaScript — The code to lay out documents is verbose but there’s a lot of functionality. Here’s a CodePen example and release notesGitHub repo.

Dolan Miu

SvHighlight: Code Syntax Highlighter for Svelte — Powered by Highlight.js, it includes a blurring feature to focus attention on specific areas of code and you an customize it with Tailwind. Try the interactive examples to see the effect.


eslint-formatter-pretty 5.0: Pretty ESLint Formatter — Nicer output than the default. Sort results by severity. Get stylized inline code blocks, and more.

Sindre Sorhus

AWS JWT Verify: Verify JWTs Signed by Amazon Cognito — In both Node.js and the browser.

Amazon Web Services

???? Jobs

Software Engineer (Backend) — Join our “kick ass” team. Our software team operates from 17 countries and we’re always looking for more exceptional engineers.

Sticker Mule

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


????‍???? Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.

melonJS 15.0
↳ Mature HTML5 game engine.

Marked 4.3
↳ Markdown parser and compiler. (Demo.)

v8go 0.9
↳ Execute JavaScript from Go(lang).

Million 2.1
↳ Fast Virtual DOM to make React faster.

Partytown 0.7.6
↳ Take third-party scripts off the main thread.

???? Bonus Item

Make Bookmarklets — Create and test bookmarklets directly in the browser. Makes an irritating task slightly easier if you need to do it.

Cullan Luther