JavaScript on your schedule

#​633 — April 6, 2023

Read on the Web

❓ JavaScript Weekly on a Thursday? It’s true. As well as it being Good Friday tomorrow, we’ve decided to move to Thursday permanently going forward. We hope you have a good Easter, if you celebrate it, otherwise enjoy one fewer email on Fridays ????
Your editor, Peter Cooper

JavaScript Weekly

Croner: Cron for JavaScript and TypeScript — Trigger functions upon the schedule of your choice using the classic cron syntax. Works in Node, Deno, Bun and the browser, across time zones, offers error handling and overrun protection, and more. There’s an interesting live demo on JSFiddle.


▶️ JSON vs XML with Douglas Crockford — The author of 2008’s hugely popular JavaScript: The Good Parts went on a podcast to share the story of JSON, his discovery of JavaScript’s ‘good parts’, and his general approach to building software, including his dislike of JavaScript ‘frameworks.’ There’s a transcript if you’re not keen on listening. (50 minutes.)

CoRecursive Podcast podcast

Headless CMS with World-Class TypeScript Support — is the leading platform for modular content. Streamline your code using TypeScript SDK, CLI, Rich text resolver, and strongly typed model generator. Scale with no problems when your project grows. Have you seen our UI? sponsor

The Angular Signals RFC — There’s a lot of excitement about a shift in Angular involving the addition of signals as a reactive primitive – the official RFC is now available for this feature, and you’re encouraged to leave comments. If you’d rather see a practical use for signals, Joshua Morony recorded ▶️ a screencast showing them off.

Angular Team

Over 100 Algorithms and Data Structures Demonstrated in JS — Examples of many common algorithms (e.g. bit manipulation, Pascal’s triangle, Hamming distance) and data structures (e.g. linked lists, tries, graphs) with explanations.

Oleksii Trekhleb et al.


Laurie Voss looks at the most popular frameworks used in sites deployed to Netlify. React-based options lead the way.

Oliver Dunk of the Chrome Extensions Team has posted an update on the Manifest V2 to Manifest V3 transition – it’s taking longer than expected so Manifest V2 isn’t disappearing any time soon.

V8 v11.2 is shipping with support for WebAssembly tail calls.

With Chrome 113, Chrome is now shipping support for WebGPU.

A look at how Microsoft’s Blazor (a stack aimed at building front-end apps with C#) is skirting around JavaScript with its focus on WebAssembly.

JSDayIE 2023: The First JavaScript Conference in Ireland Is Back! — Join us on September 26th in Dublin to experience everything the Irish JavaScript community and Ireland have to offer.

JSDayIE sponsor


Electron 24.0 – Complete with Chromium 112, V8 11.2, and Node 18.14.

Storybook 7.0 – Though still tagged ‘next’ and pending a proper launch.

Storybook for React Native 6.5

WebStorm 2023.1 – Commercial JS IDE from JetBrains.

Rete.js 2.0 Beta – Framework for building node-based editors.

???? Articles & Tutorials

Making a Big, Slow Vue/Alpine Page ‘Blazingly’ Fast — A practical example of a pattern the author is billing a “reactive switchboard.” “I’m going to use Vue/Alpine lingo in this article, but I think this pattern applies to lots of different tools.”

Caleb Porzio

▶  Watch Dan Abramov Explore React Server Components — At an epic (though well timestamped) four hours, this isn’t a quick watch, but Dan and Ben Holmes walk through everything React Server Components oriented, complete with diagrams, code, and a real-world app.

Ben Holmes

Getting PWAs in App Stores with PWABuilder — Thomas Steiner demonstrates how PWABuilder makes it possible to submit Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) to app stores like those provided by Google, Apple, and Microsoft.

Thomas Steiner (Google)

Add a Full-Featured Notification Center to Your App in Minutes sponsor

What Are Source Maps? — Learn how source maps can help you debug your original code instead of what was actually deployed after the build process.

Sofia Emelianova (Chrome Developers)

How I Used ChatGPT in My JavaScript Projects

James Q Quick

???? Code & Tools

Relaunching JSPM CLI for Import Map Package Management — Several years ago when JS had numerous competing module formats, JSPM was a useful package manager atop SystemJS, but now it’s being relaunched as an import map package management tool.

Guy Bedford

Chrome Extension CLI 1.4: CLI for Building Chrome Extensions — Want to get building an extension for Chrome as quickly as possible? This Node-powered tool aims to get you on the right path ASAP. v1.4 adds a script to generate a ZIP file (also known as a ‘postcode file’ at Microsoft UK? ????) of the extension.

Dutiyesh Salunkhe

React Chrono 2: A Flexible Timeline Component — A complete overhaul of a popular component. You can render themeable timelines in vertical, horizontal, or vertical alternating orientations. It includes keyboard navigation support, auto advancement, and, as of v2, support for nested timelines.

Prabhu Murthy

Dynaboard: A Visual Web App IDE Made for Developers — Build high performance public and private web applications in a collaborative — full-stack — development environment.

Dynaboard sponsor

Jampack: A Post-Processing Tool to Optimize Static Websites — Similar to a bundler or build tool, with features like image optimization, asset compression, and some code auto-fixes — all amounting to strong Core Web Vitals scores.


imask.js 6.5.0: A Vanilla JavaScript Input Mask — Prevent users from entering invalid values. Has plugins for Vue, Angular, React, Svelte, and Solid, if needed.


tween.js 19.0
↳ JS tweening engine for easy animations.

Swiper 9.2
↳ Modern mobile-friendly touch slider.

gridstack.js 7.3
↳ Dashboard layout and creation framework.

ReacType 15.0
↳ Visual prototyping tool that can export React apps.

xstyled 3.8
↳ Utility-first CSS-in-JS framework for React.

Spacetime 7.4.2
↳ Lightweight timezone library.

???? Jobs

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


Full Stack JavaScript Engineer @ Emerging Cybersecurity Startup — Small team/big results. Fun + flexible + always interesting. Come build our award-winning, all-in-one cybersecurity platform.


????‍???? Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.

???? Wise Words of the Week

A reminder from Vue.js’s Evan You that we live in a vast and varied world, including in the JavaScript ecosystem:

Playwright now offers a UI mode

#​631 — March 24, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Speeding Up the JavaScript Ecosystem: npm Scripts — The latest in what has been a fascinating series on finding ‘low hanging fruit’ when it comes to performance in the JavaScript world. The author explains it best himself:

“‘npm scripts’ are executed by JavaScript developers … all the time. Despite their high usage they are not particularly well optimized and add about 400ms of overhead. In this article we were able to bring that down to ~22ms.”
What Marvin does here is a valuable skill for all developers to pick up, and you can enjoy more by going back to the start.

Marvin Hagemeister

Playwright v1.32 – Now with UI Mode — The popular Web testing and automation framework is taking more steps toward the ground currently served by tools like Cypress by offering a ‘UI mode’ that lets you explore, run and debug tests in a UI environment, complete with watch mode. ▶️ This video provides a good introduction.


A Grid Component with All the Features & Great Performance — Try our powerful JS data grid component which lets you edit, sort, group and filter datasets with fantastic performance. Includes a TreeGrid, API docs and plenty of demos. Seamless integration with React, Angular & Vue apps.

Bryntum sponsor

Why We Added package.json Support to Deno — Deno shares some provenance with Node.js but till recently it hadn’t focused on supporting Node features like npm modules. But with Node and npm compatibility beginning to improve, the team has faced questions about the runtime’s priorities. Ryan Dahl explains more about their thinking here.

Ryan Dahl

???? In other Deno news, Deno 1.32 has been released with… improved package.json support, and more.

How to Start a React Project in 2023 — There are lots of ways, but this well-regarded author explains the pros and cons of a few approaches, and gives you a few options targeting specific use cases you might have.

Robin Wieruch


GitHub had to update its RSA SSH host key today so you may see security related warnings when pushing and cloning. It’s easy to fix, but check the new fingerprint matches – it’s for your own security.

The New Stack caught up with Svelte’s Rich Harris on SvelteKit and what’s coming for Svelte 4.

The React team shared some cutting edge updates on what they’re working on including React Server Components and an optimizing compiler.

If you were experiencing errors on the official Node site last week, here’s the (detailed) post mortem of why. Config errors and inappropriate caching, mostly.

✨ Did you know there’s a market in fake GitHub stars? Some developers analyzed some repos to learn more about it.

???? Congratulations to Lea Verou on her TC39 appointment9. Her efforts to push the Web forward are legendary. Prism is one project you may be aware of.

Make your opinions known on what should be in the next version of Vite.


Docusaurus 2.4
↳ Easy to maintain documentation site generator.

Puppeteer 19.8
↳ Headless Chrome Node.js API.

Neutralinojs 4.11
↳ Lightweight cross-platform desktop app framework.

Qwik 0.23

???? Articles & Tutorials

Buying a Hard-to-Get Bicycle using Playwright — An unusual use case for JavaScript, Playwright, and GitHub Actions, but Maciek managed to buy his bike.

Maciek Palmowski

Snyk Top 10: JavaScript OSS Vulnerabilities — Dive into the most prevalent critical and high open source vulnerabilities found by Snyk scans of JavaScript apps in 2022.

Snyk sponsor

The ‘End’ of Front-End Development? — A recent narrative doing the rounds suggests that large language models like GPT-4 (or even tools like Copilot X) could soon put some developers out of a job — however, Josh is “optimistic about what these AI advancements mean for the future of software development”.

Josh W. Comeau

In related news, Eric Elliott put ChatGPT through its paces to see if it would make for a good JavaScript tutor. It did well, though with mixed results.

Migrating from ts-node to Bun — A look at adopting performance-oriented Bun when you’re used to using TypeScript with Node.js. John runs us through porting a console app from the ts-node approach over to Bun — “a pretty easy process,” he says.

John Reilly

▶  A Pinia Crash Course for BeginnersPinia is a store / state management solution for Vue that does believe in pineapple on pizza.

Alexander Gekov

A Practical Guide to Getting Started with Astro — An extensive walkthrough of Astro that covers all the topics you’ll need to get you started.

Mojtaba Seyedi

???? Test Website Speed Continuously and Rank Higher In Google — You need a fast website to make users happy and meet Google’s Core Web Vitals metrics. Test and optimize with DebugBear.

DebugBear sponsor

Automatic npm Publishing with GitHub Actions and Granular Tokens

Tim Perry

Make Sure You Do This Before Switching to Signals in Angular

Jordan Powell

Six CSS Snippets Every Developer Should Know

Adam Argyle (Google)

???? Code & Tools Easy Webperf Trace Sharing — A quick way to share a performance profile saved from your DevTools, available for up to 90 days with the DevTools perf panel embedded (see example).

paul irish

VueUse: A Collection of Vue Composition Utilities — With over 200 functions targeting both Vue 2 and 3, there’ll be something in this suite of Composition API-based utility functions for you, whether it’s working with state, browser capabilities, animations, Electron, Firebase, and more.

Anthony Fu

Don’t Let Your Issue Tracker Be a Four-Letter Word. Use Shortcut

Shortcut (formerly sponsor

OTPAuth: One Time Password (HOTP/TOTP) Library — When you log in to a site that uses 2FA and you’re asked for some digits from an authentication app, that’s probably a Time-based One-Time Password (or TOTP). This library for Node, Deno, Bun and the browser lets you work with TOTPs and HOTPs from JS.

Héctor Molinero Fernández

Recharts 2.5: Chart Library Built with React and D3 — Easy to deploy with declarative components, native SVG support, and lightweight dependency on D3. Line, bar, scatter, composed, pie, and radar charts are offered. There are lots of examples, complete with code.


DOCX 8.0: Generate Word .docx Files from JavaScript — The code to lay out documents is verbose but there’s a lot of functionality. Here’s a CodePen example and release notesGitHub repo.

Dolan Miu

SvHighlight: Code Syntax Highlighter for Svelte — Powered by Highlight.js, it includes a blurring feature to focus attention on specific areas of code and you an customize it with Tailwind. Try the interactive examples to see the effect.


eslint-formatter-pretty 5.0: Pretty ESLint Formatter — Nicer output than the default. Sort results by severity. Get stylized inline code blocks, and more.

Sindre Sorhus

AWS JWT Verify: Verify JWTs Signed by Amazon Cognito — In both Node.js and the browser.

Amazon Web Services

???? Jobs

Software Engineer (Backend) — Join our “kick ass” team. Our software team operates from 17 countries and we’re always looking for more exceptional engineers.

Sticker Mule

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.


????‍???? Got a job listing to share? Here’s how.

melonJS 15.0
↳ Mature HTML5 game engine.

Marked 4.3
↳ Markdown parser and compiler. (Demo.)

v8go 0.9
↳ Execute JavaScript from Go(lang).

Million 2.1
↳ Fast Virtual DOM to make React faster.

Partytown 0.7.6
↳ Take third-party scripts off the main thread.

???? Bonus Item

Make Bookmarklets — Create and test bookmarklets directly in the browser. Makes an irritating task slightly easier if you need to do it.

Cullan Luther

JavaScript sans build systems?

#​626 — February 17, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Writing JavaScript Without a Build System — Using a variety of build tools for things like bundling and transpiling is reasonably standard in modern JavaScript development, but what if you want to keep things simple? For simple things, it’s not necessary, says Julia. This led to a lot of discussion on Hacker News.

Julia Evans

Ryan Dahl, Node.js Creator, Wants to Rebuild the Runtime of the Web — A neat bit of journalism about the alternative JavaScript runtime Deno and what Ryan Dahl is trying to achieve with it and how Ryan handled the stress of being known as the creator of Node.js.

Harry Spitzer / Sequoia

Broadcasting a Live Stream With Nothing but JavaScript — Live streams typically use third-party software to broadcast, but with Amazon Interactive Video Service, you can build a powerful, interactive broadcasting interface with the Web Broadcast SDK and JavaScript. Click here to learn more.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) sponsor

core-js’s Maintainer Complains Open Source Is ‘Broken’core-js is a popular universal polyfill for JavaScript features and its author has run into his fair share of bad luck which has culminated in this lengthy post on the state of the project, his issues in securing an income and, well, the downsides to living in Russia. The Register has tried to balance out the story.

The Register


🐒 The just released Firefox 110 for Android now supports Tampermonkey, an extension for running JavaScript ‘userscripts’ on sites you visit.

The Angular project is taking steps to revamp its reactivity model to enable fine-grained change detection via signals.

The latest beta of iOS and iPadOS 16.4 supports the Web Push API for home screen webapps.

🐦 A fun Twitter thread where Qwik’s Miško Hevery attempted to demonstrate why a = 0-x is about 3-10x faster than a = -x before being told about a flaw in his benchmark. There is still a performance difference, though.

▶️ The React.js documentary we mentioned last week has now been released and it’s a heck of a watch – you’ll need 78 minutes of your time though.


Node.js 19.6.1, 18.14.1, 16.19.1 and 14.21.3.

JavaScript Obfuscator 4.0 – Code scrambler.

Shoelace 2.1
↳ Framework agnostic Web components.

Mermaid 9.4
↳ Text to diagram generator. Now with timeline diagram support.

Cypress 12.6

📒 Articles & Tutorials

Use a MutationObserver to Handle DOM Nodes that Don’t Exist Yet — Comparing the effectiveness of the MutationObserver API with the conventional method of constantly checking for the creation of nodes.

Alex MacArthur

Well-Known Symbols in JavaScript — Hemanth, a TC39 delegate, shows off 14 symbols and where they can come in useful.

Hemanth HM

🚀 Monitor and Optimize Website Speed to Rank Higher in Google — Monitor Google’s Core Web Vitals and optimize performance using in-depth reports built for developers. Improve SEO & UX.

DebugBear sponsor

Why to Use Maps More and Objects Less — A journey down a performance rabbit hole.

Steve Sewell

Adopting React in the Early Days — A personal history lesson providing context around React’s evolution. While React might be an obvious, even safe, choice now, that wasn’t always true.

Sébastien Lorber

An Animated Flythrough with Theatre.js and React Three Fiber — How to fly through a 3D scene using the Theatre.js JavaScript animation library and the React Three Fiber 3D renderer. This is the sort of thing that used to be Very Difficult™ but is now relatively trivial.

Andrew Prifer (Codrops)

How to Change the Tab Bar Color Dynamically with JavaScript

Amit Merchant

Is Deno Ready for Primetime? One Dev’s Opinion

Max Countryman

Using Playwright to Monitor Third-Party Resources That Could Impact User Experience

Stefan Judis

🛠 Code & Tools

Dependency Cruiser: Validate and Visualize JavaScript Dependencies — If you want a look at the output, there’s a whole page of graphs for popular, real world projects including Chalk, Yarn, and React.

Sander Verweij

Devalue: Like JSON.stringify, But..“Gets the job done when JSON.stringify can’t.” Namely, it can handle cyclical and repeated references, regular expressions, Map and Set, custom types, and more.

Rich Harris

🧡 JavaScript Scratchpad for VS Code (2m+ Downloads) — Get Quokka.js ‘Community’ for free: #1 tool for exploring/testing JavaScript with edit-continue experience to see realtime execution and runtime values.

Wallaby.js sponsor

NodeGUI: Build Native Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with Node.js — Unlike Electron which leans upon webviews and HTML, NodeGui uses a Qt based approach. This week’s 0.58.0 release is the first stable release based on Qt 6 and offering high DPI support.


DOMPurify 3.0: Fast, Tolerant XSS Sanitizer for HTML and SVG — A project that’s nine years old today but still actively developed. Supports all modern browsers (IE support was only just dropped) and is heavily tested. There’s a live demo here.


Pythagora: Generate Express Integration Tests by Recording Activity — This is a neat idea still in its early stages. Add a line of code after setting up an Express.js app and this will capture app usage and generate integration tests based on the interactions. (▶️ Screencast demo.)

zvone187 and LeonOstrez

Try Stream’s Free Trial of SDKs for In-App Chat

Stream sponsor Search Code Across a Half Million GitHub Repos — A code search engine that lets you use regexes or syntax in your search. Considering what it is, it’s pretty fast and has an extensive index (over half a million public repos from GitHub, allegedly).

tsParticles: Particles, Confetti and Fireworks for Your Pages — Create customizable particle related effects for use on the Web. Uses the regular 2D canvas for broad support.

Matteo Bruni

💻 Jobs

Software Engineer — Join our happy team. Stimulus is a social platform started by Sticker Mule to show what’s possible if your mission is to increase human happiness.


Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.



Minimatch 6.2
↳ Glob matcher library, as used in npm.
    minimatch(“”, “*.foo”)

React Accordion 1.2
↳ Unstyled WAI-ARIA-compliant accordion library.

ScrollTrigger 1.0.6
↳ Have your page react to scroll changes.

VeeValidate 4.7.4
↳ Popular Vue.js form library

Express Admin 2.0
↳ Admin interface for data in MySQL/Postgres/SQLite.

Execa 7.0
↳ Improved process execution from Node.js.

React Tooltip 5.8

Interview With Italo José Core committer at @herbsjs

@ItaloJosé is Microsoft MVP in the Node.js category and works at NodeSource as a Software Engineer; He organizes CityJS Brazil.

We are thrilled to be part of developing powerful tools like N|Solid. We are immensely proud of our engineers who have dedicated their time and expertise to support the open-source ecosystem. This is our way of giving voice and visibility to the projects they are passionate about.

We want to recognize Italo José’s work with Herb.js on this occasion. He has been working on the Herbs.js project since 2020, where he developed the initial versions of the CLI, made significant contributions to numerous repositories, and mentored new contributors.

NS: What benefits does Herbs.js provide?

IJ: Different from other frameworks that help you to write a better infrastructure layer, like the API, database layer, documentation, and tests. The Herbs.js want to help you avoid writing it and focus on what matters, the domain’s code. How do we do it? We read your use case and provide you with the infrastructure; this way, you can save more than 50% of the time developing a server-side application.

It’s good for the business and developers that will stop writing boring and repetitive code for every project.

NS: How can I use Herbs.js to improve my development process?

IJ: The first step is writing your entities and use cases using the @herbsjs/herbs library, besides you have a more organized and readable use cases’ code. After that, you can add our glues(other libraries) that will read your use case and provide you the infrastructure code like rest or GraphQL APIs, documentation, repositories layer and more.

NS: What are the most popular features of Herbs.js?

IJ: Our CLI, the herbs2rest libraries.
The CLI, you know, helps you to generate and maintain a project using the Herbs.js. The herbs shelf reads your use cases and provides human documentation (this is my favorite).

The herbs2rest plugin reads your use case and provides a configured express instance containing all endpoints, an error handling layer, and auth layer for you.

These are the three most popular, but we have plugins for GraphQL, databases, tests, and more.

NS: How does Herbs.js simplify the development process?

IJ: Besidesprevents you writing 80% of the infrastructure code; we provide you with and structured way to write the use cases that allow you to maintain your code self-documented and organized in steps; it’s interesting because this way, new developers and non-developers can understand in a fast way what is happening in your code, it allows for example, project owners validate your use case rule for going to production.

Besides, we save time by avoiding writing the “repetitive” infrastructure code in all projects in our lives.

NS: How user-friendly is Herbs.js?

IJ: It’s pretty simple; as I mentioned in question 2, you write your entities and use case using the @herbsjs/herbs, and after that, just pass it for the glues, so the magic happens.

We assume you want to know more about this project. In that case, we invite you to review this amazing keynote that Italo left for the Community at CityJS Conference: Do you really code domain-oriented systems?

Want to contribute to an OS Project?

At NodeSource we released a project to compare the main APMs and thus help developers make decisions with real data. Here you can view the project and contribute directly to our GitHub repository.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or on Twitter @nodesource. To get the best out of Node.js, try N|Solid SaaS #KnowYourNode

Java-Script Jarre

#​621 — January 13, 2023

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

The State of JS 2022The State of JS is one of the JavaScript ecosystem’s most popular surveys and this time 39,471 folks took part giving us a snapshot of the tools, technologies, and language features people are using (or not using!) There’s a lot to go through, but here are some key points:

top-level await is the most newly adopted feature recently.
The JavaScript / TypeScript balance shows a majority of developers using TypeScript over JS.
Express remains by far the most popular backend framework with Nest, Fastify, Strapi, and Koa following somewhat behind.
Other interesting results can be found in JS pain points, what is currently missing from JS, and the ‘Awards’ for stand out items (complete with snazzy visual effects).


🧈 Retire your Legacy CMS with ButterCMS — ButterCMS is your new content backend. We’re SaaS so we host, maintain, and scale the CMS. Enable your marketing team to update website + app content without needing you. Try the #1 rated SaaS Headless CMS for your JS app today. Free for 30 days.

🧈 ButterCMS sponsor

🗣 Is TypeScript Worth It? — Time saver or waste of time? The relationship between TypeScript and JavaScript remains a complex one. An extensive discussion took place on Hacker News this week and, notably, TypeScript PM Daniel Rosenwasser popped up to respond to some of the concerns.

Hacker News


You’ll be aware of JavaScript’s strict mode but one developer thinks we need a stricter mode to fix several other syntax issues.

Publint is an online tool for ‘linting’ live npm packages to see if they are packaged correctly, as a way to ensure maximum compatibility across environments.


Node v19.4.0 and v18.13.0 (LTS)

Commander.js 9.5
↳ Node.js command-line interface toolkit.

Angular 15.1

Pixi.js 7.1 – Fast 2D on WebGL engine.

📒 Articles & Tutorials

The Gotcha of Unhandled Promise Rejections — A rough edge with promises that can sneak up on you. Jake looks at a ‘gotcha’ around unhandled promise rejections and how to work around it.

Jake Archibald

HTML with Superpowers: The Guidebook — A free resource introducing Web Components, what they are, and what problems they’re trying to solve. You can see the Guidebook directly here.

Dave Rupert

With Retool You Ship Apps Fast with 100+ Perfectly Crafted UI Components — The fast way for devs to build and share internal tools. Teams at companies like Amazon, DoorDash & NBC collaborate around custom-built Retool apps to solve internal workflows.

Retool sponsor

Everything About React’s ‘Concurrent Mode’ Features — An in-depth, example-led exploration of Concurrent Mode (now more a set of features integrated into React 18 than a distinct ‘mode’).

Henrique Yuji

Using GitHub Copilot for Unit Testing? — Even if you find the idea of a AI tool like Copilot writing production code distasteful, it may have a place in speeding up writing tests.

Ianis Triandafilov

How to Destructure Props in Vue (Composition API) — How to correctly destructure props object in a Vue component while maintaining the reactivity.

Dmitri Pavlutin

Using Inline JavaScript Modules to Prevent CSS Blockage

Stoyan Stefanov

How to Build a GraphQL Server with Deno

Andy Jiang

🛠 Code & Tools

Gluon: Framework for Creating Desktop Apps from Sites — A new approach for building desktop apps on Windows and Linux from Web sites using Node (or Deno) and already installed browsers (Chromium or Firefox). Initial macOS support has just been added too.


Structura.js: Lightweight Library for Immutable State Management” It is based on the idea of structural sharing. The library is very similar to Immer.js, but it has some advantages over it.”

Giuseppe Raso

Tuple, a Lightning-Fast Pairing Tool Built for Remote Developers — High-resolution, crystal-clear screen sharing, low-latency remote control, and less CPU usage than you’d think possible.

Tuple sponsor

Bay.js: A Lightweight Library for Web Components — Makes it easy to create web components that can be reused across projects. It also boasts performant state changes and secure event binding.

Ian Dunkerley

Twify: Scaffold a Tailwind CSS Project with a Single Command — You can use your preferred package manager and it supports creating projects with Next.js, Nuxt 2/3, SvelteKit, Remix, Angular, and more.

Kazi Ahmed

Lazy Brush 2.0: A Library for Smooth Pointer Drawing — Allow your users to draw smooth curves and straight lines with your mouse, finger or any pointing device. This long standing library has just migrated to TypeScript and gained a new ‘friction’ option to customize the feel. GitHub repo.

Jan Hug

 Mafs: React Components for Interactive Math — Build interactive, animated visualizations using declarative code with illustrative demos like bezier curves. The documentation is fantastic – check out how easy it is to make plots. Or just head to the GitHub repo.

Steven Petryk

Are You Looking for a New Observability Tool?

TelemetryHub by Scout sponsor

Hyphenopoly 5.0: A Polyfill for Client-Side Hyphenation — An interesting use of WebAssembly here.

Mathias Nater

visx 3.0
↳ D3-powered visualization React components.

Atrament 3.0
↳ Library for drawing and handwriting on a canvas element.

HLS.js 1.3
↳ Library to play HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) in browsers, with MSE support.

💻 Jobs

Developer Relations Manager — Join the CKEditor team to build community around an Open Source project used by millions of users around the world 🚀


Backend Engineer, TypeScript (Berlin / Remote) — Thousands of people love our product (see Trustpilot for yourself). Join the team behind it and help us scale. 🚀


Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.


🎶 Écoute la musique..

Oxygene Pt 4, as Performed by JavaScript — This is fun. Dittytoy is a simple, JavaScript-powered online generative music tool and someone has put together a surprisingly faithful rendition of perhaps one of the best known instrumental synth songs ever, all the way from 1976.


NODE.JS Retro 2022

Node.js was the top technology used by professional developers in 2022

Stack Overflow’s annual Developer Survey confirmed our experience; Node.js continues to grow its use across the globe due to its scalability and performance as well as its ability to integrate seamlessly with a wide range of technologies and databases make it an ideal technology for businesses of all sizes.

The Node.js open-source project, a cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, allows developers to use JavaScript to create web applications and serve data quickly, securely, and reliably. That’s why professional developers have adopted it broadly; it helps them in many web-development tasks like API development, streaming, and web and mobile applications as it is fully compatible with existing JavaScript libraries (the Top Language according to Github’s Octoverse Report, it can be used to create highly scalable and dynamic web or mobile applications.

Img 1: Stackoverflow 2022 survey

NodeJS on an Enterprise Level

Node.js excels at simplifying the development process for enterprises. It requires less code to execute tasks, allowing developers to focus on creating high-quality code rather than endless lines of coding. By utilizing asynchronous I/O and non-blocking event-driven input/output makes it lightweight and efficient for building real-time applications.

Img: Node.js Org Use Survey

Node.js is designed to handle high amounts of requests quickly and efficiently. Its architecture is based on a single-threaded, event-driven model that makes it very efficient at handling concurrent requests. This event-driven design allows Node to handle requests without the need for multiple threads. This makes Node.js applications highly scalable, as multiple requests can be served without additional resources or server hardware.

Additionally, Node.js supports streaming and event-based programming, which allows developers to build asynchronous applications. Asynchronous programming will enable applications to respond quickly to multiple requests without waiting for each request to finish before responding.

Therefore the performance of Node.js applications depends mainly on how well they are coded and optimized. Careful planning and optimizing the application code are essential to achieve high performance. Additionally, Node.js applications benefit from caching, clustering, and other optimization techniques. These techniques can help improve the performance and scalability of Node.js applications.

The number one request we get at NodeSource is to help developers and organizations improve the performance of their Node.js applications. It’s a key reason we built our product N|Solid, to provide the visibility and insights to help identify and resolve issues fast without adding overhead like other APMs (NodeSource Benchmark Tool). And why we offer Professional Services from our Node Experts to go a step further with Performance Audits and Training and Node.js Support.

Optimization techniques in Node.js

In our experience, the most common optimization techniques in Node.js are caching, minification, bundling, optimizing database queries, code splitting, using async functions, and using the Node.js cluster module. Here is a quick overview of each.:


Caching in Node.js helps improve performance by storing data in memory to be accessed quickly when needed. This helps reduce the time it takes to retrieve data from the server and helps reduce the number of requests needed to be made to the server. Caching also allows data to be stored more efficiently, which is helpful for applications with large amounts of data.


In Node.js reduces the size of code files and other resources by removing unnecessary characters, such as spaces, new lines, and comments, without altering the code’s functionality. Minifying code can help to enhance the performance of your Node.js applications by reducing download time and improving browser rendering speed.


Is the process of combining multiple files or resources into one bundle, which typically has a smaller file size than when all files are separate. Bundling can reduce network latency as fewer requests are needed to retrieve data. It also helps improve application performance as the browser can cache a single large file instead of multiple small ones.

Optimizing database queries

In Node.js involves utilizing techniques such as indexing, query optimization, and caching to ensure that database queries are more efficient and run more quickly. Proper indexing can contribute to faster query times. In contrast, query optimization can reduce the time needed to process a query by ensuring that only the data required is requested from the database.

Code splitting

Is a technique to reduce the amount of code sent to the client when a web page is requested. Code splitting efficiently divides code into smaller bundles and only sends the necessary code to the user when needed. This helps improve web application performance, as the user only needs to download the relevant code for the requested page.

Async functions

In Node.js allow code to be run asynchronously, meaning that the code is not executed sequentially. Instead, asynchronous operations can be executed in parallel and execute operations concurrently. This allows the code to execute faster and in a more efficient way. Additionally, asynchronous functions provide better error-handling capabilities and allow greater control over the flow.

Use of the Node.js Cluster Module

The Node.js cluster module allows you to create a group of child processes (workers) that all share the same server port, making it easy to scale your application across multiple CPU cores. It also provides a powerful way to handle requests in a distributed manner and makes it easier to manage and monitor the performance of your application. The cluster also provides an API for sending messages between workers, allowing them to coordinate their activities.

In addition to these optimization techniques in Node.js, it is important to consider the best development practices in Node.js.

The best development practices in Node.js.for 2023


The list includes, but is not less:

Utilizing the latest version of Node.js and ensuring it is regularly updated. For your production binaries, we recommend using our distribution packages (best maintained, documented, and most used production binaries -NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions

Implementing modern patterns and techniques such as asynchronous programming and proper error handling.

Leveraging dependency management to reduce code complexity and ensure packages are up-to-date.

Adopting modular development practices to create easily reused and scaled components across projects.

Investing in automated testing to ensure quality and stability in the codebase.

Use security libraries to prevent common vulnerabilities and protect against data breaches.

Optimizing memory and resource usage to keep operating costs low.

And to comply with one or several of these good practices, it is essential to use an APM.

Using an Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Using an Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tool to monitor your Node.js application lets you gain insights into application performance and identify issues quickly. Some popular APM tools for Node.js include New Relic, AppDynamics, Datadog and N|Solid. Each tool offers performance monitoring, error tracking, and real-time analytics features.

Note: Last year, we released for the community an open-source tool to compare the main APMs in Node.js; we invite you to contribute or use it in your work.

Selecting the right APM for Node.js will depend on the specific needs of your project. However (yes, we are biased 🙂), we believe N|Solid is the best APM for Node.js is the best APM for Node.js; because it provides developers with deeper insights and key integrations and adds security features no other APM can.


Node.js is quickly becoming a popular choice for enterprise-level applications. With its lightweight architecture, scalability, and flexibility,
Node.js is an ideal language for businesses that need applications that can handle high traffic and complex data.
Node.js allows organizations to develop highly-customizable web applications that are secure, reliable, and perform well at scale.
Node.js also has a vibrant open-source community, allowing developers to easily find and use existing libraries and frameworks.

Are you creating a Node.js application?

Follow these simple steps:

Start by selecting a framework. Node.js has many available frameworks, such as Fastify, Hapi, or Koa. Choose the one that best fits the needs of your application.

Set up a package.json file to better manage your project’s dependencies.
Create a folder structure to organize the components of your application.
Structure your code into separate files as your application grows.
Write automated tests for your application.
Implement error handling for any unexpected issues.
Validate user input before handing it off to your application.
Utilize caching to improve performance.
Consider deploying
Use an APM and follow our diagnostic blog-post series (Remember that for Node.js, N|Solid is the recommended option 😉 ).

Good programming could help create a project exactly how you want. In NodeJS, there are so many open-source projects to take inspiration from.

— Wait for our list of projects and technologies in Node.js to keep an eye on in 2023 —

With services from a NodeJS expert company such as NodeSource, you could make the most of the technology’s robust features to achieve your web development goals. We will be happy to support you in your node.js journey!

Here are our channels to follow us and continue the conversation:
As always, the best place to contact us is via our website or [email protected].

About N|Solid

N|Solid is an augmented version of Node.js that includes additional features such as security, performance monitoring, and enhanced debugging tools. It’s an excellent option for projects that require robust debugging and performance capabilities.

2023 N|Solid Awards: The Top 10 Best Node.js Open Source Projects to Watch

NodeSource has been a part of the Node.js ecosystem since 2014, contributing to the open-source project, distributing binaries (over 100m annually!), providing expert Node Services, and building tooling (N|Solid) to support developers to make the best software leveraging Node.js. Every year, we look at the open-source projects we believe are the most interesting and will impact the ecosystem. This year we decided to recognize each of these projects with an award, so welcome to the first installment of the N|Solid Awards!

As the technology has become more ubiquitous in recent years, the list of Node.js projects and technologies to keep an eye on in 2023 is growing longer. As champions of Node, we are excited to see the creativity of the developers using Node.js and the positive impact the technology has in the world.

Node.js, a JavaScript open-source runtime environment, has become one of the most popular platforms for developing applications. With the rapid rise of Node.js usage, developers are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with the platform. As a result, many open-source Node.js projects are available for everyone to tinker around with.

“JavaScript is everywhere, including in 98% of the world’s websites. Representing this enormous developer ecosystem is a humbling and awesome responsibility. The work of our maintainers matters, as they keep lavaScript safe and modern for those who depend on it.” – OpenJS Foundation

Before we get to the award winners, here. A quick list of the pros and cons of Node.js:

Pros and Cons of Node.js

The pros of Node.js include the following:

Flexibility – Node.js is designed to be used with many different types of applications;
Speed – Node.js is faster than other server-side languages;
Scalability – Node.js makes it easy to scale applications;
Great ecosystems – Node.js has a large and vibrant community of developers constantly building new libraries and tools;
Async I/O – Node.js is built on the concept of asynchronous I/O, which makes it great for handling multiple requests simultaneously.
Cost savings – Node.js can reduce hosting and maintenance costs.

The cons of Node.js include the following:

Single threading – Node.js is single-threaded, which can limit performance;
Compatibility issues – As Node.js is updated, older versions may not be compatible with newer libraries and frameworks;
Lack of debugging

Skilled professionals like experienced Node.js developers require tools to get their jobs done quickly and effectively. However, it can be challenging to make the right choice from the range of options available. Node.js is known for its strong community that offers many tools. Such additions have been instrumental in contributing to the success of modern apps. To help you narrow down your choices, here are some of the top open-source projects you should keep an eye on.

The Winners of the N|Solid Award for 2023!

Selected for the project’s importance and value and the team’s outstanding effort, here are 10 of the best open-source projects (in no particular order) worth keeping an eye on…



Fastify-Vite is a minimalistic web framework designed to build modern web applications quickly. It supports React and Vue at the moment, which means you can use the same familiar components, lifecycle hooks, and other patterns. With its lightning-fast performance, developers can quickly develop, test, and deploy web applications.

Note: And if you ask, Why is fastify-vite but no vite itself? Because according to our lead engineers, it “is a game-changer in SSR” (And if we wanted to present the top 10, well, we couldn’t go on, to be honest, 😅🤷‍♀️); however, we are fans of the great work done by this project, so here: Vite itself has a special mention in our list.

And if we talk about Vite, then we cannot leave the Fastify ecosystem aside.


Fastify is an open-source web framework for Node.js that enables developers to create modern and efficient web applications quickly. It provides a great foundation to build the application logic while abstracting away much of the complexity associated with web development. Fastify has an extensive ecosystem of modules, plug-ins, and tools that can be used to improve the development process. These include web servers, logging, validation, authentication, security, routing, and more. With such a wide range of features, Fastify makes it easy to create secure, reliable, and performant web applications.


Mercurius is a Node. a js-based project focusing on bringing IoT to the edge. It is designed for distributed IoT devices and provides tools for connecting them to cloud services such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. It also supports real-time streaming, analytics, machine learning, and more. Mercurius provides an easy-to-use API that allows developers to quickly and easily interact with their devices. Furthermore, Mercurius is open-source and free to use, making it an ideal choice for developers who want to create innovative IoT solutions.


Platformatic project in Node.js is a powerful and scalable platform that enables businesses to quickly create, deploy, and manage sophisticated customer experiences using the power of AI. Node.js is used to incorporate custom logic into Platformatic’s interactive environment, allowing for a more tailored user experience for customers. Node.js is also used to provide faster performance and improved scalability across the platform, which is essential for powering high-volume customer interactions. With Node.js at its core, Platformatic project in Node.js delivers an efficient, robust, and secure customer experience.


Next.js is an open-source project used to build server-side rendered React applications. It is based on the React framework and is a popular choice for developing single-page applications. It is easy to start with Next.js, as it handles the configuration and provides built-in features such as server-side rendering, static site generation, routing, code splitting, and much more. It also enables developers to start building apps quickly and efficiently while providing a range of customization options.


Prisma is an open-source project that provides an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) for Node.js applications. It is designed to make it simpler and easier to interact with databases, reduce complexity and pain points in the development process, and help developers quickly build and deploy robust applications. Prisma provides automatic schema management, powerful data modeling, scalability, and high-performance querying.


Redwood is a full-stack JavaScript framework for building web, mobile, and desktop applications. It allows you to rapidly use modern technologies like React, Node.js, GraphQL, and TypeScript to create powerful applications with an opinionated yet extensible architecture rapidly. With Redwood, you get the best of both worlds: the robustness and scalability of a full-stack framework and the flexibility and efficiency of a modern JavaScript stack.


Nuxt is an open-source project built on Vue.js and Node.js that provides an easy-to-setup framework for server-side-rendered (Universal) or Single Page Applications (SPA). It supports Vue components and allows developers to create custom projects from scratch or pre-made templates. Nuxt comes with integrated routing, code-splitting, and hot module reloading out of the box and also provides features such as custom layouts, meta tags management, and server middleware.


Strapi is an open-source Node.js project that allows developers to create and manage their own API’s with ease. It provides a RESTful API structure and a customizable admin panel that will enable users to manage content and users easily. Additionally, it supports multiple databases and can be easily extended with plug-ins. Strapi provides an intuitive user experience and allows for rapid development of web applications.


Herbs.js is a Node.js project that helps developers streamline the development process by allowing them to quickly and easily create Node.js applications with the help of various pre-defined tools, libraries, and modules. It provides a wide range of features, such as code syntax highlighting, modular components, integrated debugging and testing, and a streamlined build process. It also offers a convenient command-line interface for creating and managing a Node.js project.


PNPM is an advanced package manager for node.js. It is optimized for performance and focuses on being a minimal footprint and making dependency resolution faster by creating a hard link, symlink, or cloning the dependencies into the local project. It also features an automated garbage collection system that detects and removes unnecessary packages. PNPM is designed to create reproducible and reliable builds. It utilizes a deterministic package-lock file to ensure that the same version of all required packages is installed on each machine.

Congratulations to the projects and their teams, you are doing truly incredible work, and we are excited to see what you do throughout the year! If you would like to nominate a project for the N|Solid Award, reach out to our community team at [email protected] and tell us why!

Why Choose N|Solid on top of Node.js?

Companies and developers looking for an enterprise-grade Node.js platform should consider N|Solid due to its superior performance and scalability. N|Solid delivers up to 10x better performance than most other Node.js production platforms and offers a range of tools to help developers scale their applications quickly and easily.

Additionally, N|Solid solves the problem of missing debugging capabilities, offering advanced insights, profiling capabilities, and real-time monitoring with built-in alerting, so developers can quickly identify and fix issues. It also includes a range of additional features, such as progressive deployments, automated patching, secure log data transmission, and more. Read about the top ten features in N|Solid here!


Node.js is a powerful platform that can help you create the project of your dreams. With plenty of open-source projects available, you can find solutions to develop exceptional applications. From the top ten NodeJS open-source projects, you have the opportunity to try out something new or contribute actively.

It is possible to get overwhelmed by all the options, but this is a fantastic opportunity to build and experiment with the tools you need.

Please help us to reach more people and support use cases in Node.js. We care about the Node.js community! Happy to connect with you on




You’re welcome to explore, read, and participate in the Node.js Project.
We proudly support Node.js Binary Distributions since 2014. 💚